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Who, What, When, Where or Just Lets Talk

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i thought Ihad posted this yesterday but the computer minions didn't do it.
(Regarding crabs)
Oh my, those look good. My mind is spinning with all the things I could do with them. Do you have an insulated box and some dry ice?

This is our 4th year in Shipshewana Campgroound - South Park and  we already have reservations for next year. Five years total in the area. Every time we go for a ride DW says, "I sure like it here!"

There are a lot of soft pretzel places but Yoder's Red Barn has by far the best soft pretzel we have ever had, and the Rise 'N Roll bakery the best filled donuts,  I call both of them a "crack house,"

Both places are keeping me in shape - round!


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Wayne you might need your furnace this coming week. Here in S. IN lows are forecast in the 40's at night.  Depending on when you leave to head home, The Parke county covered bridge festival is Oct. 13-22. We always park the MH at the  Parke county fairgrounds North of Rockville IN for the festival, 50A E only. The management doesn't care if the front of our MH is smashed up, so we're going this  year.

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Yep! We have turned the heater on twice so far this year but most of the time the fireplace takes the chill off.

We leave here October 1st and going straight home with a day or two stop overs.

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Ray have you made any progress on getting your rig repaired?

Wayne, You are far enough south you are ok but I was telling someone that was headed to main to call and check for places to stay. Up that way they start shutting down after Labor Day. By October not much open.

We almost had to turn on some heat as it was only 95 today.



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Took the dog for a walk and it was the best temps in a long time. 

Saw a interesting post where someone had their DP towed and they pulled the axels out to tow it. I have never heard of doing that. I have always heard that you pull the drive shaft. That is what they did when they pulled a friends DP. 

What do you think?


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Changing the topic but I just wanted to say thank all of you for your questions and comments. They are all interesting and I’ve been reading them for years. I don’t have much to comment on or much less offer advice but you all seem to have a wealth of information.  Thanks to the forum also for keeping the Hermanmullins name line. 

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Thanks Mable! Herman was a fine man, and IMO this thread is a tribute to his dedication to FMCA.

Wildbill, Not much progress. I just found out today the court-appointed umpire/arbitrator had been getting the run-around from Progressive Ins. about paying him. That is the reason for the latest delay.

Edited by rayin

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Wayne, Bill; I suspect that is a delaying tactic in an effort to force me to give up and pay the differential cost of the body work out of pocket. Ain't gonna work! I will exhaust the terms on the Progressive MH policy then I"m free to contact my lawyer.

Edited by rayin

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