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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. Winnebago 2021 Accessibility Enhanced (AE) RV line
  2. Send him a PM as it should go to his email.
  3. Earlene would ask, "Where's the Walmart!" There are other extreme camping ideas out there. Look for the ones on the face of a cliff, hanging down camping.
  4. Hooking up I connect everything the slowly back the TOAD. Earlene watches the pop-up levers. One will always pop up. For the one that doesn't I just turn the steering wheel in that direction and off we go, or sometime she will stand there and I'll nudge the coach forward a little. Works every time. For those instances that a pin is to tight to pull out I just start the engine and turn the steering wheel one way or another and it loosens the hitch. p.s., Earlene stands outside and does a light check before ever departing a campground.
  5. Thank you Doc, and a Happy Thanksgiving to y'all.
  6. Herman, As stated there are handicap spaces for truckers and anyone that is handicapped. Yes, there are handicapped truckers, albeit not a lot of them. I have Disabled Veteran plates on all my vehicles. My TOAD has the international symbol, the other vehicles just the disabled veteran plate. I think I have used the handicapped spot at a rest stop once in my lifetime. Then, it was only because the rest stop was full. Typically we park close to where we can walk Lexi. Another reason is when making reservation. Typically we just make a reservation and get whatever is available. However, in a pinch I would ask if they have a handicapped spot available. I think I used that one time only in the past decade. There may be more reasons, but those are mine.
  7. I updated several weeks ago. Used RMcN on our trip to SA. Didn't see anything worth noticing and it followed the road. Wonder what the hackers were trying to do? Many hackers are nothing more than just that, hacking into a system for notoriety. They pass their hacking info of to the Dark Side and get lauded for it. There are a few that do it for malicious reasons, and they are the ones to know about.
  8. A locksmith can make a key, even the round barreled ones.
  9. Yep, now on the home page, and you have to log in again as logging into this forum will not log you into the home page - don't know why, it is under "Membership, Towing Guides."
  10. Coming home yesterday from SA we saw this. I told Earlene to, "Hurry, get a picture." She labeled it, "His, Hers, Ours."
  11. We never had a problem in our previous MH/RV's with doors, however on the newer commercial refrigerator the installed a drawer pull latch at the top of each french door. If there is room I would suspect that it would work on the 1200 series Norcold. These are the same type latches that are on most drawers and closets.
  12. Probably as expensive as a nice big TT. What I can find, the MSRP is around $55,000. Hey, to each his own, right?
  13. Here is one I took this morning, I watched for over an hour of trying to back it under the cap and finally they did. I thought that both vehicles would be driven separately but no, hooked up the TOAD and took off. The Eagle Cap had two side slide outs and one rear slide out. Looked it up and it is 100 sq ft when extended.
  14. Say what! I don't want to be behind this being towed down the road. Wonder if he can park it in a normal parking spot. Definitely no one is going to block him in.
  15. Well, my one half of a garage (two car garage) is a mess of accumulated junk for several years. My eldest son asked, "Dad, when are you going to clean your garage?" I replied, "That's your inheritance." I should have asked him if he want to start now collecting it, darn! That's the same son who one day when we were in the back yard doing something and I stood up and caught my breath he said, "Dad, you're out of shape!" I had to remind hin that, "Round is a shape!"
  16. Yes, welcome. Your first post was right on.
  17. Well, it's going to be some time in the FAR future. Don't have any plans at all right now. Will do when we know for sure. In the meantime if you come to the Galveston Area, we will show you around.
  18. One of these days Joe, we may get back to the Gettysburg area. Hope you are around and nearby.
  19. We bit the bullet and decided we needed to travel and exercise the MH. We are not in Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, TX. All is good. Life is good. Great to be out and about again and taking precautions.
  20. I'd use RF or combination of rf/ir Directv remote Assuming you have the newest and greatest receiver/remote.
  21. The owners are out of Sioux Falls, SD. I'm sending you a PM with their phone number. You can go to fmca.com, click on "dashboard," then on Membership Directory and put in the number. I entered the number as F483576 Glad another responsible RV'er found the plaque. Edited: I just checked and the "F" need to be the first character in the search. "F483576" or it will not work.
  22. Be careful as sometimes the owners manual is a cut and paste of the previous year. If in any doubt call the manufacturer.
  23. wayne77590


    Mend quickly Herman, the road calls for you.
  24. I'm retired military and all my medical is $0 deductible. Two MC accidents and ambulances were covered, so I only need a portion of FMCA Assist. That being the return of my motorhome, etc. To me that is worth $25 extra a YEAR. The other $50 is for the camaraderie of the members, this forum, and a few discounts. The $75 a year is about a case of beer now-a-days. I'll drink water. Thanks FMCA - for now.
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