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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. My experience with an automatic change over regulator was not knowing it changed over and waking up at 2 a.m. freezing when we had our 5th wheel. From that time on I would rather wake up at 2 a.m. and go turn the other tank on than be without! JMHO
  2. Carl, it could be 100 miles to an oil field, but that is what the lady said!
  3. Mike, we have reservations in Shipshewana, IN for the month of August and we need to start checking along our route for places to stay. Going via 20 miles west of Atlanta, then up. You are right, in the past it was easy to travel and make reservations along the way. It is different now with the influx of people who have bought RV's and are living in them full time. More and more are finding out that $500-600 a month is cheaper than owning a house. So many parks are now filled with full timers. I don't blame them but I wish there were limits so everyone would have to move around after a period of time. It would make it easier for us temporary travel people. We wanted to go to Flagstaff before the COVID stuff. Called to make reservations and they said they were full of permanent campers. It was because of the oil fields. They said that we wouldn't find a place within 90 miles of FS. We cancelled the trip.
  4. I always use the Hamilton Fish Newburgh–Beacon Bridge (i-84). Did the GW back in '70 or so in a car. What a pile up.
  5. Wow! Went into a Harbor Freight yesterday and outside there were two 12 x 18" signs on stands and signs on the windows and doors that stated, "Masks Required For Entry." I go inside and there are 6 customers without masks on or even one in their possession. I asked a sales rep about it and they replied that they were not able to say anything due to corporate policy. Well duh! Corporate, take the signs down if you are not going to enforce them. Sheesh! I mean, why have a sign if you are not going to enforce it. Don't know if anyone saw it but a woman in Galveston wen into a bank without a mask. She was asked to put a mask on and she refused They told her to leave and she wouldn't so the asked the police officer to assist. She resisted arrest and is now charged with that, and trespassing. Yeah!
  6. This is the "+" or multiple quotes By hitting the "+" it added both of your posts to my post and I can respond by typing in between or altogether. Richard identified the pop-up.
  7. Carl, they have a 33-36" size listed on their web site. Not sure if there is an RV with that size, but possible.
  8. Carl, we will be in Burnet th3 18th through the 22nd at a Texas Boomer's rally, then we leave for Bryan.
  9. Good morning Ernie. I'm lurking, or was until now. Heading out in a week or so, going to a Wedding in Bryan. Looking forward to it. We went out for 10 days just before Thanksgiving of last year and it was like staying home as far as COVID was concerned. Mask, distancing, take food in, and other preventative measures. We have both had our COVID vaccinations but we will continue the good practices. How's things that-a-way?
  10. Also remember that many of the owner manuals are a cut and paste from past year manuals and does not necessarily mean it is really towable. As Five said, check with the manufacturer.
  11. wayne77590

    New Member

    My front plaque is in the very low corner on the passenger side and doesn't block anything. Might be a perspective of a LEO and how they feel on any given day. We have traveled through 47 states with no problem. For the rear we use the Kiley Mold holders
  12. Check with the campground manager, even at the military parks. If it is allowed they may have a list of contracted vendors. Private CG's usually have business cards.
  13. Richard, In the Houston area the TOLL and HOV lanes are the same. The only item different is the entry point. One lane will be HOV and the other TOLL, then they merge into one.
  14. Do some research as there is something about just being registered on the "other" system than what you have.
  15. Carl, Are you in the MH when taking the HOV?
  16. The Houston area combines the toll land and the HOV lane in some areas. There are two tag entrances, one for HOV and one for TOLL. If you don't have two+ in the vehicle you have to either not use that lane or have a toll tag and use the toll lane. If you don't have either you don't enter. Most of the roads around here will have signs that state, "No vehciles over 1 ton or towing trailers." Or some type of words to that affect.
  17. I would suggest an LED Lantern. Better safety over oil/fuel, lower battery consumption and brighter light. images At a rally a friend had one that he tied a rope on and hung it high in a tree. Provide a lot of light.
  18. River Ridge KOA, used to be New Orleans KOA East. We have stayed there twice. Easy access. Looks to be in a "bad" part of town but never had a problem in the park.
  19. Ross, he know not what he speaketh! 😀 He even has me confused!🤡 I had to look it up: "An old Rancher is talking about politics with a young man from the city. He compares a politician to a "post turtle." The young man doesn't understand and asks him what a post turtle is. The old man says, "When you're driving down a country road and you see a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle. You know he didn't get up there by himself. He doesn't belong there; you wonder who put him there; he can't get anything done while he's up there; and you just want to help the poor, dumb thing down.""
  20. Rented a house in Virginia once and the owner had insulated the attic. Insulation was the type with paper backing you could staple to the joists. He took an extra step and did the inside of the roof stapling it to the runners. Talk about a well insulated house. Construction now-a-days is poor by comparison of yesteryear standards. My son's house spring a leak from a broken pipe. It was on the patio side of the house. When the plumber came and fixed it he corrected the problem of the pipe runniing along the brick on the inside of the outside wall. Another friend had a leak in his attic plumbing. The pipe was up against the eve before it went down into the house. No insulation on either one's pipes.
  21. Poor construction is a very contributing part of the frozen pipe problem, however there are steps on can take if no power. Turn off the water at the city main. If you don't have the "T" handle a crescent wrench or channel locks will do but easier with the "T." Open all faucets in the house, both hot and cold and let the water drain out of the pipes. Reverse the process to get things back to normal. People sometimes just don't know what to do so the word needs to be passed in the neighborhoods. It is also the process that should be used if the city is on low water pressure. How many will do it? Not many.
  22. Ross, you don't need to spell correctly for us to read. Here, try this: 1N73LL1G3NCE 15 7H3 4B1L176 70 4D4P7 70 CH4NG3. See, easy!
  23. I wasn't going to admit it, but if it wasn't for Herman I would have never known what HP 4X was!!🤡
  24. They didn't say, just did the mount and test drive. I'm not sure if any load could be put on tbe flat bed!
  25. What's photo shopped? Part Duece Anything is probable
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