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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. What year was that information for? I looked at Remco's web site and went back 4 years and found NO Land Rover of any model that was towable 4 down or with a dolly. All were listed as "MUST BE TOWED ON A TRAILER" There may have been an older one with a different transmission or a manual transmission. http://www.remcoindustries.com/Towing/Store.php Bill
  2. I can't believe VZ wasn't aware of the fact that this was a organization where it could grow in membership and there was no cap on membership. This is not like a company where you have a fixed number of employes. Bill
  3. Welcome to the forum. Not enough information on your Onan. What model is it and how are you determining it was overtemp. Did you pull the codes? What were the codes? Bill
  4. Herman, look at the GE video I posted a link to. They have a new factory up at Alliance making electric drive motors for big earthmovers and mining equipment. The closest right now you might be able to use the systems in the garbage trucks on aRV platform. Bill
  5. I would highly recommend geting one. It is MUCH cheaper than fixing damages. Ask me how I know. Bill
  6. Pretty dumb to cancel your plan before you have the new service and have tested it. Bill
  7. That would be something similar to this. https://www.wired.com/2016/07/tesla-co-founder-making-electric-garbage-trucks-jet-tech-not/ GE has built a new factory (in the Alliance Corridor) to make electric drive motors for mining equipment. They also make new train engins and refurbish old ones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYjlE4Mno3c The technology is there it just needs someone to put it together at an affordable price. Bill
  8. I agree with Joe, You need a way to test the pedestal before allowing power to your coach. I think the tester is ok for a "snapshot" of what the power is right now it doesn't take the place of a good Surge Guarde. The problem as has been covered is the power may not stay constant. I think there are maney more low power/voltage issues than hi or over voltage. It is not just one area that has problems. I have had/seen problems from Galveston Island to Oregon to Maine. There are only 2 kinds of campers those who have had power issues and those who will. Bill
  9. George,can you plug into the jack on the pedestal with a phone to verify you have service and a dial tone? I am assuming you are somewhere you expect to have land line service. Just wondering why you need a landline. I haven't had one in about 5 years. Bill
  10. I think some kind of hybrid is more likely/ practical. Go look at the second link I posted. The most interesting one I have seen is a gas turbine electric setup. More like a diesel electric train but with a battery bank for low speeds/boost. Bill
  11. This is coming pretty soon. http://www.freightlinersupertruck.com/#downsized Here is someting else. http://www.equipmentworld.com/the-nikola-one-is-an-electric-class-8-hauler-with-2000-hp-1200-mile-range-that-you-dont-have-to-plug-in/ Bill
  12. If you are bored go look at new concept trucks. Walmart is doing lots of research into more efficient trucks. I had a link but can't find it . The nearer one that might be adaptable to RV use was the electric drive Hybrid. It used a small gas turbine to power a generator to provide power to drive the truck. Bill
  13. DBathurst, welcome to the forum. Let me see if I understand the problem. You have 2 tv's with 2 remotes. When you use the controller on your set it sometimes interferes with your wifes set and vice versa. Is that correct? How are the tv's located in relation to each outher? Bill
  14. Jerry, Welcome to the forum. On page 256 of your owner's manual it states. "Start the engine and allow it to run for five minutes at the beginning of each day and every six hours thereafter. With the engine running and your foot on the brake, shift into position D and then into position R before shifting back into position N." It appears you are not following the directions "exactly" if you are going into N from Drive. It also says. " Do not exceed 65 mph (105 km/h)." Good luck on the next transmission. Bill
  15. JP, welcome to the forum. This is what you have in the coach. You can get buy with just one. http://www.trci.net/products/surge-guard-rv/transfer-switches/50a-hardwires-41260 Bill
  16. It depends on the load and how much battery capacity you have. Bill
  17. Then change the management team, don't run and hide. "the common interest for many current members will be lost. Then it comes down to value for your dollar." "It's about return of investment to many people." Two nice catch phrases that have no practical meaning. How is it lost? You still have the same interest. You still have the same benefits. You still get to post on the forum in what ever category you want to, under whatever subject you are interested in. You can still go to any rally. You have the same benefits as before and maybe more. So explain to me how you are demeaned if they allow towables? The only thing I see is you will lose "status" in some elitist mind set. You will no longer be the elitist in the big motorized coach that belongs to that exclusive club of old white people. Bill
  18. Try taking a picture with your phone. You may need several attempts but easier than using a mirror and you have the information captured. Bill
  19. Yes oil sampling is a good idea. I would look in the tube where it attaches to the intake for any metal particles. I recommend a good EGT gage and boost gage are essential for knowing what's going on in a diesel engine. I also run a good full synthetic oil to help protect the turbo and engine, I like Shell Rotella T6. I am geting good oil sample results. Bill
  20. Have any of you been to a rally in the last few months where representatives have discussed and "briefed" the membership? I have. It will pass because of the way it is being sold. Basically if you don't let towables you are mean and you are discriminating against these people who own towables and that is not right. I also heard a "unsubstantiated" rumor that the board thinks there will be a mass movement to leave Good Sames because the owner isn't supporting the chapters or interested in them. That is why we need to be ready to welcome them. This tends to make more sense to me rather than the hand wringing about finances. If it was money if they doubled the reward for signing up new members and promoted it "BETTER" would make more money. If only 50% of the members recruited 1 new member this year that would be a 50% increase in dues revenue or about $1,182,646. That is 37,500 new members. That also doesn't take into consideration the dues increase. Personally I don't care if they let towables in. I don't think it is the answer to the "alleged" money shortfall. I also think the attitude of those who claim "they will quit if towables are allowed" is/are part of the problem. Their elitist attitude keeps them from talking to people outside their own click. There are some exceptions. But I have been camping at a big RV park where there was a big FMCA "RALLY" and was never invited to a "happy hour" never approached about joining or what FMCA was even when I asked questions. So if you are one of those threatening to quit, don't let the door hit you on the way out. It will probably improve the club. Bill
  21. I recommend you add 10# to whatever the chart says as a safety margin. Some say 10% but it is easier to just add 10 psi. The tables are the minimum you can run at a given weight. Bill
  22. Brett & Herman I can't see your signatures on the same computer where I could see them before. This is when using Chrome. I had to start using Chrome again because spell check quit in IE When using Internet Explorer I can see them now but couldn't a while ago. This is the only forum where I see this problem. Bill
  23. Yep, thats ugly. What I don't understand is why it wasn't smoking heavily. More fuel less air ashley makes lots of black smoke. Bill
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