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Everything posted by elkhartjim

  1. Wayne, after you get the EFS card download the Loves App and you can start the pump from your phone and get a receipt also.
  2. Welcome to retirement and be advised, it could still be hot during the day in Big Bend especially down by the river. As a suggestion, unless you have something in mind for Van Horn I would suggest pushing another 80 or so miles to Fort Davis State Park. Great park and the McDonald Observatory is nearby. They have star gazing parties some nights but advance tickets are a must. From Fort Davis its a short drive to the Big Bend area. You must go to the Terlingua ghost town just to sit on the porch and visit with the locals and visit the cemetery you drive by on the way to the store. The drive between Lajitas and Presidio is awesome in your toad. The road follows the Rio Grande River and has some great scenery. When you leave Big Bend, exit the north entrance towards Marathon. In Marathon, turn east on Hwy 90 and stop in Langtry to learn how Judge Roy Bean was the law west of the Pecos. You can stay on Hwy 90 all the way to San Antonio. It will be beneficial for members if you will add your rv information in the signature area. Safe travels and like already mentioned, slow down and smell the roses.
  3. Wayne, I asked him early on why if he liked the Roadmaster cord did he change to Blue Ox. He never responded. I wish him well and hopefully he feels good about his one man vendetta against the number one provider of towing equipment.
  4. The only color I've ever seen Blue Ox use is blue.
  5. Yes you did, Bill. I betcha it won't last 50,000 miles or 7 years, whichever comes first. Did you get it in white or brown?
  6. Sorry, alv, no dice. What you're doing is telling us the kind of person you are and I doubt you've done anything to hinder the Blue Ox reputation. I suggest you go buy another cord from some other manufacturer and never buy another thing from Blue Ox, by golly that'll show'em. LOL This guy is all over the net bad mouthing Blue Ox over an allegedly defective cable.
  7. Maybe you could buy the Blue Ox from this supplier. http://www.adventurerv.net/blue-wire-coiled-electrical-cables-towing-p-1614.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwhdTqBRDNARIsABsOl98SXDjSun0UDVYCmO8Mu80tarkIICiRrbxRfMIVzWyIAaVon44baLsaAnqkEALw_wcB&sc_intid=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.adventurerv.net1614&scid=scplphttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.adventurerv.net1614&adpos=1o1&utm_medium=organic&utm_source=Froogle&utm_campaign=partsfeed_organic I thought we were talking about coiled cables and customer service, Joe. Since you brought it up, I've used two different Blue Ox towbars over the last 12 years and have had neither rebuilt. The first was 9 years old with approximately 70,000 miles of usage, the one I have now is 3 years old with 23,000 miles. The first was checked by Blue Ox on 3 different occasions and they found no issues. I hope this thread on coiled cables and customer service doesn't turn in to a Ford vs Chevy vs Dodge debate.
  8. I have a Blue Ox coiled cord that I've used for 9 years. I've always had excellent customer service anytime I've contacted Blue Ox and would highly recommend them. Why did you change to a Blue Ox when your Roadmaster was still in great shape? Why are you going to pay $100 for a cord you can buy for less than $70 at several places?
  9. I use a Blue Ox towbar and baseplate. M&G Engineering Braking System. Blue Ox Tail Light wiring. Some people use an aftermarket front bumper that has clips built in.
  10. You gotta love Google. We used a half cup of baking soda to a fresh water tank. Our fresh water tank is about 55 gallons. This is after putting 1/4 cup of bleach to every 15 gallons of waterin fresh water tank. We drain the tank and fill tank with 1/4 cup baking soda and fillfresh water.
  11. Your $18,000 budget is most likely going to limit you to 2010 and older Wranglers.
  12. Did anybody know? I would have thought the contract would have been pretty specific on those sort of items. I won't be using it because the developer wants info that is quite frankly none of their business.
  13. Wayne, I've tried to always stay on the east side (Townsend) of the park. The Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge traffic is horrendous.
  14. On TDS website today:DUE TO HIGH VOLUMES PLEASE ALLOW 7-14 WORK DAYS FOR PROCESSING.If you need it processed within 48 hours we have an additional charge of $20 starting 8/10/19.If you want it sent by Fed Ex overnight an additional fee of $50 will be applied.Fuel ought to be getting even cheaper as they grow??
  15. I would be very uncomfortable driving on two tires when one was driven flat for 22 miles and where the other was exposed to being driven on when it was significantly overloaded. I would most likely replace both tires.
  16. Ross, are you saying there are 3000 people answering telephone calls or 3000 companies that provide roadside assistance? 3000 people answering phones is one heck of a call center.
  17. You might call FMCA and inquire about local drivers. I believe they have/had a program where members volunteered to drive motorhomes. It may be worth a call. Good luck.
  18. You might want to check with your insurance and make sure a hired driver will be insured. Like Carl asked, year, make and model of motorhome. Is the motorhome prepped for a braking system (kind), lighting and tow bar.
  19. elkhartjim

    tire covers

    I also use MagneShade tire covers. When folded for storage, they take up much less room than the typical tire covers. Interestingly enough, when installed its hard to tell the tires are covered.
  20. Eric, are the prongs on the shore plug clean or is there any discoloration showing? If so, hit them with a little sandpaper to clean them up.
  21. Frankly my dear, I don't give a ****. I'll do what I do and others can do what they want to do. I love living in America where we still have limited freedom of choice.
  22. I leave my valves closed even when doing laundry. I can do 3 loads with and extra rinse and fill the tank half full. I've had one experience with sewer flies and I prefer to not do that again.
  23. Sounds appropriate and reasonable. Pay anyone with an insufficient funds check and it will cost you.
  24. Thanks, Joe. It doesn't appear the WEX Card is honored at any of the major "truck" fueling stations or at least they don't show any. I can't find where the Comdata Card is accepted at all.
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