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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. wildebill308


    Look underneath and see if it is clamped or welded together. If welded you can just cut it off with a hacksaw. Measure how long from the joint. Is it 3" or 4" diameter? I have seen some chrome tips in Walmart if they don't have them look for a place that sells parts for diesel trucks. Bill
  2. No that is not why it is there. Just like the one in the front. It is to give acess if a wrecker needs to add air to air up the suspension and or release the emergency break. You can allso use it to air up tires. Ok lets do like Herman Jr. said and get back to the OP's problem. Bill
  3. That does sound good. I looked at a coach with the 500 ISM and the owner said he was geting 5 mpg. But you never know how someone drives. Bill
  4. Well now I am back to once a month.
  5. I had to stay 3 1/2 weeks in that area. Then on to Moab, Arches and all 3 sections of Canyonlands. Bill
  6. I made several trips to CA back in the early 80's without a toad. Yes I have traveled without a toad yes in a smaller class C, so I know what I am talking about. Traveling without a toad will reduce your ability to go and see and do by about 75-85%. Some people drive RV park to RV park and don't go any ware once they are there. That is fine but I don't go someplace to just explore the RV park. If you are still working and that is all you have time to do that is ok. Bill
  7. Well Chris G. What RV do you have? You should have it in your signature/profile. Where did you go, what did you do in the Sacramento area? Bill
  8. John welcome to the forum. Depends on what the main problem is. What is it not doing? Have you reset power to the thermostat? Bill
  9. Gee isn't that what I said ?? When I said her extend a stay was hooked up correctly. Then I foolishly tried to explain what would happen if you had 2 regulators in line referring to and elaborate on my comments from BEFORE she published the pictures. Bill
  10. Rich, it is a 2018 coach and should be under warranty. I would just make shure it was geting propane and if it isn't lighting I would be calling in on the warranty. Bill
  11. Herman, What I was talking about is if you have 2 regulators in line on the system. Say you are using a line after the onboard regulator connected to a grill that normally uses the small cans sometimes won't have enough preshure to work right because it has a built in regulator. The extend a stay tank would equalise preshure with her onboard tank if that valve is open. That would not take any great amount of propane vapor. Bill
  12. Nan's extend a stay is plumed in correctly. The only issue I could think of is having 2 regulators and that would lower the pressure to much. Brett is correct. The new regulator may give just a little more pressure and that would help the fridge. Bill
  13. Just make shure the coach is at its travel height with the bages aired up. Bill
  14. Yes I heard someone say "Is that all there is". Just remember if you can't see the river it isn't the bottom of the canyon. Carl, not that bad just decided as we are only going to Salina I would break it into 2 days just ease into it. Bill
  15. I agree With you Carl and Ian. 250-300 is plenty. I have driven "the West" as Bill W. sayes but still keep to my schedule. I have driven some of those crazy trips in the past. San Antonio to Washington DC nonstop in a 62 E type comes to mind Bill W. I averaged about 66 mph for the trip. I don't do trips like that any more. I am leaving Monday and have a short day scheduled about 1/2 way to the North Oklahoma border up I-35. I want to see how I feel as I haven't driven the RV very far since the last health problem. Bill
  16. Yes but the good member I replied to has only been a member 6 hours and as a reference for future readers I added Quick Serve. So your point is? Bill
  17. Welcome to the forum. Is it lighting? Can you see the flame? Do your other propane appliances work like the hot water heater, stove? If it isn't something simple I would contact the dealer about a warranty claim. Bill
  18. Something to look at is go to Cummins Quick Serve and register your engine serial number. Now you have acess to the same information the dealer does about your engine. https://quickserve.cummins.com/info/index.html Bill
  19. Do you have a regulator on your external tank? Where does it connect to your propane supply, before or after the regulator on the coach? I think the main issue is low propane preshure off the external tank as you say it works good off the RV tank. If you are plugins in after the regulator on the Rv you might try a new 2 stage regulator. If plugged in before the regulator on the coach you may need to eliminate the regulator on the external tank because going through 2 regulators may be restricting the flow. Bill
  20. A friend had a great saying about being late. "There is ALWAYS a excuse for being late but NEVER an excuse to be late and hungry" Bill
  21. This one didn't seem like he wanted to be petted. Possum is good enough he said as he sat on the wall in the backyard.
  22. My first suggestion is to get rid of the rear flap. The main reason it is there is to advertise for the manufacturer. I think they do more to create a vortex that kicks debry up on to the toad. Next time you are passed by a coach with one/ at speed look at the flap. it is not hanging straight down but back at an angle from the wind. Any time you have a soft cover on a painted surface it is going to cause damage to the paint. There is no way to keep it from causing "Fretting" this will act like a piece of sandpaper on the paint. I am towing a 2014 CR-V since new and in about 25,000++ miles of towing, I can't find any abnormal damage from towing by debry kicked up by my RV. Bill
  23. I would recommend finding a campground with pull through spots about half way. That is a long trip to do in a short time. You can plan on a average of 50 mph for planning purposes. That would make 1/2 way a 10+ hour drive and that isn't counting stops to stretch get fuel or eat. Not picking on you but as you said you haven't driven your RV a long distance. I will be a little stressful and tiring geting started. That isn't a bad thing but something to be aware of. That is why I recommend finding a place you can be setup in before dark, relax eat and get plenty of rest then you will feel better the next day. This is supposed to be fun not anouther job. Have fun Bill
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