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Everything posted by elkhartjim

  1. I was surprised with Tom's response also. I've been involved in several Beta tests and never did the businesses shut down to test. After some communications with the FMCA IT group, this really isn't a Beta test, they only expect us to look at it for a few hours. The Beta's I've been involved with lasted for several weeks if not months. Merry Christmas to all...
  2. Just a heads up. I purchased 2.5 gallon container of DEF at a WalMart in Lubbock, TX yesterday. This morning I unscrewed the lid and found the safety seal missing from the jug. Feeling a little cautious, I poured some of the liquid in a cup - water. I returned the product and found out it happens more often than you would think. So as a word of advice, check the seal before making your purchase. I also found out they have to watch for returned motor oil. People will buy 5 qts of oil, change their oil and return the 5 qts containing their used oil for a refund.
  3. Or you can do what the majority of the world does and wait until every news source in the country says there is a recall for your tire. You have so many options available to resolve this self made crises that I'm afraid you can't see the forest for the trees. Do you honestly believe any vehicle you've ever bought new the manufacturer registered your tires? Trust me, at 72 I have more important things to worry about than if Newmar registered my tires.
  4. Im not saying anything about the endangered list, I'm simply restating a recent report from the Audubon Society. Common sense says if another animal eats an animal with poison in its system will ingest some poison too. The vet said when my dog caught the rat, most likely the rat urinated and thats where she got the poison. She never ate the rat. Its just a public service announcement to watch your pets if using poisons for pests control.
  5. This is what Newmar recommends also but I have a problem using vinegar in my wash water.
  6. FYI...the use of products that poison rats is also killing our owl population. If the owl eats a rat that has ingested poison, then the owl usually ingests enough to die. When I had made place in the country, I kept rat poison out in all the barns. I saw my dog catch a rat one day and within hours noticed her becoming lethargic; I got her to the vet and she had to be treated for poisoning. If you're cat owners, this can really be problematic. I changed to traps.
  7. The provided link is to Mark Quasius's write up on touring the Yellowstone, Tetons and the Beartooth Hwy. I've suggested this to all my friends when I find out they are planning a trip to that area. http://www.rvtechmag.com/showcase/54_ystonephoto.php This is a link to his website which has some really good how to articles. http://www.rvtechmag.com/index.php?cat=0
  8. I'm sorry but it seems to me as if the FMCA program is in a steep learning curve for whatever reason. As I recall, someone posted they called FMCA RSA for a lock out and was told "thats not covered for motorhomes" but then a few weeks later they recanted their story. I'm not prepared to go with any company that answers their business number with a message for me to leave a message and we'll get back to you in 24 hours.
  9. Thanks for responding. So there is a law that costs the manufacturer, the distributor, the dealer and the consumer time and in most cases money to abide by and most don't. Its most likely not enforced because its logistically impossible to enforce. Another bureaucratic boondoggle. It would be much less expensive to take out full page ads than keeping track of millions of individual names.
  10. No problem getting out. Remember, you have a benefit I don't, you can easily back up. I would need to disconnect my toad to back.
  11. We stopped around 6 at the Walmart in Fort Stockton, TX a few months ago and there were three rv's there. We left at 6:30 the next morning and there were 30+.
  12. I don't know it the Texas Rio Grande Valley area is of interest, but we usually stay here for a few weeks in the spring. http://llanogranderesort.com/
  13. Joe, its not the getting in that I am concerned with its the getting out.
  14. I think you will find several on here that are M&G advocates. Give Monty a call for any questions on their braking system. I spoke to him yesterday and he is a little under the weather with the crud. https://www.m-gengineering.com/
  15. To my knowledge, I've never registered a tire. My questions are: Did Firestone notify all the vehicle owners of their defective tires before or after all the lawsuits? When I purchase a used vehicle, were those tires registered? Does the manufacturer register every tire they install and who the owner will be? Did Newmar register my tires on my motorhome? Am I legally responsible to make sure my tires are registered on a vehicle I'm selling? If the selling tire distributor registers a tire he sells me and then I in turn sell my vehicle, am I required to notify the dealer I no longer own the tire? Of the thousands of used vehicles bought and sold monthly, how are those tire registrations handled? To the FMCA member who has been trying to register new tires for months, were your existing tires registered? Here is one many RVers are familiar with, when did you receive notice your Norcold could catch fire and kill you? We had to call Norcold if our unit serial numbers fell within the range of problem products. My Norcold was on the recall and had never been registered yet I received the magical black box. From what I've seen, after there have been multiple failures of a product and its been blasted by the news media for months and the class action lawsuits have been filed, the tire manufacturer may or may not notify the consumer. Of course when they notify you they are admitting there is a problem so most likely they will never notify anyone and allow the class action attorneys to make millions while the consumers are rewarded with a check for $1.18. I think I'll use my time being more concerned if they really used pink air in my tires.
  16. elkhartjim

    Forum Speed

    Go to Adblocker for Chrome to download, it will stop those pesky ads. The only ads I see on the FMCA site are their banner ads. I have the same experience as Wayne on getting on the website. Its slow to load but then it works fine.
  17. elkhartjim

    Forum Speed

    Carl, are you using a PC or a fruity product?
  18. Exactly, the dealers have the hold back money, number of unit discounts, number of units bonuses, etc. Plus, the infamous F&I profit center. As Brett stated, "it is an excellent reference point". I would love to see the manufacturer's invoice on our motorhomes...errr, to stay politically correct, recreational vehicle.
  19. With all due respect, Carl, what word would you use to replace invoice? Bill? The copy of the piece paper I received says Factory Invoice. Henson Jeep in Madisonville is very familiar with the plan. I did my purchase over the phone, drove up when the Jeep came, signed the paperwork and drove my new Jeep home with a copy of what Daimler calls a Factory Invoice.
  20. I really would like to hear from someone who has experience with the service. Just because its $69 doesn't mean much if the service equates to the cost. Ian hinted he is a user but has not mentioned if he has had experience using it and apparently nobody on this forum has any experience with this program.
  21. I bought my last two Jeeps through this program. I paid the dealer invoice cost less the 1%. The dealer retains the hold back and any other special incentives. When I bought my 2016 Wrangler, Daimler had a coupon rebate program and I received the 1% below invoice and then, as I recall, a $500 rebate after that. To use the $40,000 example, I got $400 (1%) off of dealer invoice and a additional $500 rebate thanks to the FCOC program. I believe the program is available for most of the Daimler products including the Mercedes line.
  22. Do you use FMCA, Ian? If so, what has your experience been other than writing a smaller check? The major selling point I keep hearing is that its cheaper than the others but what kind of service will you receive from the lowest priced vendor. It may not be such a great deal if the service is lousy. GS and CoachNet both cover all your vehicles.
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