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Everything posted by dickandlois

  1. Jleamont, Good find! You just have to love where bad grounds can popup and when they are intermittent. Good luck finding them and the real kicker is that many time when you try to use a meter to read the resistance, just the pressure of the prob hides the problem. Rich.
  2. Might be worth a field trip to the factory! LOL Rich.
  3. Halfmoa, The physic of pressure decreasing on the exterior surface should allow the tire to expand relative to the original interior space.(Temperature remaining relatively stable) This state should maintain a constant molecular activity that maintains a stable internal pressure volume. The increased space due to reduced exterior pressure should cause a reduced pressure reading on the sensor that is reading pressure inside the closed, but larger space inside the tire. An over all lower pressure should result. Rich,
  4. There are different price ranges depending on what your are looking for. It is not inexpensive, but if it works and does what you want cost can become secondary. Rich
  5. Carl ,using the link supplied by Kay, this unit comes up! http://www.ebay.com/itm/VoltRay-Solar-DC-Powered-Refrigerator-11-1-cu-ft-/111943373518?hash=item1a105852ce:g:vfkAAOSwI-BWIWJ7 Might be a starting point. Rich.
  6. Dave, The closest to a HUD display is the glass panel / computer driven display. http://www.silverleafelectronics.com/node/7 Rich.
  7. DJTNANG, Welcome to the FMCA Forum. A number of the members will try to help in areas they feel most confident. Look at the different links and pick the one that comes close to area or part of the coach you need assistance. The link should connect you to the manual information. You can look for your model directly. http://winnebagoind.com/resources/manuals/ Rich.
  8. I might have to add a link to a off sight file. Not real strong in creating this kind of item, but got some smart kids that might help me catch up with today's digital technology. One can totally understand science of the hardware and have no clue when it comes to the language! LOL A life living through the changes from vacuum tube, transistors and integrated chips left little time to study the program side. I still have the upper hand with the kids and grand kids when things quit because of an electrical issue. Rich.
  9. Good point Kay, Think I get tunnel vision at times ! ObedB, I do not want to remove information or images relevant to new owners. So for me to keep adding images means I need to get creative. There are a number of pictures in the photo gallery section, sometime its nice to attach one or two that are relevant. Rich.
  10. tlbray, Welcome to the FMCA Forum! The Environmental Protection Agency - EPA has mandated a number of changes to improve emissions. The first major change came in 2007 with more requirements coming in 2010. The requirement for Diesels to use Diesel Emission Fluid came out in 2010. This is the new requirement the salesman was referring to. The older engines before 2007 do not need to be up graded to the 07 regulations or the 2010 regulations and the same is true for engines built from 2007 to be upgraded to the 2010 regulations. Rich.
  11. bkretvix, Welcome to the FMCA Forum! Take the 10 min. and see if you can stretch it out! Do you have a friend that drives a coach that could help? The only thought I have is to see if there is a school bus driver(one that drives a bus with air break) could go with you and cover the areas you feel a need help with getting comfortable driving the coach. THE key area to cover: is knowing how the air break system works and how to read the air gauges and finding a way to remember to set them every time you park. No Park position on the Transmission. Go over how to test the air system covering the steps to take. The Coach will drive just like a car, but will accelerate much slower, require much more distance to stop, is much higher then car so keep a eye on overhead items and items at intersections where you will need more room to make turns. Turning to the right can be a little nerve racking until you get some time driving it. making those wider turns takes a little getting used to. Have you ever pulled a trailer? Driving the coach is a little like that. If you can have the person helping you get the feel for driving something longer. See if they can set up some of those orange cones to drive around. You might want to practice in a big empty parking lot, using the parking lines to practice turning into and around them working to not run over the ones you a trying to miss. Do a little Rt. planing and just pull into a rest area before traveling in high traffic areas and give the traffic time to decrease. Know you will be on edge, but do what you can to reduce the stress. Rich. NOTE: IF you need to drive through a construction area, if the big trucks make it you can; but if you slow down a little more it kind of makes things look a little wider!
  12. I'm having issue with the Text Box not resetting! Like this. Will you be including the line(s) on the bottom of the index page that lists the members and others looking at the different subject lines? Rich. Kind of remember that once I sent out the topic this box would come up empty the next time I started something new. It,s not a big issue, I just delete what ever here and replace it. And yes I'm sure that I'm loosing more of my mind ever day. However! that problem is not covered in your pay scale or job description. Rich.
  13. ObedB. By older what are you referring to ? There are still a number of coaches that are still equipped with MSW inverters and one can still buy MSW equipment. Rich.
  14. Inverter sine waves, Modified and Pure Link. The red wave is pure and the Blue square cornered one is the modified version. I cannot just attach images anymore because I have used up my allotted data. So I hope this link clears up and or helps clear up the difference. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=x-raw-image%3A%2F%2F%2F96c24e4d3934a383394786da90ae80669200dfdece0264b503cf3cb99cb22a57&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xantrex.com%2Fdocuments%2Ftech-doctor%2Funiversal%2Ftech1-universal.pdf&docid=c2v9GYxDH6kcmM&tbnid=g6M0OU1OwpY5QM%3A&w=225&h=230&ved=0ahUKEwiZ8JqMm4nMAhXClB4KHTCaC0YQMwgeKAEwAQ&iact=mrc&uact=8 Rich. Link to the pdf file with the technical information from Xantrex. http://www.xantrex.com/documents/tech-doctor/universal/tech1-universal.pdf Want to go a little deeper into the issue? Try this link. https://www.altestore.com/blog/2015/10/pure-sine-wave-vs-modified-sine-wave-whats-the-difference/
  15. Inverter sine waves, Modified and Pure Link. The red wave is pure and the Blue square cornered one is the modified version. I cannot just attach images anymore because I have used up my allotted data. So I hope this link clears up and or helps clear up the difference. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=x-raw-image:///96c24e4d3934a383394786da90ae80669200dfdece0264b503cf3cb99cb22a57&imgrefurl=http://www.xantrex.com/documents/tech-doctor/universal/tech1-universal.pdf&h=230&w=225&tbnid=g6M0OU1OwpY5QM:&tbnh=160&tbnw=156&docid=c2v9GYxDH6kcmM&usg=__wb0eXU7_ykMSHHZnD10T3SXzJA8=&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjtksmikYnMAhWG1h4KHTX9AEkQ9QEIIDAA Rich.
  16. Jleamont, Take a look at this link. This original link is no longer working. http://www.belray.com/molylube-spray-coating-moly So start hear to find the product mentioned in the original link. http://www.belrayracing.com/news/bel-ray-announces-molylube-open-gear-and-rope-lubricant-various-mining-applications Farmingdale, N.J. (May 16, 2017) – Total performance lubricant manufacturer, Bel-Ray, today announced the release of its latest mining product, Molylube Open Gear and Rope Lubricant. The newest mining lubricant can be used in general industrial open gears, pins and bushings, chains, wire ropes, cables, drive chains and sliding surfaces. Molylube Open Gear and Rope Lubricant has been specifically formulated for open gears, girth gears and rack and pinions which are found in all types of equipment such as draglines, shovels, mills, kilns and stationary and mobile cranes. The Molylube Open Gear and Rope Lubricant is a highly tenacious lubricant that ensures adherence to the gear teeth creating excellent resistance to throw-off and slinging. Might just stop the squeaks on those double swing hinges. Rich.
  17. From their website -- this is an older recall, but wanted to inform coach owners. Things slip through the cracks and if a coach has changed owners and it is equipped with this unit you might want to check and see if unit has been recalled for the recall! Rich. Unknown Xantrex Freedom Sw 3000 Equipment Recall 10E032000 Action Number: N/A Service Bulletin Number: 10E032000 Report Date: Aug 06, 2010 Component: Equipment Potential Units Affected: 572 Manufacturer: Schneider Electric Holdings, Inc. Summary: Xantrex technology has decided that certain freedom sw 3000 electric inverters/charges sold as aftermarket equipment and also installed as original equipment in some recreational vehicles contain a safety defect. Due to poor soldering in close proximity to inadequately torqued bus bars in the product, melted solder can result in a short circuit failure. Consequence: A short circuit can result in the unit overheating, possibly resulting in a fire. Remedy: Xantrex will notify the owners of the aftermarket equipment and will repair or replace the units free of charge. The safety recall began on july 30, 2010. Owners may contact xantrex at 1-800-670-0707. Notes: Owners may also contact the national highway traffic safety administration's vehicle safety hotline at 1-888-327-4236 (tty 1-800-424-9153), or go to <a href=http://www. Safercar. Gov>http://www. Safercar. Gov</a>.
  18. SLSettles, From your correspondence on the other forum and for your experience with the inveter. It sure sounds like the 1000 watt unit lacked the ability to supply the needed surge current of the required load. The circuit design likely has a watchdog circuit that monitors current and the trigger level is set a little low and will not allow the unit to even reach a current level to supply 1500 watts at startup let alone 2000. This protects components, but also puts the unit specifications in the iffy area. would be nice if this is an issue and they added a asterisk . in the specifications. Not that the unit can not supply 2000 watts, just not the power required by large inductive startup loads !!! Thanks for your feedback and information. It helps me to expand my knowledge base and potential pitfalls of manufactures specification sheets. Rich.
  19. SLSellles, Thanks for your up dated and relevant feedback. We all try to fill in gaps in how I or anyone posting a thought or question are interpreting the original post. Not always easy. The one item I had to dig out was the fact (I think) that you where installing the SW 1000 in parallel with an OEM Modified Sine Wave unit. Good to know that ventilation was never an issue regarding shutdown. Also the fact that the battery bank voltage never dropped below 12.4 volts while the PSM unit was trying to power the refrigerator. Like you have asked - why will the 1000 watt inverter not power a refrigerator and all the information we have on hand it should. I have to keep asking myself what am I missing. Power is power and a load is a load. When the numbers do not make sense what is going on! So if you would or if you can - What was the current load of the inverter and was there any chance of an AC ripple being present on the 12 volt input. I do not disagree - the inverter should power the refrigerator - given the fact that the battery level never dropped to the cutout point. A defective inverter? Rich.
  20. Got to wounder if the dealer has ever worked on or install a door lock and handle. As long as they could get inside coach, removing the screws and disassembling the unit, the door should open as soon as the pin is pulled out of the striker plate. The door lock systems do fail, but we tend to forget to remove the parts and keep the internal mechanism lubricated. Not an item placed on the periodic maintenance list. Should the latch pin be made of plastic, there is always a greater possibility of them braking. How often do people remove and lubricate there house door locks, not often if ever and the new combination locks for homes do require new batteries and they always run out of power when one does not have the key ring with the house key! Rich.
  21. rwitt, Sure sounds like the socket ! The other 3 work. you mentioned that you are reading 12 volts at the socket causing the problem. The only other item could be a wire connection to that troubling socket, but you keep reading 12 volts. So the only other item that I can think of is a cold solder connection that comes and goes depending on temperature and just enough pressure from the meter probes to mask it. A cold solder joint is the only item that I can think of that offers a possibility other then the center contact of the socket. The Ground connection would be soldered to the outside portion of the socket and bad solder can cause the issue. I kind of hate intermittent problems. They put me into the mindset of what am I missing! How hard can it be to fix, its only 2 wires going to a bulb for peat shakes. LOL Rich.
  22. Yes, The check valve is located at the city water input and is part of the assembly. Rich.
  23. Kay, The inverter will run with an input voltage of 15.5 to 10.5 volts DC. The house batteries when charged and no input charge, set at 12.5 for all intensive purposes. The SW 1000 inverter shuts down in overload when the Battery voltage drops to 10.5 and will not rest until the input voltage reaches 11.5 DC. I have to believe that the start current for the refrigerator is 12.5 amps and the run current is around 5 amps. Depending on the make and model MSW inverter installed(OEM) and the load it is carrying and the 12 volt Charge current from the unit limits the load the system setup can handle. The specifications for the 1000 list a continues load of 900 watts @ 7.5 amps. As the battery voltage drops the current is increasing to meet load and it will hit the overload point quickly. The only way one could have the needed power would be to have a high current charger running off the generator or by running the engine alternator to maintain a good 12 to 13 volts for the inverter. This would keep the current lower and minimize the overheat issue. Like you mentioned the laws of physics get into the equation. Rich. NOTE! We have no information on where the second unit was installed and if there is enough space and ventilation to keep the unit cooled !
  24. Hi Jim, Regarding the tire pressure. The OEM label is the maximum pressure level. One needs to air up the tires relative to axle weight. Different tire sizes have different load capacities, but you still air them up to the pressure level needed for weight. Not exceeding the maximum pressure of the tires or rims. Rich.
  25. rpbuttery, You might look at the load range chart for the new tires and at what pressure the tires match the load requirements. The science of tires keeps changing. Rich.
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