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Everything posted by dickandlois

  1. Raiders, You might want to contact, Al Vormittag. He is X Military and might have some good feed back for you. The Military Veterans come under the International Area; President International Area Alfred Vormittag, Jr., F231342, 303-589-9504 abv24theroad@gmail.com Hope this gets you started on the path to find a Chapter that fits your needs. Thanks for your Service !!!! Rich.
  2. The ECM on your engine should have set a code. You should be able to read it using the check engine light and the switches under the dash next to the steering column. You should check or have a mechanic check the valve train settings. There is a specific method and clearance to set the intake and exhaust valves. Having the rocker arm come loose on the 1 cylinder, could mean that others are loose also or out of spec. Rich.
  3. Killintime, Welcome to FMCA ! Do you have the owners manual for you refrigerator? Some manuals have more or less information depending on model and year. With the frig tripping the circuit breaker, I would think the AC Heater unit is shorted out. That being the case it might be time to replace the unit. It lasted around 18 years, not bad for this type refrigerator. Rich
  4. Daffy, I had a similar problem on a different chassis years back! It was almost impossible to keep on the road. The big problem was in the front king pins(Ball Joint Area). Once it was rebuilt it went down the road much better. With only 17k miles on it they should be covered under warranty, I would think. Mine was rebuilt with less the 10k on it, but I had to fight to get them to believe me. Rich.
  5. Raiders, A Welcome to FMCA also. New American Coach so I'm wondering if you might have a MS-2000 charger / Inverter. They have a 30 amp reset / breaker on them. If you have the manuals for the unit, look and see a picture of it in your information. you should see 2 circuit breakers and 1 reset button. the reset is closest to the front as you look at it on the left hand side near the bottom corner. Should it not restart, then push and hold the power push button for about 15 seconds, a LED should flash for a short time then when you release it it should stop flashing. This indicates that it has reset. You would not have any 12 volts for the coach and would lose AC on two of your 110 volt AC power circuits. Also, look at this link for more information on what I think your problem is: http://community.fmca.com/topic/5222-no-power-to-110-outlets-in-coach-area-unless-inverter-is-turned-on/ Rich.
  6. There are 3 possible locations where splines or friction connections are generally used. Two points are at the bell crank assemblies where the wiper arms attach to the front of the coach and the other is as the point where both actuator arms connect to the wiper motor bell crank. Should the arms now stop at different positions, then check the point where they connect to the post or spline, that each arm is connected. If the wipers are stopping at about the same location relative to where they stopped before the problem, then you need to check the connection at the motor and drive actuator arm link(s) and connection links. This can be a confusing assembly for one not accustom to mechanical items. Also. look for any damaged parts, things that just do not look right; or bent in away that does not look quite right. If you have any question about what your are looking at, just get some help from a mechanic you trust. Always good to get a second pair of eyes on something, then to have to buy or try to find an item(s) that can be hard to find at times. You can look at this link to see what some of the systems look like. http://community.fmca.com/topic/4965-windshield-wiper-system-parts-catalog-for-rvs/?hl=%2Bwiper+%2Bparts Hope this information helps. Rich.
  7. jprince, Welcome to FMCA !Is this a new issue with the Wipers ? The wiper drive assemblies very, but most are made to set the wiper stop position using a spline drive or a friction drive coupling. The splines can ware, this lets the blade drive arms move out of position. The friction style coupling can become loose and one or both arms will move out of position or fail to work altogether. You might check and see how your wiper system is set up, then reset there stop position. Should you not be sure how to do this, check with a service center or mechanic to get some help or pointers on how you might reset yours. Rich.
  8. This is a link to a PDF file covering your model and year coach. From the information listed you have a fiberglass roof, so what you see pealing off is a clear coat applied to protect and extend roof appearance. One can clean and reapply the clear coat or have it professionally applied. http://media.gowinnebago.com/models/globalElements/brochure/previous-models/2007/winnebago/07-Aspect-bro.pdf Rich.
  9. This link covers the operation and use of Jake braking. Primarily on big rigs, but the same operation and application applies to RV's. Rich.
  10. Barluis, Welcome to FMCA !! From the information you supplied, it sounds like the shift point pressures are set a little high. You might want to have a transmission tech run a pressure test for the shift points to see if they are set properly. Then you can discuss the possibility of lowering the the shift point pressure settings to reduce or eliminate the hard shifting. Hard to speculate on any problems with out all the information a tech should be able to supply you. Rich.
  11. OK Got you Rudy ! I was thinking water between where the slid and coach wall meet, not the side wall of the slid its self. If you do not have a leak when the slid is in, then it would be where CampCop mentioned or at the roof line where the top of the slid and sidewall are matted. Rich.
  12. Hi Roger, Sounds like the air ride is tied into the leveling system. Once you are level the suspension bar function is disabled. Sounds like a logic circuit lock out or a defect in the logic system controlling the suspension. Now the question I need to ask. Have you been able to run the engine in the past to air up items and have the suspension bar work once you have leveled. What level system is your coach equipped with and the Model number? Rich.
  13. Hi Rudy! I have a different make and manufacture, but had a similar problem. On mine there are seals on the inside edge of the slide, that when the slide is out seal the slide roof line between the coach wall and the inside lip of the slide. You can see and feel the seals with the slide slightly retracted. You might need to clean them and the roof surface where it seals between the roof line and the top of the slide out roof. Also wipe down all the seals with some silicon, this will clean them and and help keep them conditioned. Dirt builds up on the roof and seals and allows water to seep in between. Should the coach be tilted so the curb side is a little higher water can pool along the area of the seal. Hope this helps. Rich.
  14. Leo, So glad you got things worked out with GS and a working solution for the hydraulic system. You have so much information regarding this issue, that you qualify as the forums expert. Hurray Hurray and Hurray !!!!!!! Safe and MANY trouble free miles ----- Rich.
  15. Hi Larry, I'm not familiar with your unit, but can you tell if its a flat style or an "O" ring style gasket ? Do you have the means of posting a picture of the unit, showing the area / location of the seal in question that you could attach to your post. Is this the type of unit you referring to ? http://www.flushking.com/ Rich.
  16. chp, You might try this link and see if it helps. I have not located a parts manual for the SCS system at the time. Tri/Mark also makes a wireless system. http://www.jcwhitney.com/keyless-entry/apa/uro-parts/b1482c494j1s25.jcwx Rich.
  17. Dowdy, If there is no fuse in the back panel, then check for it in the front as posted by Mike. Wish they wired them the same, but things change form year to year and model to model. Even thought your information suggests other wise. Good luck. Rich.
  18. Hi DumbBoy! I have not gotten into the plumbing on the Monaco Coaches. Sounds like a check valve failed. I do know that issues with coaches can make me feel very stupid. Just part of owning a coach !!! I eat humble pie more often then I like. Rich.
  19. Hi Dowdy, Your model and year coach should have an auxiliary fuse / relay box in one of the rear cargo pods behind the tires on the curb side. Some units have them on the drivers side in a pod behind the rear wheel. They often hide them behind a cover, so look closely for a small label that is easily missed. When you fine it, it will have fuses for the turn signals, backup lights, brake lights an possibility more fuses, plus 4 or5 small relays in some cases. Will have a cover that needs to be opened. Let us know if you find it. Rich.
  20. Kaypsmith, Welcome to FMCA. The issue or problem you described in your post is referred to as a ground loop. I must admit that I have not considered the issue while posting on the FMCA group web page. It is a common issue in large control systems, hospital and school call in systems . However ! it is very possible, with the number of electronic systems and low power devices now being used on coaches and I'm almost willing to bet that none of the coach manufactures have taken ground loops, due to wiring protocol into account. This was a very astute observation on your part. Well done!!! Rich.
  21. Hello Leonard & Sondra and welcome to FMCA I see Herman has passed along some information to you. Rich.
  22. cadiwa,Welcome to FMCA. Could you post the model number of your camera in question. I'm a little confused in regards to your post. You mention the camera and then ask about a unit that would fit into your current monitor location in the dash. Are you thinking of replacing the system, camera and dash display unit or just looking for information on the camera repair? You can go to this sight and get some information on MRA (Material Return Authorization) http://cms.weldex.com/index.php/support or you can try to contact them Weldex Corporation 2500 Packard St, #101B Ann Arbor, MI 48104 US Telephone: 734-272-4690 Email: return@weldex.com Hope this helps Rich.
  23. The 7725-LM, GPS system is offered by GSC. It appears to be very similar to the 7720. Have not found specific information on the unit as of yet. Quoted information. The FMCSA will require GPS training as a part of an up coming recommendation mandating training for all entry-level truck and bus drivers. Using truck GPS devices is not the answer for RVers. They require there on tool for the job. Commercial trucks follow federal STAA routing requirements; RVs are not bound by those regulations so routing can be substantially different. Accommodating turns for RV's can be more complex than that of trucks--a 40 ft. truck has a very different turning characteristic than that of a 40ft. Class A RV. Rich.
  24. Jerry, The possibility of a fuel line problem is a valid thought, however my thought is Martha would see some dirt or small pieces of a damaged fuel line in the fuel sight glass. She mentioned that it was clean / clear of any dirt or foreign material, if I'm reading her post properly. Rich.
  25. Hi Joe, Welcome to FMCA. Good to know that no one was hurt. I know the Rt. and have been on it a time or two. Just glad it did not happen at around 5:00 PM rush hr. Did you offer the Troopers a fresh coffee while you where waiting for a tow ? Rich.
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