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Everything posted by dickandlois

  1. Brian, One item you might want to consider. Look and see if there is any or how much insulation is installed around the front of your coach. I have install insulation on the floor behind the kick panel in front of the passenger side, on the inside of the firewall from the drivers side all the way across to the passenger side, under the extended dash area outside the coach and the outside firewall. Think you will fine that the only material between you and the outside is the wood used for the firewall. I took the time to add insulation on the outside of the firewall also. Outside where it is exposed to the elements, I used a mylar style insulation cut to fit around every surface above the generator on our coach and the under side of the extended dash. The real trick is to find a good method to attach the materials to each of the areas. The dash support in many cases is made of rectangular steel tubing. I used some expandable foam injected into these. Wrapped the duct work - this reduced the condensation that forms when the cold ducts contact warm / moist air and maximized cool air transfer from the heater / AC blower box. Time consuming job, but the difference in our comfort level was well worth the time both if summer heat and winter cold. Rich.
  2. Brian, The dash duct output temperature in the recycle mode for our dash AC reads about 20 to 25 degrees lower then the ambient. So at an ambient temp. of 70 to 75 deg. will read 50 to 55 deg. at the vents. The dash AC units on most Coaches will not cool the entire coach. So many owners run there generator and one or two roof AC units. Rich.
  3. Michael, If everything is clean, tight and voltage is good; then my thought leans towards the circuit board. You might also want to clean the tank on the water heater. Remove the drain plug and the safety valve / flush the tank by spraying water into the top opening and you will see some sediment come out the drain. To really clean it-replace the drain plug, pure 4 gal. of distilled vinegar into the vent opening-fill the tank up to the lower edge of the hole. Install the safety valve. Start the water heater. Let it run until it stops, Turn it off / let the vinegar set in the tank as it cools off-"Cold" 4 Gallons of vinegar works well for the 6 Gal heaters / The 10 gal. heaters need 6 Gal. !! Then drain and flush it again, flush longer with a strong stream of water / spraying around the inside area as best as you can. If this has never been done you should notice faster hot water recovery time !! NOTE! This is a good Time to check the safety valve will work properly when you open it manually. A valve that does not open properly can turn your water heater into a bomb ! The terminal switch opens the circuit to close the gas valve / the mechanical safety is there as a backup / just in case the terminal switch fails. Rich.
  4. Brian, Welcome to the FMCA Forum! The AC systems can be a changeling!! Does the Low And High Side pressure equalize when you turn off the system/ compressor? gauges should equal out !! How long do you do let the system sIt when its under a vacuum? When you run the vacuum pump - do you get an equal reading on both gauges? If all the above items are in spec, when you charge the system and no more 134 is being drawn into the system, Stop the compressor and let the system equalize. Then start the compressor again, it might take a few cycles to get the charge up to the proper levels. Oh, is the evaporator fan running when you start the AC system? Bad fan motor-relay-fuse? Rich.
  5. Michael, Clean the contacts on the connector and the socket on the circuit board. Check for good grounds. The circuit boards get testy at times. The gas valve should open-then the ignition / spark should fire. The circuit should try to light the burner 3 times - then the red LED on the inside switch will light if it fails to get a flame. Need a good 12 volts to the board also. Rich.
  6. Joe, this is what I understand happens with the pre-2010 EPA regulations. What EGR does, “It deprives the combustion event of some of its oxygen by introducing cooled exhaust gas, which is lower in oxygen, into the intake system, thereby reducing the combustion temperature and lowering NOx production. “The good news is that you don't have to add much extra to the system to accomplish NOx reduction this way,” “The downside is that the lower-temperature diesel combustion is less efficient, so it creates more particulate matter and it burns more fuel. That being the case, do Diesels equipped with EGR system still require the Regeneration cycles? and are they initiated in the same way and run for the same time of 5 to 50 min. Rich.
  7. Don, this is a link to the regeneration information from Cummins. The What, How and Why http://www.mid-pac.com/documents/DPF_EN.pdf Additional information Link. http://cumminsengines.com/brochure-download.aspx?brochureid=88 Rich.
  8. JDNAN, Welcome also! You might try to contact HWH- They still supply the swing up stile jacks.The Load Capacity range for the kick down stile is 6,000 to 24,000lbs. Series from AP1206 to AP4390 Depending on what you need tyem might have items that would work to replace things. The difference is HWH uses hydraulics Contact link. http://www.hwhcorp.com/contactus3.html Rich. I think this is the technical information on your jacks, if that might help. http://www.powerpluslevelers.com/swing-jacks-1.html
  9. Charles, Welcome to the FMCA Forum! You might try this link. to see what they have to offer that might be helpful. http://www.spartanchassis.com/cps/about/contact.asp Rich.
  10. Good to see your post Bob H. I think I know you from somewhere ! Rich.
  11. Dan, They have some good programs for the younger members of the family,so you can look around and attend some seminars. Think you will really enjoy the Rally. Rich.
  12. George, You might be able to work with a gun dealer to ship the item to another dealer close to where you would like to use it in the lower 48. I have carried a long gun into Canada with the paper work needed before 9-11. We where on a trip to Alaska, where my son and I would be flying back into a remote area where there are more animals then people and the fact that if something is moving it is food as far as bears are concerned. I liked the fact that if I needed to put something down this item would do it, no question about it and we knew it was sighted in, At long range if for some reason we injured something for safety sake - there is nothing worse then a large wounded animal in the wild. Two big bears where in the area, but we did not to use the fire power over a 10 day period. They knew we where in the area. Both parties giving a little extra space to each other !!! Sometimes one is not at the top of the food chain! Rich.
  13. dlrmp2008, Welcome to the FMCA Forum! The Fuse Replacement part number is RP6352. See the links below. The lower portion of the fuse holder can brake, if this happens then the fuse does not make contact with the terminal. http://www.hwhcorp.com/mr201200.pdfdlrmp http://www.hwhcorp.com/mr201000.pdf HWH contact information. http://www.hwhcorp.com/custserv3.html Rich
  14. Wayne, The real issue I have about all the new safety system being added to the vehicles is---There is nothing built that is ever going to be problem free !!!! And people get very dependent on them working. Worked for over 50 years in the Electronics field and standard purchased items do not come with redundant circuits and if the vehicle starts everything is fine and if a light comes on we tend to say to ourselves - I will get it fixed later ! Rich.
  15. Jack, The ECM should give you a warning when the level drops to a predetermined level by the engine manufacture. That warning can be a little different for different instrument clusters . Check this link for some general information. http://www.rambodybuilder.com/iph/iph2014/ph2014/phdocs/phcc/phwarningsystemdef.pdf Rich.
  16. Joe, the equalizer mode puts a high current and elevated voltage across the battery bank. I have never felt comfortable knowing the batteries are boiling. This condition can cause battery acid to be forced out of the cells, that needs to be addressed with some baking soda and water to wash the complete area and mount. Like some other owners, when the system is in the equalizing mode - after around 30 min. I interrupt the cycle and run a hydrometer reading on all the cells. If they are not equal, I restart the cycle for around 30 more min. and repeat the hydrometer test. Should there be a different reading after 90 min. in any of the cells, it is time to replace the battery(s) with a low reading-if it is 1225 or lower, is may cutoff point to replace. The max reading is 1275 for most lead acid batteries. Rich.
  17. dickandlois

    Michelin XMEZ?

    jhagen00, Welcome to the FMCA forum! Think they are referring to the X Miltie Energy Series tires. A new series - Check on the Dual tire spacing requirements compared to the XZE 275/80R22.5 LRH, rolling circumference and Rim size. I did not do a complete comparison. Check this link https://www.michelinb2b.com/wps/b2bcontent/PDF/X_MULTI_ENERGY_Z_DataPg.pdf Rich.
  18. I keep thinking that many times, drivers are multitasking and forget they are in a moving office. Had an incident just a few months ago in the area where one patrol car ran a red light and hit another patrol car. Really messed both of them up. Turned out the one officer was reading the location of a brake in on the computer screen. They realty do not multitask any better then anybody else. Had a USPS truck try to take the front off the coach on Rt.71 about 2 years ago. Had the curb side open to run to, brakes and brown pants. Took a little pit stop at the next rest area. An I now travel with a dash cam ! Rich. I have taken some single pictures off the SDcard of some very nice pictures.
  19. Dave, This is a list of the models for your year coach, could you reply with the correct one. or you can just click on the correct model for an external link. Meridian (P) IKP32T IKP34H IKP36G IKP39F IKP39K Rich.
  20. Well, I finally got to try the steps- using the PM section-open full Editor- the Browse box does not appear? Must have something set wrong. Rich.
  21. Jack, if there is no indication of the head lights or marker lights flashing when you press the switch(s) the switch operates a relay and that relay has a fused circuit. Maybe there is a bad fuse, loose or defective relay or an open wire / connector. Rich.
  22. Joe, I check the batteries on our coach every 3 months for the proper water level. Check them the first week in December before it gets cold up north. Then in February I sneak a quick peek at the water level(depending on the outside temperature range in this 3 month time frame) this is the point where highest evaporation a cures. Then between February to May the batteries need about half as much water replaced. June to August time frame, add just a little water again. September to November a check and I'm back into the December(Check the levels before the cold settles in. There would be a different evaporation rate for each area of the World and how often the load requirements necessitates recharging the batteries from there low point. Battery life for us is about 6 years. I run a hydrometer reading every 6 months on average, unless the expected charge time drops and there is the possibility on one cell in the system adding an internal load to all the batteries. This can degrade the entire bank of batteries in a short period of time. NOTE! when this has happened to us I will Split the battery bank off / out of the bank. This drops to Amp Hrs. but prevents one bad cell from pulling everything down with it. Had to replace one on a trip west, found a NAPA special application 6 volt battery(not the best solution)but we had 80% of the nominal Amp Hrs. to use-and we did not need to replace any other batteries on the trip. Rich.
  23. Joe, Take a look at this link. http://www.fmca.com/motorhome/motorhome-news/2989-workhorse-brake-recall.html Rich.
  24. Gary, The same issue came up on the US side and the court decided, the 5th amendment protects the person from unlawful search of personal information-unless there are extenuating circumstances and that would require a search warrant. Think Canada is testing how far they can push the issue on there side of the border. Rich.
  25. This happened to a Canadian citizen. http://www.theverge.com/2015/3/6/8162337/iphone-unlock-border-agents-canada The line of ones personal rights is getting grayer. Rich.
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