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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. You don't put where you live in your profile or in your post you get what you get. PPL is still the best place to sell your RV. Bill
  2. Carl, use a good repellant or like Herman said use some sulphur or you could couple small Opossums in your pockets. Bill
  3. While that is doable it won't be all that much fun. I would use one of the earlier mentioned apps and find a place to stop and relax about 1/2 way down. Bill
  4. wildebill308

    Air Filter

    I may be looking at it wrong, but it looks like it is messy when you unscrew the filters as they are on the top and remove up. Bill
  5. Those are the good ones. Bill
  6. Welcome to the forum Joey. Sorry about your problems. I would recommend PPL Motorhomes to sell your coach. https://www.pplmotorhomes.com/ Bill
  7. wildebill308

    Slow Air Leak

    I would use a drop of Loctite Blue (removable grade) to keep them from coming loose. Like Brett said test for leaks. Bill
  8. Rich, I have been adding Power Service Diesel Kleen + Cetane Boost and I can tell the engine runs smoother and is recommended by Cummins. Joe, that is realey good mileage for that engine and weight. It gives me hope that I could do better than the 5-7 MPG I read about in some of the bigger engins /coaches. Bill
  9. Joe, do you have a GPS to check your speed with/against the speedometer? I am running 275 80 22.5 instead of the original 255 80 22.5 That gives me about a +6% on the speedometer or it could be expressed as a 6% overdrive. I will watch my boost next time out and see what it is doing. I have found that the lower my EGT temps the more efficient it is running. When on a hill I don't let it lug down. If you can't accelerate in a gear I drop gears till I can. Then hold the RPM above the peak torque speed, with my 5.9 I usually pull hills around 2200 RPM. Ushaley if it is a 6%+ hill it is outher traffic that will slow me rather than the hill. Last year I got 9.1 MPG overall. Bill
  10. I re read the OP and for it to act like that it would seem you have a big air leak into the refrigerator that is only letting air in when traveling. Speed = more air preshure. It should not warm up that fast otherwise. Allso test the door seals. Keep us informed as what you find. Bill
  11. That is a good idea if you are putting a new replacement in a existing bank I would make sure it was charged before adding it to the bank. I charged my new 6 Volt batteries before I installed them. I had the time and also topped them up with water. The 4 new EGC2 batteries took over 1/2 gal of distilled water. Bill
  12. You will find a lot of those signs are to prevent/give police a tool when people want to stay long term in the rest areas. One interesting app that I found is like the rack of brochures at big rest areas or welcome centers. It is called Visitortips.com. You will want Gasbuddy, Rest stops, and to save money Passport America. Bill
  13. On Star has be available for nearly any car, GM or not, since around 2012. Just look at Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=onstar&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=229173535328&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8564672849771563470&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027284&hvtargid=kwd-13485216&ref=pd_sl_3kqyrc5wzt_e_p37 Bill
  14. Welcome to the forum. Well this ought to get plenty of responses. Personally I don't like caravaning. "Places to see?" That depends on what your interest are and how long you are going to be there. Bill
  15. The Op may still be hammering on the towbar. Bill
  16. Welcome to the forum and thank you for your service. Bill
  17. wildebill308

    Tire Inflation

    Tim, the first thing I would do is weigh the coach. a all wheel or 4 corner weight would be the best but just knowing the weight on each axle is better than not knowing. Bill
  18. Who told you it was underpowered? How many diesel coaches have you driven? Have you driven the Tiffin? Bill
  19. wildebill308

    Air Filter

    Rich, absolutely right. I think that info could be gotten from the engine manufacturer fairley easey. Bill
  20. wildebill308

    Air Filter

    Brett, while that is true several websites that deal with replacement filters have pictures and dimensions as well as CFM ratings so it shouldn't be to hard to find a match. Bill
  21. That reminds me it is nap time. Bill
  22. It is always a good thing to zero out your maintenance requirements when you don't have records. Did they change the fluid and filters on your Allison? Bill
  23. Welcome to the forum. I have stayed at Seaview Campground and would stay there again. This made a good location for us to visit Roosevelt Campobello International Park. The tides are pretty amazing. Stop at Ray's Mustard factory on the edge of town. There are several great places to eat in the area you should try. Nook & Cranny Restaurant, 575 Airline Rd, Baileyville, ME 04694, nookncrannyrestaurant.com, (207) 454-3335 One thing you want to be aware of is unless you have a phone plan that includes Canada turn your phone off till you can use Wi Fi. You can connect to a tower in Canada and not know it. The international roaming rates are scary. Bill
  24. wildebill308

    Air Filter

    Have you looked heare https://www.donaldson.com/en-us/engine/filters/products/fuel/replacement-filters/competitive-fit-filters/detroit-dd13-dd15-dd16-engines/ Or heare https://demanddetroit.com/parts-service Bill
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