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Everything posted by manholt

  1. Jim. I take it you were not in the 45mph part of the park?!
  2. Anyone tells me "I'm a sane human". I will run, not walk, way, far away!
  3. westfork. Welcome! Your coach owners manual will have that information. For peace of mind, plug in a work light or flood heat lamp in your water bay. I used to use the spring clip type.
  4. Mike. At least you know how to fix it, if it happens again! I'm thinking that you re-set the computer or a fault code, when you disconnected and reconnected your panel. Whatever the reason, glad your trouble free for now! Happy trails
  5. You both got it skewed...they are in a rented car and looking for accommodations for 10 days...Brett suggested a park with cabins or trailers for rent....Hotel, cabin. trailer. They are FMCA members!
  6. Yes, you could have, 90 days prior to the last Committee meeting in Indy this summer ! Now, it's a tad late. Bill A. There are times that I find you offensive and if you really have a bone to chew, then re-new your membership first. Come to think of it, I have no clue why you became a member of FMCA to begin with....you have made no positive contribution that am aware off...just all negative!
  7. The same goes for Texas Coastal east of Corpus Christi to Cameron, LA. Also Alabama Shore & Coastal Miss.
  8. Brett, I think it was around 2015 that we had a long running post on the length, weight, LLC and no LLC issue. With charts & State by State laws on Interstate's!
  9. Joe. I'm quite sure that when you was a State Trooper, you heard every excuse in the book and then some....now your the one doing it. Fine, but don't complain, when you get pulled over! Don't even try to talk your way/or tell a Texas Cop that your a retired Trooper...won't do you no good. If US President LBJ couldn't get away with speeding, you won't get away with breaking the law either! I have a lot of friends that are both working and retired cops in Texas, NM, AZ, CA, LA, and Florida...we are all Master Masons and Shriners. They have always toed the line and up held the law as written and left the interpretation to the court. Then some one like you come along and want to bend it to serve your own purpose!
  10. Hi there and welcome. It would help to know what area of Florida you want to spend 10 days in ?
  11. BillA. Yes it is. Do you have a P.O. Box and mail/magazine forwarding or just 1st class mail forwarding? Since you advocate digital, you can read it every month at FMCA main page!
  12. Camarti1 & Jeff. Thank you for your insight and different approach to the problem that we currently face. Jeff, one morning you'll wake up and your the FMCA average age, are you "old"? I'm not...age wise I am, but I take no kind of RX medication, so please don't try to "pigeon hole" me! Like the average age of our members, we drive a very large and long vehicle down the road. What I'm getting at, is that in order to have this 71 year average, there has got to be members in their 70's, 80's and even 90, along with 40-60...That's why I don't buy into age being the real problem....you'll have about the same with trailers! I do agree with the idea about every member needs representation at the annual meeting...I'm a ND for a chapter, but that leaves at least half the membership. Re-doing the By-Laws and Policy & Procedure, is a daunting task that would take years. Just like the trailer vote...if it passes, it will still be years until we can implement it. I have already writhen about that. Camarti1, welcome aboard ! I like your thoughts.
  13. I don't think it has to do with Assist or age anymore! I have the same offer thru the Lions, Elks, Masonic and Shriners International. Since I have traveled Internationally every year and now have Linda with me, each of us have a Assist policy that runs about $500 a year and a medical that's good anywhere for $1,200 a year, all outside of USA! Don't miss understand...USA Assist is a great deal for anyone, in any age group, but it has nothing to do with towables in FMCA !
  14. Bill, the reason that I mentioned it, was because I had the same issue when I tried the Blu-Ox riser...I had one made that gave plenty of clearance from coach and it has a extension that allowed me to use the inside pin hole. Hard to explain, I'll send you a pic via Joe!
  15. That "sneak" preview was not released by me Brett....I knew about it for several months prior to Durant, OK....since there it was released to a whole chapter, it was a secret no more!
  16. Mike. Whatever works. How much up front for how long?
  17. How nice! Here I was reprimanded by some of our finest, by PM, for just hinting about FMCA working on a new Verizon deal..
  18. Yes. That's a small blessing, as I replaced mine at same time...parts at Home Depot, Ace, True Value or Low's! I don't care for plastic, so anything that I replace in water compartment is now brass or SS.
  19. As Brett said and I'm one of the people that don't like to waste water, so I use HP 3% (Hydrogen Peroxide). My water hose is on a reel, so I drag it all out 4 times a year, making sure its empty, then I pour a quart HP 3% in and connect to water, just enough to fill hose and let it sit for 15 minutes...during that time I pour in a quart of HP in fresh water tank that is about 1/4 full and let it sit for 15 minutes. Linda will turn on the water faucet while I open the faucets inside for 5 minutes and let sit for 10. We do the same for fresh water tank...there is no reason to flush anything from system and dump, as quite often if we have run out of Listerine (not an advertisement) we use HP 3% as a mouth wash!
  20. Joe. You say his year coach, OK it's a 2011, but his chassis is probably a 2010 or earlier! All depends upon his build date and/or when Fleetwood got the chassis ordered and built. For an extreme example, they have been building the 2019 Liberty & Marathon coach now.
  21. Your ignition switch may not be breaking contact when turned off...turn on it works, off it's still on. I would pull the switch.
  22. Welcome. Bill. That works fine for hitch. I don't like the Blu-Ox riser, so for mine, I had it made by a metal shop...less than $100....my jeep runs 35" tires with a 3" lift and I like my Roadmaster to be as level as possible.
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