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Wayne.  Not so much Linda, I did learn a few things from the other 3.  When you have no children, can't take your wife with you and your gone a month or longer at a time, it takes it's toll on a marriage! :(  My last marriage, we where together for 14 years, I was retired for 5 of those years and had she not come down with Liver cancer and pass in May of 1990, I would still be with her!  That's  why I was single for 30 years.  I met Linda 4 years ago!  

Strange part is, I saw her and her second husband, on a couple occasions between 1978 - 1981...they where our next door neighbors on Inks Lake! :wacko:

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I prefer Caymus Special Reserve...got 2 cases on order thru Specs.  Also have BV, Opus one, Duckhorn and Cakebread.

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We arrived at Rafter J Bar Ranch in Hill City, SD and its maybe 30% full.  The Campgounds we passed on the way here had less occupants than Rafter J.  It appears the restaurants are all open but the only one I've verified is the Alpine Inn in Hill City. Going in a bit for dessert. 


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Let us know if it is still good. Last time I was in that area we stayed over at Heartland RV Park & Cabins. Rapid City, South Dakota has a lot of intersting things to see. Look for The City of Presidents Walk. They have statues of the Presidents on each street corner.


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We spent 3 days in that area by Jeep.  Base Camp was in Rapid City. Took every paved & dirt road we could find that was legal to drive on!  Wish we had known about Rafter J. That's a big place!  On the way back home, we did the same in the Badlands. Base Camp was on generator, next to a little cafe at Sharps Corner, nice folks, great local maps!  Very hot in end of July!  Take Hwy 21 to 18 to 27 & drop straight down thru Nebraska! Definitely roads less traveled by coach! :blink: 

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We started south from the east side and ended up on 385 and spent the night at the Cabelas RV park in Sidney just off I-80. Nice little park at Cabelas world headquarters.


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A few nights after The Executive Department and I (Management) married, we were drifting off to sleep when she said "You know what?"  Being a congenital smartass I said "Yeah, I know what."  You'd think there'd be at least a half-moment of silence.  There was not.  Before my lips stopped moving she was up on one elbow, her had over mine, and said "No you don't !"  We got it straight right from the beginning that I don't know what, and it's been a good marriage ever since.

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See you are a quick learner.

Well moved the flag yesterday and moved up to Durant, OK. At the Choctaw KOA for the next few days.


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Bill, nice to know your rig is running, after just sitting there...now, later on, I can compare notes on your mpg's & power!  

Have fun with the 3 R's!

I had my  first cataract surgery at 8 AM, today!  We are at the Austin Rodeo RV Park until Sat. post op is at 2:30 tomorrow and traffic will be insane!  Next surgery is the 25th.

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Take care and follow doctors orders. We know you are following Lindas.

I was lucky it started and I didn't have to get a jump start. :D


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Rootin for you Carl! I had both eyes done  about 12 years ago, just follow the schedule for eye drops and Dr's orders. This was a few years after having laser surgery to re-attach both retinas resulting from a severe head injury, so I know you'll do well.

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Earlene had one eye done last fall. Said it was great. 

Good luck and follow the doctor's orders - I know you follow Linda's orders.

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On 6/4/2020 at 7:31 PM, WILDEBILL308 said:

Let us know if it is still good. Last time I was in that area we stayed over at Heartland RV Park & Cabins. Rapid City, South Dakota has a lot of intersting things to see. Look for The City of Presidents Walk. They have statues of the Presidents on each street corner.


I've stayed at Rafter J for years and like Carl I've driven every back road, off road and cow path I could find. Bill, being a foodie, you should stay there just so you can eat at the Alpine Inn in Hill City. We met the lady who started the restaurant and later sold it to her daughter.  Charming German women with unbelievably strong political beliefs. We were at Rafter J for 6 days and either had lunch or dinner or dessert at Alpine Inn 5 times. 

We've been at the Elkhorn Ridge RV Resort in Spearfish for the pass 4 days and it is at least a 5 star place. Sadly, its about 30% full. Rafter J finally got up to about 60% full. We are leaving for Breckenridge today for a week in Tiger Run. 

Bill, we did do the drive/walk of presidents streets in Rapid City. Neat bronzes for sure. 

The Sturgis city council will decide June 15 if they will cancel the Bike Week, if they cancel that will mean a tremendously negative financial impact for this area. 

Carl, glad the surgery went well.

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Well all, we got back home about 15 min. ago.  Saw the Doc for post op yesterday, he's happy, said I had 20/30 and it would get to 20/20 in about 2 weeks and yea, I'm taking a regiment of eye drops daily, some for 3 weeks!  Asked me if I felt like doing the Left eye next Thursday, I said yes!  Will find out Monday from the scheduler.

Jim, AIM is going to be in Spearfish for their Rally in July.  Sure wish we where in your area, this area is sweltering! 

RayIN...I really feel sorry for you and your wife, both of you have had some lousy luck!

Thanks for your well wishes! 

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2 hours ago, Erniee said:

Looks like after many folks contacting the powers that be- this forum is back in business

Erniee, I bet there is a storey in that whole process/situation.


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We've been going to every campground we can in NH on the weekends. Finding a lot of good finds.

One is like 45 mins. away.

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4 minutes ago, DBenoit said:

We've been going to every campground we can in NH on the weekends. Finding a lot of good finds.

One is like 45 mins. away.

That sounds like fun! Post some photos with the campground name in the "campgrounds" section. I'm sure it would help many looking for that right spot. 

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