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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. I want to park next to you. There are a few things I'd like done,🤡
  2. When you join TSD they issue an EFS card. It is a fleet card, EFS Card Info
  3. I also use Truck Router for some planning, Also, when using Google Maps I'll get my directions then click on the MORE in the map pane and fill in the search with 'Truck Stops,' or 'RV Parks,' Makes for easy planning sometimes.
  4. Jim S, I'll take a .28 cent discount anytime. When I need fuel it doesn't mater to me what station I use as long as I can pull in, fuel up, drive out, and with the TSD EFS card that is what I can do. One time I had to go in and the clerk didn't know what happened at the pump. they scanned my EFS card said I was good to go to fuel up and did not have to come back in. I'll take convenience anytime. Also, watching the marquees along my route there wasn't any difference in price and my last savings at Loves was $14 . One must watch on the open roads app for discounted stations.
  5. We got out July 1st. Wanted to go earlier but youngest GD had graduation, etc. Beginning tomorrow we will be at I-35 RV park in Elm Mott. How close is that to where you will be.
  6. FYI: We are here through tomorrow, then I-35 RV park in Elm Mott near Waco.
  7. Traveling from Durant/Choctaw Casino RV park to Durant town on Hwy 78, ran across this. Sure glad I was not in the MH as there was no place to turn around except to unhook and then try.
  8. I just used TSD EFS about 50 miles at a Love's and the pump price was $177 and my invoice price was $164 so I saved $14 with the TSD EFS card. Use their Open Roads App and find stations along the route that use TSD.
  9. I'm 13' 4" but I watch for anything under 13' 6". If they have just paved the road with new asphalt it may be a little shorter than indicated until they get around to re-measuring. I like the GPS's with input of your RV information and it gives warnings of low bridges, railroad crossings and especially with low ground clearance but the most important thing anyone can do is WATCH FOR THE YELLOW WARNING signs.
  10. Those margaritas can get you in trouble...be safe!!
  11. Garman for RV. Don't know the newest model For planning I use Truck Router
  12. Also I have found that in discussing politics one party always does not like to listen to what the other party has to say, so what's the point. You end up talking politics with those who believe the way you do and it changes nothing.
  13. The magnets on the inside are held in place by 3M double back tape. It takes two people to set them up, one on the inside and one on the outside. Once set up Magna Shade can be installed by one person from the ground. A great product and back by the company. They tell you in the instructions that the magnets are very powerful. That could be an understatement. You do not want to put two of them close together in your hand. Please don't ask me how I know.
  14. Ha ha! Okay, extend the slide all the way out. Once it stops continue to hold the extend button for a minimum of 5 seconds. You may hear the motor(s) continue to purr for a few seconds. Holding it longer than 5 seconds is okay. Bring the slide in and when it stops continue to hold the button for5+ seconds. Check your seal. Repeat one more time if it is not tight. If that doesn't fix it, I'd call Lippert. ============ From an email: Here is what they don’t tell you in the manual or when you buy an RV with Lippert controllers for power gear (electric) or Schwintek slides. Never stop one and change directions as it messes up the memory. Always go full out or full in. If you have to stop make sure you continue in the same direction. When extending or retracting, when the slide stops continue to hold the switch in that position for 5 seconds or longer. This keeps the motors aligned in memory. The memory program works on RPM’s and if one is at 98rpms and the other motor is at 100 it will only get worse and will require re-learning ============== It may require relearning - a subject I'd have to research again.
  15. Like Herman said, it would help to know the type of system as each one is different. Also, give LCI a call. They have been helpful to me on the phone.
  16. Ha ha! I'd like to tell some that are following me that statement!!
  17. My 2008 was totaled by Hurricane Harvey when 54 inches or rain dumped on it and it was flooded. Insurance is Progressive and they covered everything. No questions asked. Another prior incident was hail storm with hail bigger than golf balls. Put holes in the roof. Progressive covered the roof replacement. Both of those incident are Acts of God!
  18. Wow! Sorry to hear all of that. Hope insurance comes through for you.
  19. Ray, enjoyed our short time together with you and DW. Glad y'all made it back safely. Next time don't hurt your back doing young kid stuff.
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