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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. Did you use/add a "hard start " capacitor? I would test the compressor to see if it is ok. I hate to be negative but it might be the compressor going bad. Bill
  2. The towing equipment such as base plate and wiring for lights is aftermarket. I did make it part of the deal when I bought my CR-V. Even then the dealer farmed it out. There should be no difference new or used. Just get the right year base plate. Bill
  3. You are right. I saw a demonstration of one of the engineering tools at work. They were displaying all the air flow under the F-35 stovl AC, showing air flow,volume and turbulence in real time from all sources. It was pretty impressive. We also had cad /catia available in the shop. Bill
  4. Well it will be fun to see what happens. My limited experience is when they talk unlimited data there is usually a choke point someplace where the speed slows down. You have unlimited data but it may take a while. Kind of like back a few years when I had a 600 baud modem. I had unlimited data but it took 15 minutes to download a gray scale picture. But we were excited about it. Bill
  5. I agree I would go back to a dolly if I had to. I can't see me fighting a trailer. But I will never be on the road without a toad. Bill
  6. Did you try it again to see if it does it every time or was a abnormality? I would need to get your owners manual out and do some reading. I have never tried putting the switch to acc with the jacks down. Bill
  7. We still love you . Yes these were disreputable companies like Avis and Enterprise. I don't know where my notes went. I quit caring after I bought my current toad. Bill
  8. Just to pick on Kay a little today. This is the high risk way. The idea of renting instead of towing comes up often on the different forums. I have heard of at least a couple people who had reservations at places yet when they got there the rental company didn't have a car for them. I did a little survey along those lines a couple of years ago when I was using a dolly. I was amazed at how many places this wouldn't work. Especially around major parks and attractions. My personal travel style is I want my car right here right now so any time I can go to the store go sightseeing go out to eat or just because. Bill
  9. You have gotten a wide variety of responses but if you are going to use a dolly here is something to help you when geting the car ready to tow. When you load the car on the dolly stop with about 2 in between the tire and front stop. Place the hold down straps over the tires. Now place the car in neutral. Now tighten the hold down straps. The reason for doing it this way is the straps will not slide on the tire. This allows the tire to rotate forward and take the slack out of the back side of the strap. After the straps are tight you can put the car in park and set it up for towing. Make shure you set the car up based on the dolly manufacturer's instructions. Some need the steering locked and some like the Acme need the steering to turn. Not doing this part right will cause damage to your car. Bill
  10. Just so you know there is no mileage accumulation when towing. Bill
  11. Kay, Just be aware that at least some "all wheel drive" can not be towed on dolly. If you are happy that's all that matters. Bill
  12. Would you elaborate on that last statement. "I really like using a tow dolly over flat towing." Because that puts you in the extreme minority. I would go back to using a dolly if it was the only way to take a towd with me but I wouldn't prefer it. Bill
  13. That's great. You can still use your Pacbrake around town just do a couple of solid stops occasionally to keep your brakes in shape. Bill
  14. Bob, one thing I have done is to take a small 110 fan and position it so it will blow up over the coils. I like the muffin fans but if you have a small fan I would try it till you can get some muffin fans. Here is one source for them. https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=12+volt+muffin+fan&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=153656257573&hvpos=1t1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3371679124492349892&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027284&hvtargid=kwd-734702259&ref=pd_sl_5tgrxqc18a_b pmtelt, Is your refrigerator a Dometic? It does sound like a bad cooling unit. As Bill A said a residental might be something to look at. Bill
  15. I thought he was headed to Chandler eventually. Bill
  16. Welcome to the forum. I used a Acme for a couple of years. I think it worked as well as most do. I had the surge disk brakes that worked well. https://cartowdolly.com/?gclid=CjwKEAiAirXFBRCQyvL279Tnx1ESJAB-G-QvRpiPC_WvHnfWXt4R4v85ZuIa-kVj-MEqVMhg6zLXkhoCtNPw_wcB Bill
  17. Roland, enjoy your trip. See you there. Bill
  18. It's harder to find anchorages with full hookups. Also you tow a real dingy. We are looking forward to seeing some tall ships this summer, and learning about charging AGM batteries. See, staying on subject. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/tall-ships-rendez-vous-2017-regatta-ports-1.3786613 Bill
  19. Too bad the practice of tire truing is not done any more you could use the equipment to match duals. Bill
  20. I got to see how Coach Net worked last year. I don't want to have the need to find out how FMCA roadside assistance works this year. Bill
  21. I was busy feeding my face. What do you mean how did I know... because I am good that's how. Well OK and Chrome doesn't have the color option. Bill
  22. I can tell you are using Internet Explorer. In the top right hand of the page click on your name and you will get a dropdown list. Click on account settings. Under the heading “OVERVIEW” click on signature. This will open a place to enter what you want in your signature. Bill
  23. Why do you think I was advocating using the alternate fuel supply AKA the five gal gas can. That way you don't have to spend on enough to treat the main tank. In your case to get the same ratio as a can in 5 gal it would cost you $243.00 + tax. Bill
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