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Everything posted by manholt

  1. Totally agree..."IF". That's why I asked. Have never heard of a "None Flooded New Car/Truck", going for Dealer Invoice or less...same with Factory Invoice! MSRP discount, YES.
  2. Welcome. Freightliner and all the other vehicles is owned by Daimler! 1% below who's invoice? Example = $40,000 is $400!
  3. ArlissW. Welcome to the Forum! Since you have an independent front suspension, I would suspect the tie rod on Co Pilot side. I have the K2 chassis ! Sounds on a DP is hard to track down, I had a squeak and rattle on the Co Pilot side, we thought it was coming from the front wheel area. Turned out to be, from the slide that was 1/4" off center, when inn position, right behind front seat. Slide out was adjusted, no more sound.
  4. The numbers I have (Posted by Brett, from Jon Walker) Approx. 74,000 + Members, 9,801 bothered to vote, 6,820 For & 2,981 No! It is obvious to me that if 30% of membership is Chapter members and the rest not, then this was a dismal effort by all....I don't believe for a minute that had we had, Internet voting, the end result would be different...just a higher number of total votes! From what I heard, the Total, increased from 9801, but the result was the same! I will live with the results for now and see where it leads! Don't understand where the idea of "Some have 5 votes and others none"! One F# = one vote! 5 Votes? How?
  5. Thought after the first 2, this would be a snap!
  6. Send a PM to Joe Leamont (jleamont), he lives in that area!
  7. Kay, we got the same yesterday (gone now) 84 miles South of San Antonio, TX., even more unusual. Love the photo!
  8. I suspect it has a fuse in the engine compartment box and possibly a relay...think the lightning fried it...sensor or relay or fuse, or all three if you have the latter 2. Look in your Ford owners book for fuse location and Jayco owner manual for anything about the sensor (it could be listed in both)!
  9. Since you don't want to use silicon, then I suggest you call REV group tech department and ask what they recommend. I'm also concerned as to why you need to re seal lap joints after other owner did same...do you have any indication of leaks?
  10. Herman. I think the main issue here, is that Jeff want's some one else to volunteer to do it for him, rather than him (Jeff) taking the initiative! He writes the same things over and over, like a broken record! Come on Jeff even Penny asked you too "Step up to the PLATE"!
  11. Understandable Joe, I keep forgetting about USAA or Progressive! Everything OK with you and your "new" Ventana?
  12. I would make a call to REV tech at this point. Like my coach, there was a lot of fuses that was not at the listed location, like the one on this Forum, Macerator Toilet fuse!
  13. Bill, you are correct...I too am proved of him, he's older than dirt. I think he was an alter boy during WW1.
  14. Even my Jeep Insurance (USAA) has a road assist that is included in policy and will cover my coach, when Jeep is a toad. My GS covers all my vehicles also, along with coach! I fail to see your point.
  15. Yes, we do need to upgrade our current vote system, let us remember, that when our current Constitution, By Laws and P & P, where approved and accepted....There was NO PERSONAL COMPUTERS or INTERNET !!! Al Gore was in HS.
  16. I won't be there...I'm just the Captain of Golf for Six State! Herman will be the official "Sr. VP" for Six State! Clap, clap...more official offal
  17. I have a combo TV and CD player at home, will measure it and let you know by mail, I think it will slide into your cabinet...HD & Analog, got it at Best Buy in 2007, cost = free, I also got a 55" Sony for living room so they gave me the little one for a guest bedroom! Since my house on Galveston Island is for sale furnished...if it fits ?
  18. The safety margin between front of Toad hitch point and coach is +/- 15 degrees....that's assuming your bent on having a head on with a car or tree. Then yes it could cause your toad to go under your coach or into your closet . Have a friend who's Jeep went into the engine of a DP...he was rear ended.
  19. Smithy. First, congratulations are in order! Hard to tell from photo, is it a boy or girl? Second, it seemed to me, due to the contact information and email address, that you're dead on target and that is also what I was implying! I get very suspicious over unsolicited conformation or denial, especially, denial after a month of posting!
  20. I don't know much about TT, but this, to me, looks like the underside of a 36 foot Goose Neck trailer!
  21. I had a power problem, bad batteries! Last year...started Generator and got cable in, then got 8 new AGM's, no more problem with either reel. That may be Joe W's., problem also!
  22. I had AAA back in the 80's, needing a tire on a 26 foot coach, took all day & we where in Austin, Texas! Have not used since. I have had better luck with GS over the last 30+ years, so I will stay with them. Had Coach Net for a while, they also was good, but then went way up on price & different levels of Service. Have not bothered with FMCA...if I'm happy with one, why change?
  23. "The only ones who can change it are the chapters"! Wrong again, you or anyone of the 74,000+ members can suggest changes...as per my response above. Did you read it? I totally agree with Brett. Since your the head of "Under 60 taskforce", then why won't you do it?
  24. Sorry. Jeff, the Forum is not the proper place. You want change? Then make a copy of P & P. Write up what your wishes are, get 20+ signatures and get it in to FMCA before WY. It will have to pass muster with the EB, before it will be placed on the agenda at the next Governance meeting! I write this for the education on how it's done...for those members who may not know! Carl
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