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Everything posted by manholt

  1. DB, Bugs maybe, Disney Land is open....bring lots of $$$$
  2. Since WBill is in Ft Worth, TX and I'm in Burnet, TX. we know what you mean! Keeping rig clean in back? It's like keeping love bugs off front....clean each day after travel.
  3. There is no such thing as "to much money or land." Freezing my a$$ off..,.🥶
  4. Now they have 10 more including a chicken.
  5. Will try! I have a little problem....no file 2019 and 2020 taxes due to COVID....My BDO Tax man in Norway passed away! Will Joe's IRS buy that? My CPA for America wants to see me! I have a new CPA with BDO, that has no clue!
  6. Hope he was dying as he fell and the last thing he saw his shadow! 🤣🤬
  7. Due to the weather in Texas and La, we will celebrate Mardi Grass on Galveston...staying at Stella Mar , coming in the 12th!
  8. Same here! It's called a razor..
  9. Eric, don't turn on engine unless you plan on driving it. 75 days is no reason to "exercise" generator!
  10. db. It would be a good time to dig some oysters in South Carolina! There is a reason why you have a RV.
  11. Rayin, The wind will keep a hard freeze away from the strawberry plants. Bill,, frozen Iguanas is way to much fun! Just wear a hard hat.
  12. I would not be missing shoveling snow!
  13. manholt

    Gas or Diesel

    Bill, when you say $19.47, is that out the door??
  14. I lived on Galveston Island, TX. From 1990 to 2021....Sky high insurance, due to wind storm & hail, then you got FEMA. The only difference at the Ranch, no FEMA. They tried, but we are over 400' above Burnet and 125' above road. Bring on stupid.
  15. manholt

    Gas or Diesel

    Bill, I generally include sales tax!
  16. Do you have Lipper or HWH, when you say, one side is stationary...is that the same slide out? If so, you need to reset your slide, I do not think you have a short.
  17. manholt

    Gas or Diesel

    At the current price off $60 per gallon for oil, T-6, my ISX600 will run me 2.5x the price of maintenance this year compared to last year. We can afford it, question is can tcisodar? Only he can answer that. Joe, I understand that Liquid Springs does wonders for a gasser ride! Having said that, aren't you glad you did not get DW's Prevost? Bill, don't get me started on that...I-10 East Texas!
  18. If you find T-6 I need 16 gallons! Only drawback with a ISX600... Herman, that's more than I want to pay!!!! Wonder what Cummins bulk is?
  19. Eagles is the closest to FW Mecham International. Navigator 1, I'm 37 miles from Ft. Hood.
  20. Mike, LSU vs TA&M is dismal each time they play. Win/I lose, went to both for my engineering degree!
  21. Joe, has yours gotten to big? Give us an idea of what your looking for...
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