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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. I would suggest an LED Lantern. Better safety over oil/fuel, lower battery consumption and brighter light. images At a rally a friend had one that he tied a rope on and hung it high in a tree. Provide a lot of light.
  2. River Ridge KOA, used to be New Orleans KOA East. We have stayed there twice. Easy access. Looks to be in a "bad" part of town but never had a problem in the park.
  3. Ross, he know not what he speaketh! 😀 He even has me confused!🤡 I had to look it up: "An old Rancher is talking about politics with a young man from the city. He compares a politician to a "post turtle." The young man doesn't understand and asks him what a post turtle is. The old man says, "When you're driving down a country road and you see a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle. You know he didn't get up there by himself. He doesn't belong there; you wonder who put him there; he can't get anything done while he's up there; and you just want to help the poor, dumb thing down.""
  4. Rented a house in Virginia once and the owner had insulated the attic. Insulation was the type with paper backing you could staple to the joists. He took an extra step and did the inside of the roof stapling it to the runners. Talk about a well insulated house. Construction now-a-days is poor by comparison of yesteryear standards. My son's house spring a leak from a broken pipe. It was on the patio side of the house. When the plumber came and fixed it he corrected the problem of the pipe runniing along the brick on the inside of the outside wall. Another friend had a leak in his attic plumbing. The pipe was up against the eve before it went down into the house. No insulation on either one's pipes.
  5. Poor construction is a very contributing part of the frozen pipe problem, however there are steps on can take if no power. Turn off the water at the city main. If you don't have the "T" handle a crescent wrench or channel locks will do but easier with the "T." Open all faucets in the house, both hot and cold and let the water drain out of the pipes. Reverse the process to get things back to normal. People sometimes just don't know what to do so the word needs to be passed in the neighborhoods. It is also the process that should be used if the city is on low water pressure. How many will do it? Not many.
  6. Ross, you don't need to spell correctly for us to read. Here, try this: 1N73LL1G3NCE 15 7H3 4B1L176 70 4D4P7 70 CH4NG3. See, easy!
  7. I wasn't going to admit it, but if it wasn't for Herman I would have never known what HP 4X was!!🤡
  8. They didn't say, just did the mount and test drive. I'm not sure if any load could be put on tbe flat bed!
  9. What's photo shopped? Part Duece Anything is probable
  10. I'd have it confirmed by the insurance company. p.s., and then I'd ask for a mock up policy to look at.
  11. Previous MH was 13'4", and present one is 12' 11" and 43' towing a Lincoln MKX, and we have been to the West Coast several times. I have been on roads that were definitely not designed for motor homes, but we made it. Albeit slowly sometimes. Back in those days we did use the Interstate and there will be no problem in using them. Just watch for those yellow height signs that give the height of overpasses. Check "campgroundreviews.com" for other camper's reviews and warning about access. It has been a good source for us. Do your homework. Example would be Traveler's Word RV Park in San Antonio. You need to follow the RV Park directions as that RV park has roads leading to it that have heights of 13'4" and railroad crossing that will cause you to be a SEESAW if you try to cross. The campgroundreviews.com will list if the campground is "big rig" friendly, but when I call to make a reservation the first thing I ask is, "Can you handle a 43' motorhome towing a car?" You are about 8 feet longer than I am, towing. If they say no, I call the next place, and yes there have been times when they say no. Many of the Federal and State parks were developed when campers were 20 feet long so in both private and Government campgrounds always call and ask and check the web sites.
  12. You can also try Catherine's Landing RV Resort or Downtown Little Rock RV park. As stated Cloud Nine. We have stayed at all three. If you pull up a google map of the area/city and in the Google search line put int "RV Parks" without the quotes it will show you all the RV parks for that area. Another way is to go to "campgroundreviews.com" and look at the area you want to be in.
  13. Our storage area would not be able to handle the Aqua Hot Elect and burner so we took her hear from the house and plugged into 60 Amp. Two nights in a row the temperature went down to 19˚F. I had the inside thermostat set at 62 and the basement Aqua Hot rheostat set to about 50. I used a thermal gun on for the inside of the basement and when I checked, wet bay was 38, Aqua Hot bay 45, and opposite side of the MH below the half bath was 35. Parts of Texas City were without electric, but we never lost power. Had some friends come over for dinner and showers - as the house is always on open invite any time of the year. So, we have had our two weeks of Winter. In another week or so it will be in the 70's. We have lost water pressure and the city put out a memorandum that do to the city wide water pressure below 20 psi that residents should boil water and let it cool before consumption Stay safe, stlay warm.
  14. Eric, here is the operator manual for the 2014 Tour 42QD. Search on the word preheat and you should see what it does. I agree that if you don't intend on starting the engine to move, don't start it. It should be fine. Also, in your Aqua Hot Compartment there is a knob that is a thermostat controller for basement heat. Set it to above 40 degrees. I set mine at 50 and your basements should stay between 35 and 45 degrees. Cheers. I have the sister ship to your MH. Everything is the same except for inside asthetics and paint schemes. p.s., "If no one is in the coach, electric on, open cabinet doors under sinks if down to 30 deg F. Below that add diesel burner. If in the coach, add diesel to electric when temp is below 50 deg F." This is from the expert in my area.
  15. As I stated, it has been discussed with the Governor's of the states and yes, it is legal for a State to close its borders. For although the courts have long held that the Constitution protects the right to travel, including from one state to another, that freedom has been subject to a considerable caveat, articulated byChief Justice Earl Warren in the Supreme Court’s 1965 decision in Zemel v. Rusk: A quote from the Justice “But that freedom does not mean that areas ravaged by flood, fire or pestilence cannot be quarantined when it can be demonstrated that unlimited travel to the area would directly and materially interfere with the safety and welfare of the area or the Nation as a whole.” Not looking for an argument, just trying to rut out the facts. My Reference This one is with more information.
  16. Isn't the Internet wonderful...one can search and find the information that they want to find. Yes, many things can turn political, but then again there are media outlets that speak the facts, albeit not completely. According to "news sources," the Government is in conversation with CDC. Dept HS, and state governors to discuss mitigation. It was published by the Miami Herald which is a left centered bias media. I'm wondering why a media like that would post false information on a left centered Government. At least my opinion is that the present Government is slightly left centered. I'm not throwing stones here, just a discussion. The Miami Herald has a high rating for publishing factual data. I just don't get why everything has to become political. Let's look at the ramifications of the RV Traveler. If any borders are closed it will severely restrict the RV Traveler. It gives me such amusement to look at the travel restrictions between the US and Canada and Mexico. Recreational travel by vehicle is not permitted. Now think of that. You are in your RV and in many cases it IS your house and you cannot travel to those countries and they cannot travel to ours. but 100's of people can get on an airplane and travel back and forth to those countries. Personally, I think it is illogical. Let's just stay safe and see what the future brings.
  17. I didn't post it for any political reasons, definitely not. I posted it because it pertains to travel and if I'm not mistaken, we all travel. As most of the links suggest, it is a "consideration." The Tampa Bay media is reported as being "left center," when it comes to reporting. This information is from "mediabiasfactcheck.com." Left centered media tend to publish information that favor liberal causes. (I'm just reporting facts and not intending to start any political debate. You can do your own research, please.) If you are interested you can go to the mediabiasfactcheck web site and look up all the left, right, center, etc. news media statistics according to them. I think it is a good representation of all the media biases. Sorry Richard but I don't find this a political move by any party and I guess that only time will tell. All we can do is wait and see. We are not going to travel out of the State of Texas for several months. We may take short trips within the state. In our house with wheels or our house on sticks and bricks we do not change our routing of being safe. Masks, distances and bring food in to eat. We both have had second shots of the vaccine.
  18. This is sad. Search for the words (without quotes) "banning travel to Florida" I wonder if it is going to affect RV'ers.
  19. North of the border motorhome being shipped South and then picked up by the owners. Strange how one cannot drive across the border but a full plane of passengers can fly. I did hear that transporting that way is being cracked down by the authorities.
  20. Yep! People really don't understand that in an RV it is the same as being at home. All of the prevention's are in place as if you were in your house. Bring food in, wear masks in public, keep distances - just like in the house.
  21. Richard, I've seen where they put a blade underneath the bed of a dump truck and raise and lower the dump to scrape the road. True story: Heading to Omaha one year in wife's Town Car and on the Kansas Pike. Came to a little rise in the road and there were cars in the median ditch and emergency response was there with all lights blinking. We were traveling at the speed limit and I heard "Whhhhiiiiizzzzz." My wife was driving. I hollered "Get your foot off the break, get your foot off the break, GET YOUR FOOT OFF THE BREAK." Finally she did and we went sailing past the cars in the median. She said, "What happened," and I replied "Black Ice." I really believe that the saving grace was that the TX was in tip top mechanical condition and the trunk of suitcases was evenly distributed. If only one front wheel was tighter in breaking than the other - we would have joined those cars in the median. Funny thing was that she was a smoker at that time and did not smoke in the car. She asked, "Can I pull over and have a cigarette?" Who am I to say no - so she did. They should change the name to "Clear Ice," is the ice color really fits the color of what it is on. "Concrete Ice, Wood Ice," it's just clear ice.
  22. What's an Osasis? Sorry - I'll be out of here.
  23. Ray, you need to move to a better neighborhood!😇
  24. It doesn't! Wow! Must be an old style RV.😈
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