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Everything posted by manholt

  1. Sometimes things are to good to be true! Everything has to have a disclaimer these days. Too many stupid's or cunningly dumb folks out there, looking for a lawsuit.
  2. I sincerely hope you don't!
  3. Yeah, looks good. They knew how to build them back then! Carl
  4. Built after 06' forget it. Yes, there are 2009's but they where already on the line after BK filling! I would not take one after 06, if it was free!
  5. Agree! But then again, towing a Lincoln Continental behind a coach and not in a trailer, makes as much sense, as towing a Bentley 4 down! Luxury cars should be in a staker or enclosed, out of sight out of mind, trailer! That is also, probably, what the underwriters are thinking and told Lincoln to nix it...Liability issues! Carl
  6. That brought back a blast from the past...took my first DW a long time to drag me there, then she could not drag me out. I spent 2 years in Desoto, TX. at the time, population less than 3,000 and nothing but wide open country, till you got to the river. Carl
  7. gg. My best suggestion and with that many roads, most of them being secondary, I would call or write (plenty of time till August) DOT in each State you plan on visiting! They would have up to date information! Here, you will get information on it, yes...but it would come at you in bit's and piece's, also, last year, different month's to several years ago! Also, Mt. Rushmore in August...that's motor cycle season in Sturgis, good luck !
  8. I agree fully...if you look at Bill's post, and open link you'll understand why I reacted the way I did. Food Channel and Ida in the kitchen, is like a Sushi Chef coming out with a book on Cajun Cooking!
  9. My 2 cents worth. If that is the original 2 door Bronco, wish I could find one, I too would have it on a car carrier! Not only in case it broke down, but because it's a classic American 4 x 4 that is not a Jeep. I read somewhere that Ford was going to re introduce a 2018 model in the US. If memory serves me, they stopped selling them here around mid 1970's! Could you post a picture off it, not on Dolly? Carl
  10. Bill. Throw out the Cheese! Ina would love some Texas Chili with Beans and Sour Cream on top! Ugh! Yuk.
  11. Bill. Read the request again. He want's to know about the roads and condition! Personally I would give the info in writing to FMCA Trip Routing and let them tell you. You only need to be a FMCA member! Carl
  12. So now, they need a Dolly. Typical case of right hand, left hand !
  13. Strats. I can't open it. However, I have found out over the years, that the manufacturer change a lot of things on the chassis they order after they get them in! Bet the round module you found is a dual....as Herman said, it's amazing what goes thru a module. Carl
  14. Good show. Now you can get back to vacation or whatever, with peace of mind.
  15. I wonder what happened with the OP? Oh, well. Maybe he don't cook...
  16. Like Collard greens, I don't do Kale by it's self. use Oink fat !
  17. Nice looking coach! You can keep the white stuff ! Carl
  18. Nice gestures, backfire on occasion ! I LOVE greens and beets! Actually any greens..
  19. Just like Mr. Butler would say. I concur! With all the texting and abbreviations of words or a letter u, to mean you. We loss sight of the ability to formulate and spell. Carl
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