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Everything posted by manholt

  1. Yup, gauge in dash! Don, you should have it on your dash also....Never had a DP that didn't.
  2. DD69, Bill and I will both be in Tucson, going in with AIM. I will look you up, been a long time! Mike. Retirement. I joked about it when I was 14, because 65 was "really old age", so I told my friends and family that I would retire by 40....I missed by 2 years, 42! You can't second guess the price of oil and since I was a drilling consultant, when oil went down my day rate went down! I had no plans to retire in Feb of 1985, oil was $42 and dropped to $16 almost overnight. I had just got home from a 18 month contract with Exxon at $1745 per day, a month later, I was offered a contract at $125 per day....That's retirement. Lots of friends, gave me ideas on what to do...Join the local Lions, I did that. Wife said we could travel more in coach and by ship, we did that and I also took up golf.....everything we had was paid for, including a house in Grand Cayman! Looking back, I have no regrets. Never have I been bored in all these years! 😍
  3. If your truck is a 4 x 4, then no disconnect required, other than tranny.
  4. Same here....I think we all do that. Also runs cooler!
  5. LOL. In the old days, all we had in coaches was 12V/120 and LP, that we had to throw the CB, turn off gas and disconnect at battery....We used to use a block of wood to hold door open. Biggest problem was to make sure the fridge was level....in the 1960's, 70's and 80's! Today, I agree with desertdeal69 and Rayin!
  6. By the back roads, Killeen is about 45 miles from us. He lives in a nice area.
  7. The list is already long! I have the new and improved version of the 600, to my knowledge, Cummins don't make the 650 anymore! As RayIn said, but that's only one out off 100 or perhaps a thousand, that you never will hear about. 🤬
  8. Sounds like you where better off in NH.
  9. Sure would help to know the make & model of your coach! Salesman switch, bad cell in a battery or a bad ground connection on battery side come to mind.
  10. Do you know where your current hard wire is at? Is there a slide out there? With slides you can have up to 3 splitters and I would check each one....one bad and your dead from front to back! Last time I got a Wi-Fi system....no hard wire!
  11. Where does your "one and only" nephew live? In Texas, 15 min can cover a lot of real estate!
  12. This is a open Forum, it's recommended that you don't list your personal phone or work #! Ask anyone to send you a PM instead...jleamont is an excellent contact for info!
  13. kdffmca. Welcome to the Forum! On this Forum, find the Avatar for rsbiledwards and send him a Privat Message! He is Safari..
  14. We'll be coming in with AIM the 22nd, to park with them....I'm with Governance, so will be at meetings the 22nd and 23rd.
  15. domano. make sure the DOT on new tires are the same and I prefer no older than 2 months after DOT.
  16. I would stay away from Progressive! Don't think they like you anymore.... Glad it all worked out for you!
  17. You have been a member of FMCA for 4 years now....Is this your first RV? Did you get it in FL?
  18. I have been on both several times, as you can note , both WBill and I have 45' DP's and towing!
  19. I suspect that the other owner, did not have a clue about changing tires on a average of every 6 years. No matter what the tread looks like, go by the side wall.
  20. DB, I remember....Knotts Berry Farm and Disney Land, pre USAF in 1961, it was a long ride from Santa Monica! Herman, I think it's over $200 per day, per person! Joe would know for sure.
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