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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. That's great. You can still use your Pacbrake around town just do a couple of solid stops occasionally to keep your brakes in shape. Bill
  2. Bob, one thing I have done is to take a small 110 fan and position it so it will blow up over the coils. I like the muffin fans but if you have a small fan I would try it till you can get some muffin fans. Here is one source for them. https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=12+volt+muffin+fan&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=153656257573&hvpos=1t1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3371679124492349892&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9027284&hvtargid=kwd-734702259&ref=pd_sl_5tgrxqc18a_b pmtelt, Is your refrigerator a Dometic? It does sound like a bad cooling unit. As Bill A said a residental might be something to look at. Bill
  3. I thought he was headed to Chandler eventually. Bill
  4. Welcome to the forum. I used a Acme for a couple of years. I think it worked as well as most do. I had the surge disk brakes that worked well. https://cartowdolly.com/?gclid=CjwKEAiAirXFBRCQyvL279Tnx1ESJAB-G-QvRpiPC_WvHnfWXt4R4v85ZuIa-kVj-MEqVMhg6zLXkhoCtNPw_wcB Bill
  5. Roland, enjoy your trip. See you there. Bill
  6. It's harder to find anchorages with full hookups. Also you tow a real dingy. We are looking forward to seeing some tall ships this summer, and learning about charging AGM batteries. See, staying on subject. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/tall-ships-rendez-vous-2017-regatta-ports-1.3786613 Bill
  7. Too bad the practice of tire truing is not done any more you could use the equipment to match duals. Bill
  8. I got to see how Coach Net worked last year. I don't want to have the need to find out how FMCA roadside assistance works this year. Bill
  9. I was busy feeding my face. What do you mean how did I know... because I am good that's how. Well OK and Chrome doesn't have the color option. Bill
  10. I can tell you are using Internet Explorer. In the top right hand of the page click on your name and you will get a dropdown list. Click on account settings. Under the heading “OVERVIEW” click on signature. This will open a place to enter what you want in your signature. Bill
  11. Why do you think I was advocating using the alternate fuel supply AKA the five gal gas can. That way you don't have to spend on enough to treat the main tank. In your case to get the same ratio as a can in 5 gal it would cost you $243.00 + tax. Bill
  12. I am still of the opinion it maybe a bad or failing start capacitor. It could be a failing compressor but I would change the start capacitor first. The part about not showing up on shore power is, unless you are watching a meter to see if the load increases you might not be able to tell. You don't have the auditory clues that the load has gone up. Just because he has "teck" on his hat mean he was at the top of his class. I would still (using the gas can method) run a mixture through the generator as I described before. Just use a piece of fuel line and hook up to the generator before the fuel pump. Bill
  13. Welcome to the forum. DD69 is right. Try taping the brake or shutting off the cruise. I hope you get a tune up so you can get more than 30 hp out of that 2006 HR Neptune. Bill
  14. The problem is some are more just smoke. Does this show up on the small screen Bill
  15. You are right I can barely read the yellow on my big screen. Bill
  16. In Google Chrome the choices are limited. Bill
  17. Wow, You have created a whole new posting art. But only in Internet Explorer. Bill
  18. I don't recall anyone advocating a 50/50 mix. If I recall, one can of Seafoam Motor Treatment treats up to 16 gallons of gas or diesel fuel. I would use half can in 5 gal or if it is really gummed up a whole can in 5 gal. Bill
  19. Welcome to the forum PeggySue46. I am wondering why you used the drivers window and not the emergency exit window? It would be a good thing to look in the back and find your emergency exit and make sure it will open. Bill
  20. The one road at Mt Rushmore you absolutely don't want to take your coach on is 16A. We stayed at Heartland RV Park and took 36 in from 79 to where it merges with 16A. If you turn right on 16A it is one of the great scenic drives but only in the toad as there are low narrow tunnels on this route. Heartland RV Park & Cabins, 24743 SD-79, Hermosa, SD 57744, heartlandcampground.com, (605) 255-5460 Well if the OP comes back and gives some more information I might be able to help. Bill
  21. Welcome to the forum. Nice rig. Bill
  22. I had a 5 gal gas can and added a rich mix (more than the minimum on the label) of the seafoam. That way you don't have to treat the whole tank in the coach. The last time I did this I ran for about an hour with no load then started to add load. Bill
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