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Everything posted by manholt

  1. Herman, that was well done and informative! You running for office is in July, not March...hey practice makes perfect ! I really would vote for you, but I can't, because I'm INTO. Not South Central. Carl
  2. Jim, Yeah...Marble Falls or San Antonio. A mere 2 day drive each way!
  3. Didn't see that one! That was before breakfast.
  4. My smiling face and wining personality, will be there! If they need it, I hope the AC is working! Carl
  5. Hard to find a Black Box Wine south of Ft. Stockton! Groceries, if you do find it..it's expensive! So is fuel.
  6. I only do red wine...you was so close, you almost had it ! Carl
  7. Every time you remove them and take out the battery, you have to re calibrate them when you install again. Mine are compatible with my Silver Leaf. Also, I can't remove the battery, I mail mine back to factory and they send me 8 back. Carl
  8. You got a valid point ! What does Allie have?
  9. I'm with Jim, and that's for both parks! I carry an extra 5 gal. of fuel! Carl
  10. Also, trying to wrap my mind around "coming from passenger side"! I have nothing under there, so Herman might be onto a relay, that's mounted on the firewall by generator.
  11. Bath and a half, makes sense for a family, or if you travel with grand kids. Now, to me, it makes no sense in any coach less than 40 foot (and 40 is pushing the limit), I have seen it in 35 foot gassers, but that's a tight fit unless your a midget. I guess it would be nice to have, if two people get Norovirus at the same time! I fully agree with Joe's recommendation....how many times have you seen an OP on a Foretravel, Prevost or Newell? BillA, agree with you also, for our circumstance. Carl
  12. Could be an air pressure leak, the ignition off is throwing me, do you mean that you can remove the key? Or the key is in accessory position with engine off? Could also be a Jack alarm! Low Coolant, has a lower decimal sound and its not the high pitch of Air pressure or Jack/ Jacks! Carl
  13. Mine stay on all year on coach, last an avg of 30 months...never heard of anybody losing them due to theft ! Don't have them on Jeep, see no reason to. Carl
  14. I just care about longevity and functuality...Pretty is for exterior!
  15. One of these day's...but when I go, I would like to have at least a month! This year I don't, but next year I'll have about 4 month's to do that part of America and New England. Carl
  16. Brett, thanks for the link, that's the hose I need for my Jeep! Joe. I'm not a big fan of silicon either! Carl
  17. BillA. His tank is 100 gal. Generator kicks of at 1/4 tank...even if he used all fuel (about 90 gallons available) he could not get close to 1,000 miles. My tank is 150, I got 913 miles and ran out of fuel, a friend followed me with fuel. Now I'm comfortable, knowing that it's time to start looking at 600. WBill. Your correct, I also use Gas Buddy and Trucker's Friend. I can't get in to 90% of gas stations...so I use Truck Stop's and some regular stations that has truck fill up in back. Carl
  18. Unless you only drive a couple of thousand miles a year, your going to be busy on the 4K rotation! Even MB diesels need to be run, most all owners that I know, with DP's myself included, put on 7-12K a year! Carl
  19. Don't know about the "self guy"! But the rest of us are worth it... Carl
  20. Like Joe, my next coach will be a Prevost or Newell, most I'm looking at in Newell is 12 years old...Prevost up to 17 years. You can always add slide out's on a non-slide and remodel for a fraction of what a new DP 40+ anything will cost ! I'm looking at 2 coaches currently for $225,000 and $235,000 both have 2 slide outs...mine is worth around $220,000 currently! That leaves a lot of wiggle room...I don't worry about mileage on a DP as long as it has a service record. Carl
  21. Tracy. You're on a post from April 2016! If your interested, FMCA Rally in Chandler, AZ. March 7 thru 10, 2017...Seminars are offered. Come join us! Carl
  22. Google PPL, they have 3 locations in Texas. Just noticed where you live and the closes to you for a large and varied choice would be Indiana. Carl
  23. Oh, Well. Just another 550 mile day, but it will take you around 11 hours...if the weather cooperates!
  24. You might go back some under Towing or enter tow dolly under Search at top right of main page. Carl
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