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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. ESC has nothing to do with steering in the wind from trucks or cross wind. Bill
  2. It does sound like a switch problem as the brake lights on the toad don't work. Check for power at the switch. I bet there is a separate element in the bulb for the brake light. Bill
  3. I want to add/clarified that you should have the all wheel alignment done loaded like you were going on a trip or to the scale as Jim posted above. Bill
  4. wildebill308

    XRV Tires?

    I have ben looking and I think I will be going with the Continental's using the new program. Have you looked at them? Bill
  5. It may be better but I haven't used it so I don't know. What I do know is most adhesives fail because of improper cleaning and surface prep. I have used the 3M product on 3 different airplane programs. Bill
  6. I have never heard of a add on steering stabilizer. Why not do a little reading as the FIX has ben discussed several times. Bill
  7. But where is the RV? Just kidding. Nice toys. Bill
  8. Used it building F-35 Joint Strike fighter so it ought to work on a RV. Seriously the prep is the thing. Use a bit of scotch bright and some as acetone to clean both surfaces, clean and roughen the surface. Wearer appropriate protective gloves. Apply as instructed on the box. If it is vertical or overhead you could use some 1" blue tape (painter's tape) to hold it in place till it dries. bmiller260, if you have any questions just ask. Bill
  9. This place may be a good place to find what you are looking for. At least get part numbers and price so you can shop around. http://www.shockwarehouse.com/index.cfm?mode=make&type=M&gclid=Cj0KEQjwwLHLBRDEq9DQxK2I_p8BEiQA3UDVDkOUYbwUDyLQ8S-sn0zNB06n1MH61mr3tkTeAxd_8N0aAuGz8P8HAQ Bill
  10. Great, glad you found the problem and thanks for letting us know what it was. Bill
  11. Don't laugh to hard they have vending machines for cars. https://www.carvana.com/?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=sem_b&utm_campaign=276599251&utm_content=1218258948689450&utm_target=kwd-76141232466519&utm_creative=76141204631639&utm_device=c Bill
  12. True, If it is the same as the one on the web site it will be a 20Amp. Bill
  13. So you don't think the mandated seat belts/shoulder belts will work? Some good ideas out there but we are 40++ years away from anything but a limited use. Who is going to pay for the trillions of dollars in road improvements to make it even remotely possible. They will need to spend much more than that just to keep the roads in the sad state they are in know. Who is going to spend that money when it isn't financially feasible to make a profit doing it. Please explain to me how you are going to convince a trucking company to spend the millions for a computer driven truck when they can spend less than $100,000 a year on a driver that does the same thing. Perfect example Uber bragging about starting a taxi service with self driving cars is a pipe dream. Uber can't afford to do it. When they get rid of the drivers they get rid of the cars. The drivers own the cars. So now what. Bill
  14. Are you saying you are in Sioux Falls, SD ? If so where are you staying? Bill
  15. David, can you hearer any noise when you activate the switch? I would start with looking for the fuse for it. There was a post not long ago about something similar, maybe you can do a search. Let us know what you find. Bill
  16. Duck tape is your friend. It would have to work better. May have ben what was causing the drip. Pulling humid air in and condensing on places that weren't over the drip pan. Some times a partially clogged filter will cause a drip to. Bil
  17. It is in my signature. You won't be able to see it if you are using Chrome. You can add your coach to your signature. MOT is a good place to find nice coaches. This summer looked at the Travel Supreme they had but couldn't get together on the deal. I have an 2003 Bounder. Bill
  18. Nice coach. Where did you buy it? Was it Motorhomes of Texas? Bill
  19. This won't stop it but will calm it down. No set torque just tighten till the bushings are compressed a little. Look at the picture I posted you can see the bushing bulging a little. Bill
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