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About obedb

  • Birthday 08/13/1944

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  • Location
    Stewartstown PA
  • Interests
    Enjoying this beautiful country and I have seen a lot of it. I was raised in a career military family. My Dad was a veteran of WWII , Korea and Vietnam. He retired in 1965 as a Lt. Col. always a pilot for his entire career. We were vagabonds. Always on the move. I especially love mountains. Colorado is my favorite.

    I do fish but I have done it so seldom recently that I am not very good at it. Kind of like golf/ to be good - regularly is the word.

    Obed is Old Testament . Son of Ruth and Boaz. King David's Grandfather. I am Obed ByronOglesby III. It is a family thing.

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  1. All very interesting. My dad flew with a parachute strapped to his butt for a number of years before he received orders to report to a SAM squadron after returning from Nam. Then it was pressurized Convairs flying big wigs for the last five years. A Sam Squadron transports a lot of Big Wigs to and from Joint Base Andrews. One of them is the Prez.
  2. Stay in the US. My Betty recently had a cataract removed by a Board Certified opthamologist and then he placed a new lens in her eye. She had to wait almost a month before it was time for an optometrist to give her a prescription for new glasses. With her Medicare, and our United Healthcare, she has not paid anything. She knew the right people because of her experience as an RN at the same hospital for over 43 years. I mentioned Mexico to her today with an explanation. No Way! That was her reply.🙄
  3. That merger has been talked about for years. At one time the owner of Dish was floating the idea of buying them out on his on.
  4. Herman could not have done it any better than this old 18 wheeler operator might have. Well done!! Oh! I have been every where man! Johnny Cash song. 😉
  5. If you are headed down a grade that requires a lower speed limit for 18 wheelers, maintain that speed for your motorhome. I shift manually with our Cat powered Phaeton with exhaust brake. Put the transmission in a gear that will keep the unit at that lower speed and within the Engine RPM limits. Some gentle brake application may be required. If you want the exhaust brake to do everything, you will probably be passed by the big rigs that are maintaining their required speed on the descent.
  6. obedb

    TIRE Balance

    In my area, Equal is frequently used for proper balance on 18 Wheelers. Been around quite some time.
  7. NAPA is sometimes expensive, but they do amazing work looking for parts. Take the filter to a NAPA store and ask for help.
  8. 4014 is based in Cheyenne. If memory serves, the powerhouse was doing regular trips with customers from Cheyenne to Denver and back during the summer months.
  9. I have used them for years. They have always worked on my 18 wheelers so I had them installed on our 40' Phaeton. Service Tire in York PA does my tire work. Have found the folks at Centramatic to be pleasant and knowledgeable. Brett posted the link. Call them.
  10. obedb


    Go for it! 😉😎
  11. obedb

    Algae in fuel tank

    Jim/ bought many thousands of gallons of diesel in Texas. My three main sources were one of the original Flying Js in Amarillo on my way to or from the west coast. Always busy. San Antonio Flying Jwas also a very busy fuel stop. Unloaded really large air conditioning compressors that were built in York PA. and shipped mostly into Mexico. Used often on roof tops for A/C, York Corp; now Johnson Controls. Flying J Dallas was also usually very busy to and fro for me. Lived in Texas as a kid. Goodfellow AFB / SanAngelo . Big time polio epidemic and I survived 4 and 1/2 years total . Yes I loved Texas. Bigger than life. Joe/ remember buying a lot of fuel in our home state of PA. Got compliments from the shop that serviced my big rigs over the years. Used Racor fuel/water separators . Did not sell my last rig until May of 2012. Was not sure that I wanted to quit but Betty wanted me home after her Mom died. PA pumps are marked 10% bio diesel. Never a problem. Was I blessed😎. Probably not. In the 90's there were two big moves on removing most sulphur from diesel fuel. The second removal caused me a road call with additives and a propane heater to get going. The mechanic at least brought me a big cup of coffee. Brett/ I will order the biocide you recommended. Goodness/ has it gotten that bad?
  12. obedb

    Algae in fuel tank

    As a former trucker, I am still confused about the problems had by RV diesel coaches. So far none with our Phaeton. Joe Leamont's is especially confusing to me. I wish that I had kept a log of my fuel buys while trucking. Never a problem. Sometimes 650 to 700 gallons a week and all from big sources including Loves. Big dealers selling to America's largest trucking fuel stops would not dare have bad fuel dropped into their tanks. Then it would be pumped into major trucking companies road equipment. Imagine the blow back when a lot of freight was not delivered on time. Trucks would breakdown, waiting on roadside assistance..Questions would be asked by major carriers. If there was a pattern, who is paying for this. Why did this happen?
  13. Have seen a few fivers with a genset.. Used the genset on our first coach(gas) everyday for awhile. Wish that the Honda portable units had been around then. What a difference that would have made. Are we at the pinnacle of everything good while RVing or is there more good to come??
  14. With our gas powered first coach we boon docked most of the time. A propane powered 12volt controlled unit was good for us. We now have a diesel unit and are old enough that we prefer the safety of an RV park. Installing a RES refrigerator in our unit looks to be more of a job than most. How soon will you retire? Keep that in your plans.
  15. Sunclipper/ I am a retired Pennsylvania based career trucker and Diesel RV owner. The route you are enquiring about is US 30. It is 3073 miles long East to West. The stretch between Breezewood and McConnellsburg is no longer marked for big trucks. You would probably be OK with your RV and toad, but when you are done with that stretch, you will probably be asking "why did I do that." I have run it many times over the years in an 18 wheeler, but never enjoyed it. Exit 201 off of the PA Pike and then south on PA997 will take you to US30 and on to Gettysburg.
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