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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. At what point does the magnet make contact? Can you switch relays to see if it makes a difference? My relays are all together. When I had a problem with the bedroom slide I switched moved the wiring connection/cannon plug with one of the front slides, controllers and used the switch for the front slide to operate it. Bill
  2. "The switched are basically magnetic rectangular." Yes like the magnetic locator switch on your front door that controls the front steps. Bill
  3. So it is a locater type setup. The magnets tell something(Controller) that the slide is in this position and now it can? I would look for what the sequence would be during the operation. Such as do both parts of the slide move /extend at the same tim? Or does the main part move all the way then the inner slide move? Can you get it to move in and out now? Bill
  4. I would look and see if there is an adjustment to the Magnet switch. Look for what the sequence would be during the operation. Bill
  5. It does sound like the typical sensors. Remember you won't see any water leaking with the pump off. It is still a good practise to shut the pump off when not in the coach/storage. Bill
  6. All good suggestions to a puzzling problem. Here is a big a** guess. Is it possible that while you had the waterpump on the water valve on the commode was leaking. Letting the water run into the black tank? I had one leak internally and fill the black tank. It wasn't a lot but it added up. Querious minds want to know. Bill
  7. I would try to get a wiring diagram and see if there is a limit switch that keeps the one slide from moving before the main one is extended. By the way what coach/ model is this? I don't think I have ever actually seen that setup in person. Bill
  8. Some young kid causing trouble on the forum. Bill
  9. I can see some benefit from that operation. You wouldn't take up as much room with the slides in yet have more room with them out. Bill
  10. Well like I said it would be easier for rcrasor to look at the towing guide as he knows what model he has. What did you say Carl. Bill
  11. Did it come with the tankless water heater? Bill
  12. Welcome to the forum. Which model auto or standard? You can look on the main page at the towing guide for that year. Bill
  13. I would take the ladies over to the on site shower facilities and let them see how far they have to walk to take a shower if you run out of water or the shower fills up. Well atleast I won't be getting "The Look" Bill
  14. Rich, I am guessing but it is probbabley a fairly new coach/instillation as I have not heard of Winnebago shiping with an on demand heater. I think we are on the right track it may be something simple. Bill
  15. I think that is where the growth will come from is local chapters. I see FMCA as the parent/ umbrella organization and the local clubs/chapters as the place where the rubber meets the road, literally. I belong to several chapters and that is where you have the opportunity to recruit new members plan activities the members are interested in doing. This is where you attract new members and would be perfect for people who are working like Jo and Keon are planning. Once you get 10-12 in a group you can start getting better discounts during a rally. Most campgrounds have a minimum number before you can use the clubhouse/meeting house. But that is OK when the group is small you can still have a good time. Don't be afraid to talk to the other people in the campground. I know you can't walk by when the RRR group is in camp without someone inviting you to happy hour. The main point I am trying to make is that Jo and Kenon know what they want to do and what time they have to do it much better than the people in the offices at FMCA. Bill
  16. I base my cool down time on actual EGT not time to stopping point. Yes most time by the time you get to a camp spot it should be cooled down enough. It does take longer when the outside temps are higher. Bill
  17. We don't need to go to Florida for Gaters we have them right here in Texas. http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Alligator-Found-Outside-Dallas-Middle-School-380770351.html Bill
  18. I am with Herman. There are some videos on Youtube showing how to install them. You may be able to see how to straighten the fabric on yours. Bill
  19. Welcome to the forum. The only thing I can think of is make sure the gap on the igniter isn't to big. Bill
  20. I think there are several cities you are going to love. Fort Worth being the main one. Cowtown still has the flavor of a town but has everything big cities have. Bill
  21. True, but if they can't find a deal they like in Ca. there are alternatives. Bill
  22. I would look a little further West of the "big" airport. The I-35W corridor is probably one of the fastest growing areas well anywhere. There is tremendous growth all over the area. The I-35E corridor is also going big. I think you are doing it right by looking in the mid cities area. that way depending on where you get a job you are relatively centralised. Bill
  23. It sounds like a coach that should sell fairly fast some place like PPL.com. Sorry you are having to sell. Bill
  24. I would have argued that it was necessary under the exception. "Operation of auxiliary or alternate power systems for cabin comfort." They may say it only applied to running the generator. Thanks for the links. I know they watch the trucks around here and all the big truck stops have installed systems to cool or heat the cab. Bill
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