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Everything posted by dickandlois

  1. Dave, Welcome to the FMCA Forum!! Thanks for your feedback! Could you post information regarding the inverter. Was it changed from a Modified Sine wave unit to a Pure Sine wave type unit? Rich.
  2. Medic, Sounds like your friend has the set up down pat !! Question, how often does he need to reset the level point(s)? and is there more problems on rough roads ? How far is if off most of the time? The fact that things are changing would lead me to the level sensor(s) and how well they are mounted and to what. A call to Country Coach might prove helpful in regards to the sensor specifications and the system tolerance. Rich. Note, you did not post the model of the System!
  3. Dave, Welcome to the FMCA Forum! There are 2 items I would watch. The first would be the full extension of the front and rear shocks, then allow some head room for them to travel so the mounting bolts and the rubber bushings do not take a beating. You would need to adjust you speed to minimize the number of times they will top out. You know its going to happen and do not extend things so far that it cause a issues with the driveshaft spline separating. The second is the proper ride height to keep the drive shaft in proper alignment on the main roads and the best operating range for the shocks. You will need to do a little engineering should you decide to make a modification !!!!! The devil is in the details. Rich.
  4. mspector, You could look into some plastic battery trays. They are made in sizes that match the battery Series, like series 31, 27 and so on. They are used on boats also and there are a number of possible web sights. They have a low spot in the center with a hole to let the acid drip out of and one can use the opening to direct the acid to keep it away from the battery tray by drilling a hole in the support tray. Rich. Note ! Before welding on the coach, you must remove the ground connections from both the Coach and chassis batteries to minimize the possibility of damaging the Engine and Transmission control modules and other electronics mounted in the coach.
  5. This is a link to another product that will weld Polyethylene or High Density Polyethylene http://www.tapplastics.com/product/repair_products/plastic_adhesives/tap_poly_weld_adhesive/435 This product also uses the flame treatment mentioned in Clay's post. Have not looked around yet, but from looking at just the portion that is broken off the tank, would a swage type fitting work that would allow you to then attach the valve tree in a different orientation ? By chance is there a plastic welding shop in your neck of the woods ? Coaches do not do well when Off Roading ! BTDT and its difficult to fit them with skid plates. You might look at Polypropylene Bulkhead fittings-3in.,3 1/4in and 4 1/2 in. for water and storage tanks. Trick might be getting the internal portion inside the tank and would there be enough shoulder to get a good seal ? Kind of need a flat surface to get a good seal. Rich.
  6. Thanks again Ray for the updated information. That is the kind of instrument cluster that is in many of the coaches. Rich.
  7. UltraGlide, I have had GS road assistance and the one time I used it, there was no charge for the service to pick up a new tire, remover the damaged one and install the new tire. The service was timely considering it was on a Sunday and the tow truck operator was very efficient. No hr. fee was charged. So things may have changed over the years. I did have to cover the cost of the tire. The second time I needed a tow and used AAA+RV to have the coach towed in the Houston, Tx. area. The entire cost was picked up by AAA. The dispatch person sent the proper driver and equipment to properly connect the coach, disconnect and remove the drive shaft and supply compressed air to the coach. Again the service was properly done with a very informative drive, who took the coach via a Rt. to reduce any possibility of damage. Rich.
  8. rlbarkleyii, Look at this link -- The information and picture at the bottom of the information, should provide you with an idea of what to look for. The round 6 pin plug is common on all units until 2004, when the connection was replaced with a rectangular stile connection. The coach builder connects the socket you need to any location that is available and no two models or different years will be located in the same place on many units. Have you ever had a diagnostics system run on you coach? If you have, The service shop that had to fine it to run the engine diagnostics. They should be able to point out where it is. http://www.silverleafelectronics.com/node/6 Rich.
  9. dcharn, When you contact Monaco, see if you can get the weight limit for your full slide out. My personal thought, its a could be a weight issue!! There is a tendency for owners to over load the bays. I have to keep an eye on what we store there, from the information I have on one slide - the maximum load is 450lbs. and that includes what is in the inside storage space, that also moves out with the slide. Question- do your storage pods / bays move out with the slide? If not what is you total load of everything you place in the internal living area of the slide in question? Slides are nice in regards to the added living space, but there is always a trade off - in regards to the weight one can store in a portion the coach that is going to move 18 to 24in. out from the main support. Coach builders could increase the load limit, but then that would lower the CCC of the frame. Then to get the CCC back up the entire frame and suspension system would have to increased. That would add to the total cost of any coach. Around and around we go !!! Rich.
  10. Ray, Thanks for the information-Rich. I checked the link and it looks like most of there gauges are for Ford or GM units. Did not see any listing for Freightliner, Spartan or other chassis listed? Rich.
  11. Thanks for the feedback regarding the failed part !! Rich.
  12. Bruce, Check and see if your coach has a hot water heating loop connected to the engine cooling system. This is an option on some coaches. This set up keeps the water hot when you are driving. Rich.
  13. mikerc, Welcome to the FMCA Forum! You might try calling Allied Recreation Groups parts Department at 800-591-0628 and see if they can supply a new one or offer a possible repair. Web link is. https://rvparts.argrv.com The speedometer is supplied by the chassis manufacture and I think your coach is built on a Freightliner Custom Chassis. 1-800-385-4357 Rich.
  14. dcharn, Welcome to the FMCA forum! As Brett mentioned - you request for information or help with a problem would not in any way be deleted from the forum! You mentioned having problems with the slide out. Could you please clarify the issue(s): Something like - it will not extend, problem when pulling the slide in, binding, not coming in or going out squarely / equally on both ends, blowing fuses,controls not working or some other issue. The better the information and the details will help the members to hopefully narrow down your problem. Any equipment information or model numbers from the controls or hardware would also be helpful. Rich.
  15. dickandlois


    rfsod48, Welcome to the FMCA Forum! You did not post the shore power wiring of your coach, having said that I do not think the use of an auto transformer on an RV would be practical, cost wise for the number of times one might need it. Plus the size and weight of one large enough to supply the current could also be an issue. The cost of running a generator when there is a low voltage situation might be a better option. The normal applications are motor starters, dimmers, static balancers (for voltage) Rich. If you are want some technical information on them - try this link. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/108106071/pdfs/1_11.pdf
  16. cmturner, Many items can be repaired! Could you post a pictures of the area in question(close up image of the hole would be helpful) and I could post some information on material that might solve the problem. Also, not knowing what your tool availability and skill sets are-that information would also be helpful. Rich.
  17. Thanks Kay ! Now I'm going to have to place fuel theft springs in the filler lines!! Ah not really in our case as the fueling points are locked up. Never got wind of that trick while growing up, but most people respected others personal property!! Raised in an area of the county where many had to go into the woods to get meat for the table and some slime pickings on the table some days. Rich.
  18. First - Eliminate the possibility of battery issues(All Connections) Typically the generators start off the Chassis batteries, but the start circuit could be connected to the coach batteries. The fact that your coach is a 1998 - there is a good potability of a defective ground connection for the starting circuit. The common practice is to use the chassis frame rails for the ground circuit. These connections tend to get very rusty over time and it would be less expensive to repair a connection or replace some wire or connectors then to R and R(Remove and Replace) the generator with a new circuit board, parts and labor. Should R and R not cure the problem and there are bad connections or batteries, you would still have to add that item to the repair cost. Has the service center checked all the Generator DC circuits to make sure they are in order? Ask what the starting voltage is at the generator when starting, and what the resistance readings are between the generator DC starting connections and the battery connections for the starting power supply. One could have the service center disconnect connect the battery used to start the generator at the generator and jump in/connect a battery to the starter connections. Start and run the generator to see if the issue still is present. Have them test the system this way outside where you can see them run the test. If the problem still exists then you need to make a decision. 13 code is related to charging circuit and yes it could be a defective board , But the fact that it runs for 10 min.. could mean there is a defective board - that has issues only after it heats up or there is some other issue. This test should narrow down the possibilities. Note- They should be able to easily monitor the battery voltage level this way and you can also see the test results directly. I like to eliminate any and all possibilities before spending what will be a considerable amount. Hope my thoughts help you decide what way to go / Rich.
  19. Code 13- Check all the battery connections and grounds / check battery conditions(of all the batteries) How old are the batteries? for both the coach and the chassis? This code is set when when the regulator can not sense the proper voltage. What are the voltages when the generator is not running and what are the voltages with the generator running? Would be good to check all the battery hydrometer readings. Rich.
  20. Larry, do you know if you have an ISB-02 engine ? This series has a third filter installed along the drivers side frame - just behind the rear wheels and is very hard to find or see. The only series engine with this 3rd. inline filter. and around the correct year. The information was issued in a separate PDF file and it gets missed at many of the service centers. Rich.
  21. crb13563, And, welcome also! Could you post the service information for the group. When where the filters,oil,fuel filter engine oil and coolant changed ? Are there any codes you are reading? What is the states of the coolant level? Have you just changed it? If you just changed the coolant there is the possibility of an air bubble in the coolant system-you might need to burp the system. The other possibility is the Spark Arrester needs to be cleaned. Manuals-981-0160=Owners Manual 981-0200D=Parts Manual 981-0522B=Service Manual Model number 8HDKAK (1145C)? What inverter is installed in your coach as per Brett's post ? Question- Does the inverter work when connected to shore power? Rich.
  22. Joe, Turned out real nice. The new one dresses up the area !! Rich.
  23. fdperai, I think this is the link to the Owner / installation manual for your Generator. http://www.cumminsonan.com/www/pdf/manuals/900-0541B.pdf Rich.
  24. Marty, The removal of the Generators can be challenging. Think that if you do not have the instillation manual with you paperwork that this link might be helpful. Page 22 list the models and the different manuals you can purchase. Not all installations are the same or the space where they are mounted. So this makes each instillation a little different. http://www.cumminsonan.com/www/html/Common/pdf/rv/F-1123.pdf Think that if you can reverse the instillation process and the proper equipment you can get it to where you could work on it. Label all the wiring, fuel lines and anything that you need to remove - this helps when reinstalling. Also plenty of pictures before removing items comes in real handy. Rich. This link and information might help with some information on the mounting. http://www.cumminson...s/900-0541B.pdf
  25. rlbarkleyii. This is the only information that I have regarding the 9100 - hope it is helpful. http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/acms/cs/jaxrs/download/doc/ucm442997/rcorrd-13v357-1444.pdf Rich.
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