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Everything posted by mailman

  1. Well, lets get down to basic's . What kind of motor oil are you using? The only oil to use in the Ford V-10 is 5 W 20. The oil returns in the engine are small, which is the reason for 5 W 20. Hope there is no restriction in the engine. Check to make sure you check what kind of oil filter to use. I have a Ford V -10 in my motor home. The dip stick is really in a bad spot first to find it than making sure it is seated. Without measuring it, I believe a yard long. I Use the Ford 5 W 20 oil, stays very clean even with 5000 miles on it. I change mine between 3000 - 5000 miles. I think WE need get the basic out of the way, why is the oil not returning to the pan, use of weight of oil. The V-10 Ford requires oil changes on a schedule. Tim the Mailman N8AHK
  2. Thanks for reading. Have already taken 1-70 Ohio to Iowa in the past. I will not subject my Motor Home to that road again. Has anyone used 1-40 to go east-west from Nashville Tenn to Albuquerque NM . Any status info we all should be known before we set up a trip to used 1-40. Detours, road concerns etc. Tim the Mailman Winnebago Class C 32 ft Tow car HHR Chevy 2011.
  3. In the world of GPS today, I am curious what is the best GPS to buy? Features a way to import the trip to the device. Maybe we should address software and Hardware. Tim the Mailman
  4. Some times you have to make sure to hold the in button in at the time it seats so the motors re time. Check for items under the Topper , outside. Tim the Mailman
  5. I am looking for some one who tow this vehicle . I remember issue's concerning Jeep's. My rig is a Winnebago Cambria 30 J 2014 V-10 Ford. I can not find info concerning fuse's that have to removed while pulling. Maybe you do not have to concern this. I need a Elmer. Maybe one concern what hitch to use Tim the Mailman
  6. I was wondering could some one cover a topic travel trailers ,5th wheel, bus , semi's and semi trailers, and anything recreational W H A T IS T I R E LIFE FOR THEM? I have never seen this covered HUM ! Tim the mailman
  7. Just a little update With research the Winegard Trav'ler dish sk1000 or directv swm-3 can be interchange on the top end with kits to change with either system. BUT use the main unit on the roof. So, I have a SD G3 on the roof at this time. BUT with the providers playing with SD or HD at this time you the customer has to be able to change with them. So I believe the Winegard Trav'ler is the best option for installing one time to the roof, or upgrading the hardware on the fly. This is the reason for thinking out loud. The problem is finding a clear 44" by 34" clear Flat spot in roof area on the class C to install the system. I have a Class C Winnebago 32 ft Itasca Cambria 30J, with the sky light close by on the roof, this is going to be interesting to say the least. Thanks for all the reads. Is there any Class C units out there that run this setup? Tim the mailman Retired 40 years carrier
  8. I am looking for a camper with a Class C that uses a Trav'ler Winegard Sat Antenna. First problem is finding a open space 44"by 34" area. My Class C is a Winnebago Cambria 2014 30J. Just not to sure of clearance and trees above the roof at almost 3 feet. So if you run this setup on a Class C I need some advice. Thanks for reading Tim the mailman
  9. gfbrower I was wondering does the manual have any thing maintenance? that being the pivot points. I am planing to buy a Trav'ler SWM-3 for Directv for my use. We would think clean and oil it some where. Is it binding. ? Tim the Mailman
  10. I also am confused what to do about the future of equipment TV with the recreational vehicle. With the thoughts of SD going out of signals and HD the one to be the future, for TV on the road will require research. We to believe the Trav'ler Dish or DirectV might be the way to go. Upon reading they do both SD and HD, and the list of equipment available for use with the Trav'ler Directv or Dish is listed at the Winegard Web site. SO, do check the hardware equipment needed for a SYSTEM to work with RV.. The system I have at the moment is only SD. There should a lot of discussion concerning this topic, and costs to bare. Tim the Mailman Winnebago Itasca Cambria 2014 3 slides
  11. This is a update to my original post. This applies to Directv only. I just got off the phone call with a REP with Winegard Corp Office in Iowa . If you have a SD receiver Directv , they are being replaced by only HD receivers . They are phasing out SD in the future. If you are concern about this the Trav'ler Winegard for Directv can received both SD and HD, This was my understanding of the topic. Tim the Mailman
  12. It has been on the internet concerning Directv no longer in the future not to host SD. This would mean maybe we all should keep in mine to get ready for HD only for our camping needs,with Direct TV. So, if we have a SD setup Directv on the roof of the motor home, how much trouble to convert to a HD system.? Would everything have to be replace? For instance ,HD TV, a receiver Box, and a new Sat dish. Will One have to modify the roof to hold all the weight of a bigger Sat Dish? Has any one with a trailer , motor home try to update their system. Tim the Mailman Class C Winnebago Itasca Cambria 2014 32 ft long 3 slides
  13. SNOW SNOW GO AWAY COME BACK ANOTHER DAY I have a Class C Winnebago Itasca Cambria 32 ft. 2014. We have a spare on a steel rim in the hatch back storage area. Some time in the fall we had to remove the inside dual rear tire, because of a broken valve stem. We have Aloca Mags on the outside wheel positions. Make sure if you call for a AAA service make sure to explain you need a big truck with air tools. Those nuts are set at 150 lb-ft? I have never check the spare tire for air pressure 20 PSI is a long way to 80PSI. SO, if you have a space check its tire pressure. No good having a SPARE if you have a FLAT as one. SO when you check tire pressures include all tires that being a spare. I was lucky they have air on there RIG.. My stems are solid metal stems. Tim the mailman
  14. David It was thinking about maybe sometime first two weeks of May. But in research , I think we might have to consider June.. I am open to any comments by anyone about time to go that have done this trip. You may private message via fmca. Bill, yes full tank of gas , is getting gas or diesel hard to find? In 300 miles I would have to refill. We have a Class C Ford v-10 E-450 32 ft. Tim the mailman
  15. Jim In digging further: If the most on line was 8366. And the total members was 66747. Than 8366 divided by 66747 That be about 12 per cent of the people visit the forum at one time. HUM Sounds about normal. it shows how many people are ACTIVE Members. Tim the mailman
  16. Hello All I have been following the total members for some time on the Forums page. On 10/10/2018 we had a total members listed at 65895. Today 12/25/2018 Our total is 66747 total members. That's a nice increase for three months The FMCA is alive and well. Tim the Mailman
  17. http://lazydazearticles.blogspot.com/2011/02/5r110w-torqshift-transmission-with.html I have found this article in reading around the internet. We know for sure this is the transmission in my Ford v-10 2014 Motor Home. Winnebago Itasca Cambria 2014 with a ford 2013 chassis , 3 slides 32 Ft long Class C. This some may want to, a must read for those with this transmission. Tim the Mailman You decide do your have a 5 speed or do you have a 6 speed?
  18. Brake Buddy Has a unit that can do proporttion braking . I have a Brake /Buddy and I do not run full braking. I had full braking with other unit but traded for the upgrade unit So I can switch on the fly from the remote from the drivers seat. Go to there web site check it out. Tim the mailman
  19. HELP is needed to go outside the USA to Nova Scotia. We have a Winnebago Cambria Class C 32 ft. long 3 sildes 2014. We tow a car for use as we travel. I am looking to a wonderful time this 2019. Sounds like camping starts around May to October. So the problem is where do we go.? This is a special time 50 years married. We have to start planing very soon, we understand a lot of campers go there. You may send a message direct to me via FMCA or share with forum . Tim the Mailman
  20. Carl, Wayne, Bill. Michael This was a great Article Topic. Motor Homes , Travel Trailers, 5TH Wheels: They or a lot of them have sides. Carl, not all of them have jacks. Using jacks or not , Should everyone that have slides must have jacks? I think your comment is right on. If you have jacks they should be used. SO, if you have slides should you have jacks? Tim the Mailman Winnebago Cambria Class C Three slides. 2014 E-450 Ford
  21. Eric It has happen to me in the past, 50 plus years of camping. But , if you load the siphon tube with fluid and cycle the pump you will prime pump , top off siphon tube put in bottle, problem is solved. I have added a longer tube to add volume for the siphon tube, for prime. Yes the jug should be higher than the pump. Tim the Mailman Winnebago Itasca Cambria 2014 32 ft Class C
  22. mailman

    Tech Talk,

    May I suggest a article for Mag "FamilyRVing" explaining the correct way to tow, trailers ,cars and fifth wheels. SAFETY FIRST! Tim the Mailman
  23. Herman Yes, I do the same run air blow out the lines. But I do follow up with antifreeze, I also pull the filter on the water pump to get the trap water out of the input to the pump. There has been some campfire talk about replacing seals etc. with the ethanol. <toilet> Do not forget the by-pass for the hot water tank. I pull the plug on the water heater and blow the water out of it first with air than switch in the by-pass before installing antifreeze. Tim the mailman RETIRED N8AHK Winnebago Class C 2014 Cambria
  24. ATTENTION SPLASH -75 HAS NO HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES CHECK CONTENTS MENARDS FMP -50 HAS A HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE << ETHANOL>>>IN THE LIST CONTENTS After reading the information I returned all my -50 and replaced it with the Splash -75 Read the contents and be safe. Tim tne mailman Winnebago Class C 2014 Cambria
  25. I use a NAPA watering can made special for battery's . automatic stops filling when top off or filled. Also off topic i use white grease to lubricate the slides of the battery rack. This will solved the problem of racks not sliding . Tim the mailman Winnebago class C 2014 Cambria 32.5 ft.
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