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Everything posted by dickandlois

  1. jhadams, Thanks for the information and the heads up regarding the cooling fan(s). Good information knowing that the new unit fit real well in existing setup. Rich.
  2. John, I had to look at some older notes, regarding when the Check engine lights where coming on in our coach. The ECM's appear to get fussy when the alternator voltage goes above 14.2 voles + or - a small percentage and when the voltage drops below the 11.5 to 12 volt range. Most of my issues have been noise related and the voltage levels going to high. Rich.
  3. Ronald, What Model year is the coach and what model inverter is installed ? Rich.
  4. jhadams, Your hot spot has shown up in other coaches and if memory is still working (kind of get a senior moment at times) they happened with the Magneteck units. They have had some less then favorable reviews. Could you tell if it looks like the heat was caused by the transformer or the power circuit board? Rich.
  5. Brenda, Take a look at this link For the 110 volt wiring for your coach. Might want to check for tripped circuit breaker or a blown fuse for the Automatic transfer switch. Also check for a tripped circuit breaker on the generator. http://www.winnebagoind.com/diagram/2006/06_g-ser_wire_153077.pdf and this link to find other information regarding the different wiring diagrams. Click on the 2006 year button = then Look for you Model and Chassis Number ! http://www.winnebagoind.com/diagram/Wiring.htm Rich.
  6. brendailgen, Welcome to the FMCA Forum! The fact that you can not use the refrigerator indicates that the coach batteries are discharged or there is the possibility defective connection(s) or a blown fuse. So if you have a multi meter you might want to check what the voltage level is for the coach batteries. After you have been connected to shore power of a time does the battery level increase? When you mention the generator quit after 30min. Could you supply the group with the Make, Model and year of your coach. There are a number of differences between gas and Diesel coaches also. Rich.
  7. Yudamann, You will still need the 12 volts supplied to the antenna and the amplifier to get any real good signal levels! The Converter boxes do not have signal amplifiers in them. For longer runs you might need to install a signal amplifier to boost the higher frequency channels and the higher channels numbers do not mean that channel the frequency is high. The frequency's where assigned by the FCC and what frequency was open and unlikely to interferer with other frequencies. It did not always work as planned though. LOL Rich.
  8. Herman, Sounds like you a referring to the terminal probe, that tells the charger to decrease current when a set temperature is reached. It monitors the charging temperature of the batteries(Connects to the House batteries) My manual says to mount it on the positive terminal of the first 6 volt battery in the series. As they are connected in series / parallel ether set will work. Now, the big question is, Is the manufacture thinking of monitoring current flow or electron flow! We went round and around this one in College. LOL Rich.
  9. John, Regarding you question about the alternator regulator being intermittent. The answer is yes and it tends to show up when the ambient temperatures get to 85 deg. and up. Poor air flow and the higher temperatures in the engine compartment does not help. Brett mentioned using a meter to monitor your 12 volt supply voltage and if your regulator is going bad, a meter can display longer term voltage changes. The issue of noise pulses riding on the 12 volt supply is only detected when using an oscilloscope and they are not common at service centers, then if it is temperature related bad regulators can function just fine when cool. I have played with the alternators supplied from off shore and there quality control is weak. Still using an off shore unit, but install Delco Regulators now on 2 different model alternators to see if indeed this helps increase the trouble free window. When we have tested the units in the rebuild shop under heavy load conditions, we have not been able to confirm or find a difference. That kind of makes our coach a test bed so I carry a spare and work at monitoring ambient temperatures while driving. With your issue being intermittent. One item to check is all the ground connections for the batteries,Engine and alternator. Loose or corroded connections are one key area that can cause the problem you are experiencing. Note. With the addition of the air pickup and ducting air directly to the alternator; the air temperatures under the engine cover is definitely lower. I now need to invest in a better remote temperature monitoring system to log thermal swings if possible. Not the normal garden variety price tag on them ether!! Rich.
  10. jslupsky, Welcome to the FMCA forum ! The issues and items you posted, along with the problem being intermittent sounds like a voltage regulator problem. You might want to take a look at this thread where I addressed a continuing alternator problem. See if anything looks or acts the same. http://community.fmca.com/topic/3930-engine-alternator-issues/?hl=%2Balternator+%2Bheat+%2Bproblem Rich.
  11. Yup, That works and the other option is to install a new digital TV front or rear that can handle the signal and install the converter box on the older analog set allows for 2 channel viewing. I kind of steer clear of signal splitters when working with the new High frequency channels when longer cabling is involved, but inexpensive signal amplifiers do help - just one more item to install in a tight space in many cases. Rich.
  12. Thanks Brett ! got distracted in the middle of my post and totally forgot about the second part of the OP question. Glad you keep me on my toes! LOL Rich.
  13. Thanks Brett, Clears up one little loose end. Rich.
  14. 09bounder, Welcome to the Forum! As mentioned by Carl, you need to know if the wiring is correct, also there is a relay and fuse box installed between the coach prewired hitch connecter and the coach signal and marker light circuits. This protects the coach circuits from circuit issues between the toad and coach. This additional fuse / relay box is generally located in one of the rear cargo pods, most often the right rear.(that being the curb side. There could be a blown fuse in this box and if you replace it and it fails a second time then there is a wiring issue between the coach and toad. Rich.
  15. One more question regarding matching hard to find tires. When you need to change one of the rear dual tires and replace it with one of the front ones, because it meets the 3/4in. requirement for the maximum difference in circumference, do you need to also consider the direction of rotation as a factor. Kind of remember it as being an issue years ago and there is a set pattern when rotating tires on cares. The inside and out side rims on the rear are placed back to back, rotated 180degs. changing there direction of spin relative to each other. Rich
  16. Thanks for posting the results! Now you can offer some assistance on questions pertaining to your model inverter. The total of all the members and there experiences keep making the forum stronger, piece by piece. Rich.
  17. OK, That kind of clears things up ! You need to connect the Antenna cable to the OEM power supply. The cable coming out of this power supply needs to be connected to the Zenith Box. The output from this box goes to the antenna in, on the Winegard switch. This makes the Zenith Box your channel selector. When watching off air channels. Does the box have a RF output on channels 3 and 4? if so you set both TV,s to the channel selected on the "Z" Box and it is the one you will select the channel on the your going to watch. The second option for the front unit(if it has the old RCA audio and video connections) is to run audio and video signals from the box to the front TV and set it in the line in mode. This might give you a better picture. NOTE ! The "Z" box will need to located where it can see the remote signal if its an IR interface. Hope the information helps. Rich.
  18. Thanks Brett! I will draw up some possibilities and get back to you ! Been sometime since I have had to hook something like this up, kind of a workaround because of the switch. One more question, is the new set digital (front) and the older one Analog(rear)? Rich.
  19. Brett' Zenith box ? Is it a converter box to change Digital to analog for the older sets? Rich.
  20. Brett this might help. http://www.winegard.com/kbase/uploads/2451996.pdf Rich.
  21. Don,I use ethylene glycol 50/50. Look at the manual so you know where the filler is and how to pull the filler up out of the expansion tank, if you have never changed the fluid before. My home pad is elevated just a little so the front is higher then the back. this helps reduce the chance of an air pocket in the system. Rich.
  22. rlbarkleyii, Charging batteries with solar power is great on the environment and for batteries. Charging and maintaining batteries through solar will result in better battery performance and longer battery life. With solar chargers rated 15 watts or more, it is recommend one use a controller. It's no surprise that if a battery reaches full charge, but the sun keeps on shining, you risk overcharging the battery. Solar controllers regulate the voltage output from the solar panel and prevent batteries from being overcharged. Rich.
  23. Coach owners that are using VMSpc by Silverleaf. Be Ware !!!!!! Just ran into an issue using a program sold by iOLO that will remove the drivers used by Silver Leaf. I licked the way it worked, but it will look at the VMSpc driver as a second operating system and remove it, if one runs the repair all funtion. The file that removes the software is titled CRUDD ! This file shows up when you go into the Tools folder - To pick and choose items one wants to rum manually. I contacted them yesterday and mentioned the issue and its ramifications. They sent me there latest version to try and it still removes what they consider a second system operating driver and wants to remove it ! So You might want to look for some other supplier for you software mechanic / system cleaner, if you are or plane to run the Silver Leaf engine monitoring system. Rich. I reloaded the VMSpc drivers 5 times before pining down the problem area in the cleaner I had installed just recently. NOTE 1- Silverleaf is now aware of the problem and it will be posted on there web page for reference. NOTE 2- All the system files save and your Gage displays tend to be intact when you reload the VMSpc drivers.
  24. Good Point regarding the equalizer hose on the dual saddle, But it would be prudent to know what side of the coach they draw fuel for the Generator. Got to believe that they would install the generator pick up line higher then the engine pickup line, so you would not drain the saddles and not be able to make a fuel run. Rich.
  25. kmtexas1@embarqmail.com, Welcome to the FMCA Forum! With no visible screws or fasteners it sure sounds like you need to squeeze one edge of the lens(or two sides) to release the lens cover(s). I have never changed the bulbs on your make and model coach though. Could you post the numbers molded into one of the lenses and post that information. Then we can see if we can find a good picture of the lens and maybe see how it is held in place. Rich.
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