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Everything posted by manholt

  1. As with anything "new", there is going to be confusion and kinks to be worked out. Since my membership in FMCA isn't due until 2024, I'll wait some, before I try....currently with Verizon! I pay about the same amount per month for 5GB (Old plan), so I should be way ahead with this new one!
  2. Seems to me (unless there's something I don't see), you can split and double your AT&T for 44GB, and still be ahead ?
  3. I presume he was a honest and honorable man, who maintained a legal license in all New England States?
  4. Herman, he used that as a treat, on numerous occasions....then he did it ! Sometimes you got to pay, to play! I and Linda, did the opposite....we both paid 5 years, best deal.
  5. Memories. You jogged some! Last time I saw that unit, was in 1983, in a 33' Apollo diesel.
  6. Your right. The whole thing has got to come out for the removal of pin!
  7. I just posted on the other..."Verify that you are a FMCA member in good standing for 2 years" That don't equate to a "sign up for 2 years"!
  8. Mine is 342963 so I'm clear, but what about all the 18 month members we have? This will not get us any "NEW" members!
  9. Kay. Your right, my bad. Your post came as I finished mine....missed the solenoid (too much wine?)!
  10. Today is the day for the big reveal. Wonder how this will work...If your a member of R Village, do you qualify? This Forum? Or only FMCA? Since we have not shut down the Voting yet, is the "cart before the horse" again? Have received a lot of mail and verbal questions from my trailer friends...they are all wanting to join FMCA, for the Assist and Tire discount. They are also, between 67 and 82 years old ! Members of GS and Escapee's Chapter 11.
  11. sr4au1. Welcome to the Forum! Today is the day....log in on main FMCA page, after 9am!
  12. Maxwell18. Welcome. Would be of great help, if you would tell us the year model of your Monaco Diplomat!
  13. BillE. Now I know what my problem is, I stay away from, anything that lives, in a old musty barn, in Oregon! Life is short !
  14. Joe. The trick is, if your home for Christmas...you decorate. I used to use a commercial firm, they put it up and took it down, $1,200 per year. Now, I'm mostly gone (up to last year, with Linda I may go back to a commercial firm) and decorated the coach instead.
  15. BillA. Lets think positive for a time....then flip a coin...I'm hoping for the best!
  16. A0T300 is the number on the first solenoid Kay. As for the 2nd, I would like to know what the wire with the green flap goes to?
  17. Joe. The only good Jeep (Wrangler) is a dirty one! All others, delivered the kids to school & band practice! BillE. All Alcoa's are not the same...one type (the satin looking ones) is not intended to be waxed, just washed with S & W. (NO not shot)!
  18. What? Horses, no cats/dogs? That's BS and one reason why we stay away from that area of the US...we have 2 dogs (rescue).
  19. Joe. 10 minutes a wheel? Ugh....I spray on wipe off, 6 wheels=15 min. max!
  20. tim. Do you have Alcoa wheels? Any brand liquid soap & water will do....or a spray on, wipe off wax. If you use a preservative on your tires stay away from petroleum base products, I use 303 protectant on all my rubber!
  21. manholt


    You are correct....I keep forgetting about them, since I don't have or need one!
  22. Yes, ditto! interesting fix and it may help another Eagle owner!
  23. Quality Control on the assembly line and before it goes out the door, should be mandatory for all RV's! PDI before the buyer, looks at and buys his/her RV!
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