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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. Waiting.....waiting...waiting...waiting. How long do I have to wait?
  2. BBB, Walmart, Amazon, all have bed sheet suspenders and they are typically cheaper than men's suspenders.
  3. Oh my! To much time on your hands, and hope you are still getting paid for your comedy.
  4. Bed Bath and Beyond sells straps like suspender straps for a nominal fee. On our last MH we had the problem even with a topper, but the topper is nice. Hooking the straps under the mattress on the bottom sheet kept things in place. For store bought pant suspenders try to get individual ones instead of the ones with the "Y" but that would still work if they are long enough.
  5. Where can I get a mask. Oh, I know, it's right next to he toilet paper
  6. Don, your are just talking statistics for the U.S. Take a look at the World Wide Statistics Or, look at what Gov. Cuomo said about NY Gov. Cuomo What makes it a pandemic is no cure, no vaccine, spreading and would spread like wildfire if actions were not taken. The virus is a big problem, but a bigger problem is the panicked people. Who would have thought toilet paper would be a problem. Heck, someone did some math, but I'm not verifying it, on the number sheets in a roll and then the number of rolls in one of those big packages and it boiled down that a family of 4 would have to take 182 dumps a day to use it all up in some period of time. The grocery stores are open. We are not in a lockdown, just a stay at home. We can go out for necessities. If people would not panic and just go on with normal use, there would not be any empty shelves. With that said, it is reported that Wuhan, China will lift their lockdown on April 8th. Looks like a light at the end of the tunnel.
  7. I called and asked. She said $850 for lifetime membership.
  8. Ray, If you have $850 you can call them as a brand new member and sign up. I have received emails with discounted lifetime membership. I think it works on how long you have been a member. Also, if one is a veteran make sure you tell them upon sign-up as veterans also get a discount.
  9. Woodworker Bill, you can get an escapees life membership. I haven't done so, wondering how much life I have left. 🙂 Joe, we'll have to get together someday and compare cards. Or, send my your CC and I'll check it against mine.
  10. I don't think the idea is to stop anyone from camping overnight. The campgrounds are full and many are letting those that are already there stay (extended stay). There just isn't anymore room. Many have the caveat at the end "No new campers," and indicates those already there can stay. At least I hope it is that way. We travel for 5 months or so during the summer and stay at military facilities when we can. We are not looking to head out until all this blows over, and I hope it does.
  11. Just pass a little gas and they all fold real quick.
  12. When we are getting ready to go somewhere exciting, I'll get dressed and invariably have to wait a half hour or so. She'll look at me and say, "You're wearing THAT!" and I reply, "What!" She says, "That tie doesn't go with your shirt." So she'll go to the tie rack and pick one out for me and I change my tie. The 30 minutes go by and she steps out and says, "How do I look?" Now I'm the guy who can't dress himself and she's asking me how she looks. Sheesh! Of course I know the answer so without hesitation I say, "Great." Use your imagination for a picture. Nest time I'll post in what, where when. I can't find the delete button.
  13. The California Governor ordered all 40 million residents to stay home.
  14. Do you use odd or even page numbers?
  15. I had some bad news today. Had scheduled appointment at Dr. Office. Discussion focused on the present virus, and sequestration is going to last at least 6 months. If they had just let it go like every flu season it may be a lot shorter. From CDC on 2018-2019 flue season "...the CDC estimates that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season, 647,000 people were hospitalized and 61,200 died. That’s fairly on par with a typical season, and well below the CDC’s 2017-2018 estimates of 48.8 million illnesses, 959,000 hospitalizations and 79,400 deaths." Wonder what would happen if there is no sequestration? CDC Info on past flu seasons. Personally, I think an RV park is much safer than other confined spaces. Everyone is typically outdoors and it is easier to keep space between peoples.
  16. Ha! I returned to the US in the beginning of 1974. Housing priced doubled, then we had the "gas shortage." The service station owner I dealt with told me I could have as much gas as I wanted as there was no shortage. He could get all the gas he wanted. Rationing was a sham!
  17. Hey, if Russia and Saudi are having an oil price war, how come our gas prices have dropped so much. I paid $1.84 CC price yesterday. Great to see it under $2.
  18. I hope Reggie comes back. That was his first post.
  19. That is correct, but people were purchasing plywood in preparation of a hurricane. Not knowing exactly where it was going to make landfall. I was one of them. I had retired from the military in 1984 and we were rather concerned about high winds from any storms. Didn't happen that strong here but I was prepared. As I said, "I think" it was Gilbert, but there were others: Bonnie (High Island) Chantel (Again High Island) Jerry (Galveston) Minimal, but I was still prepared.
  20. Good article. Just for fun and giggles, know what people would do, I went on Amazon when the hand sanitizers were becoming scarce. We don't need any as we have a big bottle refill that we purchase some time ago - lasts forever. I saw one price, can't remember the size, for $400. Reminds me of when we first got to Texas City. A hurricane, I think it was Gilbert was brewing and I wanted to board up my windows. The local home improvement store was "Handy Dan." When I got there, 1/2" plywood sheets were selling for something like $36 - 3 times more than original. I didn't buy any and went to the local lumber store, Bohn's Lumber and purchase sheets as $12 each - normal price at that time. Handy Dan went out of business in 1989 and that was shortly after its price gouging here in TC
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