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Why would you have a handicap plate on a motorhome?

I have seen handicap parking spaces near the restrooms in Tennessee for 18 wheeler rigs and motorhomes, they are marked with blue paint and have the signs that state for that use only.💙

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Herman we have a permanent handicap hang tag in our MH due to DW's condition.We'll likely buy a handicap plate when the DMV issues new plates instead of an annual sticker.Handicap RV sites are a bit wider, leveler, with more concrete skirting for wheelchairs and walker use between RV and picnic tables. I think the MH's built for wheelchair/walker access inside are neat.

Edited by rayin

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Herman, even in Texas more and more Rest Areas are putting in Handicap Parking for OTR's and coaches...like Ray, we have a Placard in coach and will be getting plates put on in Jan 2021 on all our vehicles! :P Linda has one on the Expedition, Stint & bad hips/knee!  I have the Placards due to my neck and knees!  

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Boils down to getting old sucks. Years ago someone asked Dad about the golden years; he said" feels more like lead to me".

Edited by rayin

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21 hours ago, hermanmullins said:

Why would you have a handicap plate on a motorhome?



20 hours ago, kaypsmith said:


Why would you have a handicap plate on a motorhome?

I have seen handicap parking spaces near the restrooms in Tennessee for 18 wheeler rigs and motorhomes, they are marked with blue paint and have the signs that state for that use only.💙


As stated there are handicap spaces for truckers and anyone that is handicapped. Yes, there are handicapped truckers, albeit not a lot of them.  I have Disabled Veteran plates on all my vehicles. My TOAD has the international symbol, the other vehicles just the disabled veteran plate.  I think I have used the handicapped spot at a rest stop once in my lifetime. Then, it was only because the rest stop was full. Typically we park close to where we can walk Lexi.

Another reason is when making reservation. Typically we just make a reservation and get whatever is available. However, in a pinch I would ask if they have a handicapped spot available. I think I used that one time only in the past decade.

There may be more reasons, but those are mine.

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St George Island Florida campground has four handicap camp sites available, all other 54 are dirt/sand with gravel, while the handicap sites have very large cement pads that the invalid can maneuver on very easily, if you don't have appropriate tags, you can't rent them. Just to name a few reasons.

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It's unfortunate, but many have handicapped plates that have nothing to do with mobility (or anything associated with being mobile), but qualify for being ''handicapped."  I'm qualified for them, but it has nothing to do with mobility, so I don't get them.  The states need to differentiate the criteria for that plate.

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7 hours ago, manholt said:

FIVE, your right and sometimes I wonder if they give them out for the mentally impaired. :wacko:

I rest my case, Your Honor!🙃

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Wasn't there an article in FMCA's magazine last year about a handicap-accessible coach? Lots of legitimate reasons for having handicap tags on a coach. Lot's of people have handicapped tags on vehicles for things that you can't easily see as a casual observer. I count my blessings every day I don't need one, and when I do I'll count my blessings that they are available.

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On 11/23/2020 at 4:53 PM, hermanmullins said:

Why would you have a handicap plate on a motorhome?


Lots of reasons, Herman.  Our coach is wheelchair accessible for my wife who is paraplegic and uses a wheelchair full time.  She is stubbornly independent but we appreciate conveniences whenever they present themselves.  We also have more stories than you can imagine about those who have handicap placards who abuse the privilege and park so that those like my wife who need the space to offload from a ramp on our rampvan can't because someone parked on the hash marks or just used grandma's placard so they could get a better parking space.  Happens all the time and it is a sad commentary on our society.  If you need it, use it.  If you don't, don't abuse it, please.


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