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Everything posted by dickandlois

  1. Tutfam ! Thinking Joe has nailed the problem. The water pump belts do fail, but one needs to have over 1500 hrs on a well serviced generator for one to fail in many cases. That would explain the short run time issue and the 22 code. Hope your generator is on a slide out - if not the common way to repair them is to drop the generator out the bottom of the coach. They are heavy, there a a number of items the need to removed and disconnected. Reqires a good jack like a pallet jack to rool it out from under the coach and it is a tight fit ! Not a job for most coach owners !! Rich.
  2. Ditto - Joe. I'd Bet money that there is a 5 volt circuit(s) in the cab dash area - that sends a code to the ECM and any and all codes in that module offer a check engine code. One is allowed 1 code in the ECM, but if you have 2 codes stored the light comes on. Just need to play there game or play hard ball. Maybe they need to be called to court and made responsible to cover down time cost for any and all items that stop vehicles not directly connected to the drive train. See there is a thread involving an up date from Mercedes to have a software up date installed and once it is installed the check engine lite stays on and no one is taking any responsibility - sounds like the issue is going in circles. Personally feel that the person writing the program update never left their desk and went to the garage to see what happened when it was installed. Just run the program on a computer and it did not error out - so the code string had to be correct. Not My Problem Issue. Kind of like the new systems that prevent the cell phone from working if a vehicle is moving more then 3 to 5 MPH. Rich.
  3. Joe- CAN network, it saves a lot of wire, but it is a pain in the backside. If they are going to use it they should print all the code errors in the owners manuals. Custom Chassis have items installed in them that are not common in the Big Rigs an many of there service centers do not have a clue of how a CAN system works IMHO ! Second issue is Freightliner is at a point where a bigger number of there employees are at or near retirement age. Rich.
  4. How many hrs are on the Generator? and how often do you exercise the generator generator? Rich.
  5. Roland, I have trays under all the batteries that help slide them in and out, but Having them is cases could make disconnecting them for maintenance work a little tricky. Rich.
  6. 2stroker. Pictures always help - it sounds like your current door lock does not have a dead bolt? There are a number of different setups and I'm not sure of the spring you are referring to. Is it connected to the remote / fob actuator assembly. You surely should not need to remove the outside skin ! This is a link to one model latch that might match your"s http://www.trimarkcorp.com/en/media/product/050/050-0250_Rev11.pdf Rich. Note! the 30-900 series is not a remote capable unit.
  7. markletheridge DD's Coach is a little older then yours and his coach will have gauges that read air pressure directly, but the newer models have a module that converts air pressure to a voltage level - that is connected to the Air pressure gauges. If you find wires connected to the pressure gauges and with the pressure levels jumping around. The best bet is an issue in the module. Common issue is bad / cold solder joints in the area of the signal / voltage output. The other possibility is a corroded or loose data connection at the module. If the air pressure was indeed dropping below a level controlled by a PPV an alarm would sound !! Let the group know what you find behind the dash! Rich.
  8. Pat, Welcome to the FMCA Forum! Is there any information in the owners manual that might cover - resetting the system or the system timing? How many slides on your coach? Make of the slide equipment HWH ? model and any other information you can post regarding the slide system. You might try this link to contact Holiday Rambler: http://www.holidayrambler.com/contact Rich.
  9. No feedback for a few days, but have you tried this link to Roadmaster in Canada ? http://www.roadmasterinc.com/locator/index.php?tab=CA Is this the contact information you used ? http://www.vipwheels.com/technical-support VIP PDF Service info that should cover your system and coach year ! Rich. 01460-I1V-_A.pdf
  10. Do not fell that way at all - this has been a real gray matter issue and it has also expanded my knowledge of an application for LP that never has come up before !! Rich.
  11. Joe, Lois has lived with me long enough that I just get a look and the only thing she might challenge is the outside temp and would it be easier when it cools off? and when I enter the house looking like I had spent a few hrs. in a coal mine - remember to clean up you mess !! Rich.
  12. This portion of the thread Polishing the fuel tank has gone way off that subject, but at the same time it is an interesting and potentially good source of information and the thought process. Brett! is there a way to separate this discussion into a LP fuel injection for Diesel engines Thread ?? Rich.
  13. Carl , This discussion kind of falls into your wheelhouse. Propane Combustion Characteristics Lower limit of flammability 2.15 Upper limit of flammability 9.60 Flash point -156 deg. F Ignition temperature in air 920 to 1020 deg. F Octane number over 100 This means that between 2.15 and 9.6% of the total propane/air mixture must be propane in order for it to be combustible. If the mixture is 2% propane and 98% air, there will not be combustion. If the mixture 10% propane and 90% air, combustion will not occur. Any percentage of propane in a propane/air mixture between 2.15% and 9.6% will be sufficient for propane to burn. However, an improper air/gas mixture can produce Carbon Monoxide (CO) that is a deadly product of incomplete combustion. Flash point is the temperature where the propane turns from a liquid to a vapor Air Compressor flow rates are around 10 to 15 CFM Injection point is at 5 psi of boost To me one needs to know the column pressure of the LPG, the mix ratio to air across a pressure range of 5 to 25 psi. to know the ignition point, does it reach the ignition temperature point in the engine intake system of both the engine intake air supply or air compressor system where the ignition point can be obtained before the combustion point inside the engine cylinder. Brett mentioned the effect of LPG on the suspension system. What about the brake system under heavy load conditions or breaking heat. The Octane number would tend to clean the exhaust, but is there any point where the increased temperature would also have a determinable effect on the exhaust valves. Have worked on NG power generator systems, but this is kind of outside anything remotely connected to my life experiences. Used flexible steel fuel lines and the oil stayed clean for a long time. Rich.
  14. alanito2017, Welcome to the FMCA Forum ! The information you provided - That the current draw is around 3 amps and over a period of 3 weeks, the total current load on the batteries over that period of time would equal a little more then 1500 Amps. With no charging system connected or available - the total load would deplete a standard coach battery bank that would be around 400 amp hrs. at 12 volts. A battery killer for sure. There are a number of control boards that are drawing a minimal current even when items are turned off, we tend to call them phantom loads and even the internal chemistry of batteries place a load on them internally. Rich.
  15. No , but there is a Solar Eclipse in a few hrs. Maybe the 2 of them together is having some effect on everyone ! Got to think everyone but Roger is having fun with it !! Rich.
  16. Bill A Question. Thinking you have supplied the system by using the DOT tank on the coach as the supply! Injection point - Just before the Turbo ? How does the mix affect the Air Compressor? Or is it injected into the exhaust stream. A little more then confused. LOL Like Whats new !! Rich.
  17. Leo, Good to hear from you ! This might be your best bet and you might also be able to get a PDF copy of information covering different or other information that could come in handy down the road. http://www.holidayrambler.com/contact Rich.
  18. But then I would not get a needed ingredient for making a good salad dressing ? Rich.
  19. Thanks Wayne ! Never thought about it before, but when we clean the coffee pot next time, maybe I should save the mixture and use it to make salad dressing with the added minerals to supplement the diet ! LOL Rich
  20. Mr M. Have you placed a vinegar solution in the tank and let it set for a 24 hr period? The real trick might be draining the tank out the drain plug - if that is where the electric Hot Rod is installed. Should that be the case you might need to remove the heating element, install a drain plug in place of the element for 24 hrs. Put 4 gallons of vinegar in through the safety valve and top it off to the point where the mix starts draining out the hole. Don't want to remove the hot shot - pull the safety valve and syphon out the water and the mix once it has set for 24 hrs. I buy a case of 4 - 1 Gal. bottles from a bulk store like Sam,s Cosco . It is not all that expensive though so any food store should stock them. Then drain the tank and flush out the tanks with a hose placed in the safety valve opening and run water until all the junk is out and just clear water is exacting the tank. It is also a good time to get a look at the hot shot condition. Good luck - Rich.
  21. There is a small fuse inside the inverter that operates the transfer switch circuit. Need to find the picture of the circuit board that it is located on. You need to remove all AC source power !!! Remove the top cover and inside there is a 1-1/4 in. old style fuse. The wiring for a single output inverter input and output system. Still need to find the circuit board pictures !! Rich. There are 2 internal fuses, one marked in red is under the board. The second one is marked in black >> One needs to work carefully and have skills working with electronic circuits to measure the fuses for continuity and take pictures of EVERY connection you plan on removing to reassemble things in the proper orientation and order !!! Doc4.pdf This is a PDF picture of the fuse locations that you can expand.
  22. Is the large 250 amp fuse in the DC charging line good ? This would keep the coach batteries from charging and still supply AC when you are connected to the generator and or Shore power. This would match the issue you described, if I'm reading things correctly. Rich.
  23. wla7pca7, The link below covers what I did to replace the door handle and lock on our coach. Could you post information on the make of the make of the handle and key assemble installed on your coach. Rich. Note- I could get the door to open by lifting up on the handle so it would rotate, might work in your case!
  24. Got to admit that I.m not positive, but your discrimination of the issue sure sounds like it has the VDC unit? And yes it could be in the same area. You might just give Monaco a call and ask, if the chassis is equipped with one and if not what would cause the same problem described in the information I posted. Rich.
  25. tojomi, Welcome to the FMCA Forum ! Sounds like you have a VDC Unit that has a bad solder joint issue, not uncommon for this Module. The vacuum pressure gauges jump around ! Look at the PDF file and see if this module looks like a unit - mounted in or around the engine compartment, These modules can cost around $1000.00 new, but can be repaired in most cases with the right skill sets. Do not try if you do not have some good soldering skills. Rich. vdcrepair.pdf
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