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Everything posted by elkhartjim

  1. There is a rod in the latching mechanism that has come off. You will need to be inside to open and work on the door. Contact Fleetwood and they will send you information on how to repair the door latch on your 2004 Fleetwood Revolution but you first must get inside. The door will open from the inside once you're in there. If you have a window that is fogged, that is the window I would break. As a side note, I always leave one window unlocked for these just in case moments.
  2. Thanks, Carl. Number one rule of leadership, never do a job that someone else will volunteer to do for you. Whats wrong with calling this week? Again you're right, Moscow or at least the one in Texas is lots closer than Oregon.
  3. Yes there are....and your point is?
  4. I also use Shell Rotella in my genset and Cummins engine.
  5. I'll try that, Brett. I guess I pretty much highjacked the OP's thread; oh well, apparently another one time poster.
  6. Thanks, Tireman, I have my axle weights and have my pressures set accordingly. As I said previously, I just would like to confirm I'm not too far out of balance weight wise.
  7. LOL...thanks Kay but there isn't a whole lot of pulp wooding going on in the Texas hill country. Brett, I feel pretty confident my weight is fairly well balanced but its one of those things I'm anal about. I'll hopefully run across a scale some day that I can get the corners or drive to the Escapees in Livingston.
  8. Thanks, Brett. I have the axle weights but I would like to confirm I'm not something like 30/70. Using your 45/55 ratio, would that apply for the tag also?
  9. I want to get four corner weights and so far I've not found a place in central Texas to do that. There are lots of scales but they all have bollards placed close to the scale edges. Any suggestions? And no, I'm not driving to Oregon.
  10. That would be a nice list to have.
  11. What chassis? How did FMCA or Good Sam recommend this shop to you?
  12. Copied from their website: EXCHANGE PROGRAM: This program applies to original purchaser only. This program is not transferable. A new M&G brake cylinder may be purchased at a discounted price to fit a new towed vehicle. When you purchase a new towed vehicle and your M&G cylinder will not transfer or fit the new towed vehicle, simply call M&G and purchase new M&G cylinder with a credit card for the full retail price. M&G will ship to you the new cylinder with a pre-printed UPS return label. Return the old cylinder to M&G. After M&G receives the exchange cylinder, we will credit your credit card $180. Therefore, the exchange price will be the difference plus freight when the cylinder is returned to M&G.
  13. Its very easy to remove, especially on a 2001 Jeep because you have plenty of room to work.
  14. Just remember, Carl, you can take a Texan out of Texas but you'll never take the Texan out of a Texan. 58 degrees at Canyon Lake this morning.
  15. Next time save yourself some money. If you have limited DIY skills and a few tools you can do this yourself. DIY service kit $249.99. http://www.aquahot.com/products/rv/Annual-Service-Kits.aspx I can be sitting very close my exhaust I can't smell a thing. If your neighbors are getting a smell in their window something is wrong with your unit.
  16. I have it on good authority, you all failed the test.
  17. Oh! You're probably right, Carl. How do you like this hill country weather this morning?
  18. Look here. http://www.remcoindustries.com/Towing/product.php?f=lubePumpKit.php http://www.remcoindustries.com/Towing/Store.php
  19. No problem whatsoever until your state tax man comes a calling. Penalty, interest, fine and the 6% tax can add up to a pretty hefty sum.
  20. Not at all, Joan. I'm not sure what your issues were with signing in and posting but I'm glad you've been able to finally get past the gremlins. Since I was the original poster of this thread, I'll simply say its the poster that post one time and many of us spend time responded and they never sign back in. Those were the posters I was referring to. As an example, a posters posts "I'm stuck in a campground because I can't get my jacks up". First thing I do is start asking questions like what kind of jacks do you have, manufacturer, make, model and year of your coach. Others may post shot in the dark solutions while days go by and the original poster never comes back. Assumption is they were able to get'er done. Again, my original post was not aimed at you or for that matter it was not intended for anyone in particular, just the one post poster. In my opinion, the best part of this forum is the learning from each other. If the poster never comes back with that worked or that didn't work, how do any of us learn what works and what doesn't. I'm glad you maiden trip was a success and I hope we get to hear from you often.
  21. Its a known problem with the connections on the daisy chain wiring. There is a recall to replace the wiring. I had the same issue on my 2008 bounder Diesel. They mailed me the wiring harness and I replaced the existing harness with never another issue. Have you called the help desk?
  22. elkhartjim


    I never turn mine off. When you store your motorhome, is it connected to shore power? Mine is connected to 30amp service and I leave the inverter on.
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