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14 hours ago, hermanmullins said:

I am so sorry,  I had no intention of offending anyone. I had never seen an RV with H/C plates. I now understand. Again I apologize to all.


Think nothing of it Herman, the only way to find answers to questions is ask.  For instance, a guy on irv2 mention living below the gnat line, I didn't have a clue until I asked the question.

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Buckhorn is one of our favorite CGs.  The main problem with their casitas is that none have garages or even car ports.  I would not want my coach to sit out in the Texas sun day after day, when not being used.

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On 12/6/2020 at 7:25 PM, hermanmullins said:

I am so sorry,  I had no intention of offending anyone. I had never seen an RV with H/C plates. I now understand. Again I apologize to all.


Herman, No offense taken at all.  Yours is a good question.  We don't have H/C plates on the MH but do on the car we tow.  Not sure what the advantage would be to have them on our coach.  My comment was just to chime in on the fact there are a lot of wheelchair bound travelers out there, especially vets from the middle east.

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3 hours ago, akadeadeye said:

Not sure what the advantage would be to have them on our coach.

I believe that was the point of his question, it certainly was my DW’s thoughts. Her perspective, those closer parking spots at a grocery store or shopping area won’t accommodate an RV, maybe a Type B but we saw them on a 45’ DP. 
The cars, I can completely understand! The RV, I guess there are reasons as mentioned above we apparently never thought of.

Thats a nice set up you have!!

Edited by jleamont

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The state parks in Texas have handicap specific sites. Newmar has a HC floor plan and its my understanding when a used one hits RVTrader , its gone almost immediately. 

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In our travels we have only run across a few RV parks which provide HC sites.  They are usually close to the restroom facilities and office.  We don't need that but some people may.  What we need is space on the passenger side for our UVL lift to deploy so my wife can enter/exit our rig.  This amounts to about 8 feet total.  It usually works out, or we improvise.  We are not the kind of people who complain and whine and moan and groan.  We just enjoy our travels and go with the flow.


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Correct on many parks do not have HC sites, but many keep a site open close to the wash house to accommodate HC.  Many travelers in RV's don't have TOADS, might have a class C or a mini-van,  and can have HC plates.  Also, rest stops are now having more HC sites so a plate would be good to have.  On the other hand, my TOAD has HC plates and the MH has "Disabled Veteran" plates.  Gives me the same advantage, if I decided to take the advantage, of paring in an HC spot. Also, many departments of motor vehicles give a good monetary break for HC.

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On 12/7/2020 at 5:25 PM, manholt said:

Five you can build a Motorhome car port...30' x 50', open on both ends, we got that info this AM.

Good luck doing that on some spots at Buckhorn.  We have some friends that bought there a few months ago....no room for any kind of carport for a DP.

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We will be heading down to Aransas Pass the end of next week. We were suppose to be there the beginning of December but our youngest son’s kidney transplant failed and we needed to wait until he got settled in with dialysis. We plan to be there thru March and then Castroville for April.


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He lost his kidneys at age 19 to an autoimmune disease, this was his second transplant. The first one lasted 10 years and the second one lasted 5 years. He is back on dialysis for now and will go on the transplant list again. Matt was with us in Indiana. 


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2 hours ago, rfsod48 said:

He lost his kidneys at age 19 to an autoimmune disease, this was his second transplant. The first one lasted 10 years and the second one lasted 5 years. He is back on dialysis for now and will go on the transplant list again. Matt was with us in Indiana. 


Our thoughts and prayers are with your family! 

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Roland, prayers for your son and you.

We presently are thinking of going down to Port Aransas in the middle of January for two weeks then maybe down to Mission for two weeks.  Might be a coffee day somewhere in the neighborhood.

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Thank you Wayne and Bill. If you do come down Pm me for my cell number and we can see about meeting up.


Edited by jleamont

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We went shopping in Corpus yesterday!  80, now 35...for the next 6 weeks it will be the annual roller coaster, weather pattern, that we know and love! 😂

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