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Everything posted by manholt

  1. As Brett said, in the start of this tread, look at connections to the shift pad. Also ground. 50 day & 30 night is not your problem!
  2. Both of you, Welcome to the Forum! My Fiance has a 2006 Phaeton 40. Her GFIC in the bathroom, control's all 120v and as Ross said, there is a CB on the inverter for house 12vdc!
  3. F351235. Welcome to the Forum! Take you 15+ years, to find FMCA Forum? Took me 11. I'm 342xxx!
  4. What you got, works for me, if I still had a job and used it primarily for LSU.
  5. RV ! If your concerned about time constraint in Perry, you might want to wait until Minot, ND. There are books on full timing and several posts on this Forum, under "Full Timing"!
  6. Mike, It's like a wife, cheaper you keep her!
  7. Due to the CAT 5 Hurricane, a lot of RV's that had their season parks destroyed, are now doing, what your doing!
  8. manholt

    Tire upgrade

    OK, children, play nice and re-read the OP! Damond had no intention of changing the size of Drive axle tires! Just the steer axle. I expect he has done so, by this time!
  9. What I have found to be true, among all manufacturers, is their entry level DP's are more reliable and gremlin free, than other models...since the sub prime fiasco!
  10. dawndowd.. Welcome to the Forum! is Sarasota is West Coast, FL., Bahamas is East coast. What kind of Park are you looking for? Resort or RV Park. Would help to know size of coach.
  11. How far is that from Central Florida? North Trail is South of Tampa at Ft. Myers. I don't know anyone in Orlando area, or Lake City!
  12. Found by accident, that if your on cruise control for fast idle, it will not go into gear!
  13. manholt

    RV GPS

    Port, Bow, Stern & Starboard, I picked up on during one of my 816 cruises...817 is upcoming Nov. 9. US Army, ASA. Puck Lights & GPS? Go figure!
  14. Yes, I would say, we have all, been quite diligent, in the past 6 hours!
  15. The 2006 Allegro Bay 34XB, is a ISL 300 Cummings, Freightliner FRED!
  16. manholt

    RV GPS

    RAYIN, to err is human! Just like your "Nautical Terms"! I was not Navy, Army. So, my response of 4/6/2017, was/is my feeling!
  17. Mike, do you have a 2006 chassis? Wish I still did. But, you might want to ask Cindy, why she want's a newer coach! Are most of the coaches, newer or bigger than yours at the LSU games? If that's not a issue, then get the graphics changed and keep the coach, until you retire! As Brett said & even a new one, will have Gremlins! As for why I have had, 17 coaches, in 51+ years? One of my boats, was named. "Never Satisfied"!
  18. Roland. Are you talking about leaving coach for, late Spring, Summer & early Fall? If so, IMHO, I would not do it in Texas, unless it was Ft. Stockton and West or Midland and West. Anywhere else, you have, high humidity, BIG storms and HOT....in the West, you have the heat, but a lot drier air! I presume you'll be taking your Toad home?
  19. The old and new Saga continues... Not easy to find American parts in Europe, so I feel their doing rather well.
  20. Wayne, twice in NH. Both times, nothing until the bridge. I unhitched toad & DW parked it off the road & I backed the coach out, about a mile before I could do a U turn...amazing how rude or stubborn some of the drivers where. Most figured it out and helped by clearing traffic!
  21. Long time since we heard from you last. I'm surprised, after all the work you did on your previous coach! What happened?
  22. Mike, The frame is metal, so first you need to bond the fiberglass to the metal. IMHO, I would call Coachman Tech and ask them what they use. Without any picture of both items, we are in the dark....all my bay doors are aluminum and frame less.
  23. manholt

    RV GPS

    Would you please, let us know your, year, make, model & length RV!
  24. Your right & some come with built in generator. The only big difference, between us, I can pull into a rest area in a frog strangler, rain storm, and cook, sleep, without getting wet. When I travel with friends...Lunch is in my coach! You do have me beat in living space and cost, no doubt about that.
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