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Everything posted by manholt

  1. manholt


    I used Superior in Eugen, 2014, saved me a ton!
  2. Thanks! Now I know what my DW was talking about....🙄😂
  3. Pat, we (big class A) use them inside out toads and front window in coach....crystal clear, no dirt and no water marks! 😍
  4. db....comes with the coach, part of security.
  5. In the current coach I have 10 cameras outside and one inside.
  6. Pat, have a great thanksgiving on the Lake!
  7. I used to mount them high up. behind the TV or elect cabinet.
  8. tnjim, Probably several different reasons. A RV tends to be wider, higher, heavier, longer than a passenger van. RV's also carry propane. Vans have a higher road clearance than RV's!
  9. I do the same! There are a few problems with covers, like mildew...Unless your 4' tall, you should not need a ladder.
  10. check for a dirty or loss ground wire. Welcome.
  11. Have you spoken to Bendix? Also try Spartan, Oshkosh, chassis....
  12. Pat, yes sir. Problem is that Burk Burnett is a suburb, of Wichita Falls & they drop the Burk.... Not much in the way of BBQ in Burnet, but you swing over to Austin and they have 4 of the top 10 cookers in Texas! Your right about the "B's", they where very popular in the 90's and first 5 years of 2000. Now they have been replaced by shorter Super "C." Also, mid 30' Class "A," DP!
  13. If it has Solar, how many panels at what watts? What size controller?
  14. We used to have Trave-a-sack, now its called Bed in a bag. I last saw one at Bed, Bath and Beyond. Newer had a "B" or "C" in 54 years! Sorry, welcome to the Forum!
  15. Mine is solid vinyl. I keep it between the dash & front windshield.
  16. Its to equalize front, rear of slide....Winnebago!
  17. Hallfam4rv. Welcome! We are going to Alaska, June 5 from Coeur d' Alene, with Fantasy Tours. In 2019 we took FT for all the Eastern Canada Maritimes....well worth the price. Unless you fly, you got to go thru Canada to get to Alaska!
  18. Oldcobia. Welcome to the Forum! Any Auto parts store, should be able to cross reference....I prefer NAPA and Auto Zone.
  19. Welcome to the Forum Greg!
  20. Mike, when I lived down there, I had a 14' x 50' enclosed for a 45'....I drove mine inn and backed out. 65' is plenty.
  21. Bill, not necessarily....Bank finance, then yes. Cash, then no, liability only or umbrella policy, will get you out the door.
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