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Everything posted by dickandlois

  1. Batsome, Could you post the Make, Model and Year of your coach for the group. Some have the vacuum system, others do not and a good chance that some of the same make maybe wired a little different. Rich.
  2. Melgu, Welcome to the FMCA forum! From your description, sound like the cam / latch assembly that rotates when you turn the inside handle has failed. They are often made of plastic and the square hole rounds out and is no longer rotating to retract the door locking pin / plunger. The outside handle is connected to the same link, but that part is activated at a different point on the outer portion. Rich.
  3. Dennis,There are a number of control modules that come into play in the new wiring layouts. Sounds like the problem is in the supply to the E275 circuit or the BTSI relay. That relay is in the same fuse / relay box as the 5 amp fuses. Keep the forum posted on what you find and Yes electrical issues can be very intimidating. Rich.
  4. The most common cause of the drop is the screws fastening the cabinets to the ceiling pull out of the wood roof trusses for lack of a better term. I did have to reattach one of mine by inserting a small wooden dowel into the holes with some wood glue. Let it dry, then drilled a hole into the repaired area equal to the length of the screws. Allowing for the thickness of the material thickness in the cabinet frame. One does not want to drill a hole through the roof !!!! Rich.
  5. Kind of sounds like a relay issue, Did you get any information on the main relay and fuse panel ? What chassis series do you have- W-20 / W-22 / W24 ? When you mentioned the 5 amp fuse, do you have 2 fuses one for the right side and one for the left side? The main fuse for the circuit is generally 20 amps. Now, there is an outside possibility of an open diode in the circuit, used to shunt the counter EMF field generated when a relay coil is discharged. A call to Workhorse Chassis Assistance: 1-877-294-6773 might be in order. Rich.
  6. ticat900, Dirt does build up in the carburetor float bowls over time and if the carb. sets and the fuel evaporates these deposits dry out, then mix with the fuel and can get caught between the needle and valve seat, causing a continuous flow of fuel that can be from a minor to a major amount of excess fuel being delivered to the engine. A poor seal between the needle and seat caused by the seal drying out can cause the same problem. The Rochester Q-jet model E4ME came in to styles, one with a MC valve and one without the valve. The difference being the weight class of the vehicle and the EPA requirements for the class of vehicle. There is also the E4MEU series. These Dancing needles as they are referred to, need to be set to the proper dwell, generally 30 degrees and this cycle timing is controlled by the ECM by comparing a given voltage reference and the voltage being sent to the ECM from the O2 sensor that measure the exhaust temperature to maintain a good drive ability curve for the engines. One can get the book Rochester Carburetors by Doug Row that covers them quite well, what is missing is the information on the importance of the dwell settings and for the most part are only in the shop manuals for each year vehicle. The MC Solenoid is pictured in the Book mentioned, but the set up of the solenoid and how that setup affects driveability are not covered. Two years ago I was fortunate to have a conversation with one of the primary engineering technicians that developed the fixtures and the setup of the system and a copy of his notes. The late models of the Q-jet carburetor can be a nightmare to setup after a rebuild because of the narrow window the MC Solenoid needs to be set at. The shops that can repair and setup these carburetors are somewhat limited. There is the Sun Cruiser Chapter in FMCA that very proudly repair and restore these Coaches built by GM and are powered by the Oldsmobile Toronado Engine and front wheel drive trains. This Chapter might be a source of information for the different Q-jet setups. The High Energy ignition system and its operation are another story. Rich.
  7. Looking into ACC this is what I have found. ACC RV Service Plans. They have two locations. One in Indiana and one in Florida. ACC Warranty Group is not BBB Accredited. They have not applied for accreditation This company provides mobile RV repair services, RV parts, RV roadside ... Auto Warranty Services ... In your contracts do they require you or the service facility to buy parts through them or all work and clams are voided ? 8888 Keystone Crossing 13th Floor Indianapolis, IN 46240 ACC Warranty Group Phone: (888) 299-9888Fax: (317) 855-900710125 Haverhill Ridge, Riverview, FL 33569http://www.accws.com - See more at: http://www.bbb.org/west-florida/business-reviews/auto-warranty-services/acc-warranty-group-in-riverview-fl-90069536#sthash.ZeWD1O9j.dpuf BBB file opened: 07/16/2009Business started: 01/15/2000 Contact Information Principal: Mr. Steve Burgess Business Category Auto Warranty Services Products & Services This company provides on-site repairs of all types of RV's, as well as offers RV parts sales, RV roadside assistance, and RV extended service plans including towing programs. Hours of Operation 24/7 Refund and Exchange Policy ACC RV Service Plans are considered an at-will contract and may be cancelled at anytime during the contract period. ACC will refund to the customer all refunds after a 30 day waiting period to ensure there are no outstanding claims against the contract. ACC offers a 90 Day warranty on all parts and labor performed by ACC. Any failure within the 90 day period will be replaced or repaired by Acc at no charge. No refunds or exchanges on special order parts. - See more at: http://www.bbb.org/west-florida/business-reviews/auto-warranty-services/acc-warranty-group-in-riverview-fl-90069536#sthash.pfvf3Tfs.dpuf 33569http... This company provides mobile RV repair services, RV parts, RV roadside ... Auto Warranty Services ...
  8. Think you should have the fuel filter changed, if it has not been replaced for awhile. The engine temperature settles in after about 15 min. and the ECM is in control of the fuel / air mixture. Before the engine gets warmed up good the ECM is allowing for a richer mixture, that would off set the low fuel supply to a degree. The filter would be a lot less expensive then a transmission job. Rich.
  9. Got to be honest, I travel with a girl that is always trying new recipes ! Never sure what we are going to eat allot of the time. When on the road we cook what is in season, when items are fresh at road side stands. We do have some favorite's that we go back to. So here are two books that travel with us. Meals- Better Homes and Gardens ISBN-0-696-21546-2 Company is Coming, Slow cooker Recipes. This one covers item other them just meals, like Appetizers, Breads, Cakes, Desserts, Beverages. Check out there Web sight--companyscoming.com Enjoy you cooker and eat well !! (-; Rich.
  10. ticat900, I know that Power Gear supplies different motor setups. Think they use basically the same motor, but change the gear ratio. Rich.
  11. Thank you Walt! Good information! Thanks for sharing the link. Truly points out the strength and the depth of information members bring to the group!!! Far more then I had on file. Rich.
  12. Sailor, if you have the 4L80e Transmission, you might want to change the engine fuel filter. A clogged filter restricts fuel flow and that restricts Torque / Horsepower that keeps the transmission from shifting into Overdrive. If you have an Allison transmission, please post the model number of you transmission. Rich.
  13. Tim, I have a feeling that the antenna is powerd from the chassis batteries, not the coach batteries. Need to clarify that you have voltage at both sides (terminals) of the relay when you activate the relay, Correct? The relay you mention, is it under the hood inside a black box? The Box contains fusses and relays. There is likely a rest button for a circuit breaker in side the box. Look around under the hood if you have not found a black metal box. Be careful removing the cover so you do not short out anything. Your Owners Manual may refer to a BCC(Battery Control Circuit) in the electrical section, but not mention where its located. Call Thor/Damon customer service at 877-855-2867. Keep the group posted. Rich.
  14. Sailor, Welcome to FMCA. I do not know of a Service Center in FL. Could you post the the mileage and the last time you had the transmission fluid and filters changed for the group. That information might help pin down the cause of shifting problem posted and how much work you might be looking at. Like a good flush and filters, shift solenoid or a pressure issue. Good information helps determine what or how deep one needs to go to fix the problem. Rich.
  15. Loudecuz, If you had to adjust the secondary pull off setting, I have a feeling that your secondary pull off vacuum Assembly is defective or you have a bad vacuum line to the assembly. You did mention the mechanical / vacuum advance was stuck, instead of WD, use a better spray lub. or a light oil to keep it free longer and reduce the chance of rust build up. Be very aware of vacuum lines that have not been replaced on your engine, they get very dry and crack over time in the hot conditions under the Dog House. Rich.
  16. Good to know that you have the manuals! Many times they get lost along the way. Reading them is like watching grass grow ~~, and welcome to the learning curve we are all on. The coach we travel in is still throwing curve balls. LOL Rich.
  17. From the information I have on file. It looks like it may be an option, so look for the P-1 Connector at the VIP Master Controller, It would supply power for the back light and the ground connection. On the same drawing it shows the wiring for back lights or with out. The P-1 connector has 4 wires for back lights and 2 wires with no back lighting. Pin # 1=MPX Signal Pin # 2= MPX Ground Pin # 3= Back light Ground,used for lighted version smart wheel. Pin # 4= Back light Power, used for lighted version smart wheel. This is the cable that connects to the VIP Master Controller. Connection J-1 Connectors number P-13 and P-14 will be at the steering wheel base before it travels up the steering column. and will both have 4 wires. Should you have Connectors P-21 and P-22 there will be only 2 wires and that would mean, no back lights on the smart wheel. The interesting thing(from my perspective) is they picture a slip ring type pickup for the smart buttons on this wiring harness and no slip ring on the back lite setup. So to answer your second question it looks like one would need to install the optional steering wheel to get lights. I would call and see if Monaco could supply a wheel with the proper wiring and the interface connections to get lights. By the wheel I meant, just the steering wheel with the proper wiring harness, not the entire steering column, think it might be a lot less money if that is an option. There is a fuse inside the VIP controller for the back lite smart wheel that most likely will need to be installed if you decide to add the lighted wheel and if you have a 4 wire connector. Check for a blown fuse !!! Rich.
  18. Jim, After checking with chassis / engine manufacture, see if the part number they list for the sensor matches the one you installed also. Along with Brett's thoughts. Rich.
  19. Hi Jim and Welcome to FMCA! There have been times when the wrong temp sender or a defective one has been shipped and installed. I'm not on top of the Cat engine spent most of my time with Cummins. The fact that the coolant level is now stable would suggest that any air in the cooling system has been purged. Have you experienced a power degrade issue? With the read lite coming on? The ECM should be reading the same sensor for the reading you are getting on both the gauge and the Software program. Silverleaf reads information directly from the ECM data buss. See that Brett just chimed in and he is a Cat man. Rich.
  20. Hi Butch, Welcome to FMCA! The fact that the voltage drops 2 volts as soon as you turn off the engine would point to a coach / house battery problem. One would expect to see the batteries read from 13.5 volts when the engine is off to a low of 12.5 volts. After the coach sets for 30mi. to an Hr. what do the batteries read? If they drop another volt or 2 sounds like you have a bad one in the set. Have you been checking the water levels of all the cells on a regular bases? The best way to check the battery is with a hydrometer. Checking all the cells if they are wet cells. Glass mate / dry cells need to checked with a volt meter. Good test for both types is a load test done at a service center or battery supplier, most owners do not own the load testing equipment. Rich.
  21. rlbarkleyii, Thanks for your information regarding the loose connection on the circuit breaker. After looking at the drawings covering your model year, thought it might have been a short tripping the breaker. A loose wire on the breaker is a new one for me, but things happen and also thanks for the feedback on the second circuit breaker. I'm very aware of the one for the Engine intake heater grid, but did not put two and two together. Rich.
  22. Bill! Thanks for passing the problem and solution on. The little things can drive one nuts, often very intermittent or in your case something moving around on its own for the lack of some glue. Rich.
  23. rlbarkleyii, Looking at the drawings I have, there is a 175 amp circuit breaker located on the starter relay mounting plate. This circuit feeds power to the front of the coach. Where there is a stud for the cable from this breaker that is the power feed for the chassis fuse panel(s). Drawing mentions that its the second breaker. So where the other one is I have no clue at the time and no drawings picturing what circuit its in. It is a 4 gauge red wire. This breaker is under the coach and is exposed the the elements. I have cleaned the connections on the item, but must admit that I never took the time to find what circuit it was feeding, just cleaned things one day because it looked like it needed a little TLC. If you have not found the problem yet, I hope this might help. Rich.
  24. bissmith, have you changed operating systems or your computer system recently and or your security software? Rich
  25. ticat900 , The only issue I know of at the current time is that Norcold has stopped just replacing the boards and have issued a reset protocol. In there last note I know of, they mention the process of using a strong magnet to reset the reed relay used. This then sets the boards to there original condition. This was there answer to the fire problem, building a system that reacts to any power spick and requires the owners to check the refrigerators to see if there is a problem. Rich.
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