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Everything posted by jleamont

  1. Pop, looks like your questions have been answered. one thing to add, as with our heat pumps are too cold I believe my Dometic (dual 13,500 btu Penguins on the roof) book says below 36 degrees they will not turn on, I get "ICE" on the display which means the compressor oil is too cold and will not allow them to turn on to prevent damage. When its that cold I leave the Aqua Hot on electric and Diesel, it is more than capable of delivering moist heat throughout. Honestly I think the roof tops should be able to handle this function and there is probably something that can be altered to make it work. We just have no desire to run the coach when its that cold out anyway.
  2. So can a happy one...I'm there now
  3. Schoolhouse, Welcome to the forum and congratulations with your purchase! You are at a point where you can customize your coach to meet you likings not the manufactures or previous owner. Some may call this an area of concern while others will love the opportunity to update the interior. Definitely recommend looking into local automotive upholstery shops as Kay mentioned above, that will be the most cost effective route to take. If you decide to replace the furniture just make sure what you purchase can go into a Motorhome that will allow people to ride on it while the coach is in motion and the manufacture can supply you with seatbelts, you never know when people might be traveling with you. I was told RV trailer furniture is built to a lessor standard since no one rides in a trailer while traveling down the road and with that being said they also do not have seatbelts. I have some RV furniture on order from shop4seats.com. So far this company has been good to us with the dinette change last year. While my driver and passenger seat look decent our coach interior layout didn't suite or needs and one piece of furniture was missing when we bought it used in May 2014 so we are making some changes. What ever you purchase if you are going to do the install yourself just be sure to look under where you are going to drill before doing so, there is a lot of plumbing and electrical wiring under the floor tucked up in the basement area, you don't want to drill through any of that by accident. Good luck if you have anymore questions just post on here and someone will be more than happy to help. Joe
  4. I just called Source for a Surge tank, not sure if the one they have will fit my coach. $463.00 plus shipping. I have to email them photos to be certain it is the right one. Mine appears to be different from memory then what I saw on their website. More to come with this.
  5. Carl, just remember "Cheaper to Keep Her" seems to apply.
  6. Herman, she complains about it every time it rains when she opens the door. Hmmm, maybe umbrella and suction cups to the window on the door?
  7. Carl, I have a Girard awning also 22', no separate one for over the entry door. Unfortunately the main awning is all we have and it doesn’t cover the entry door all the way (3/4 of the entry door). I thought about having the Main awning slid back and have another one installed over the door, it looks like it would be expensive for little gain.
  8. I would love to have Brett or another expert walk around this coach and digest its oddity and gadgets and tell me if its normal to be set up the way it is.
  9. Carl, great idea. Since there are two master switches in the back I am either going to bypass it or remove it and place it behind the switch plate and just leave it in the on position. Funny everytime I go to switch on the stair well lights I always press the wrong one (only two switches in that spot) and I'm standing in the dark. Never understood why it was there in the fist place, since Brett called it a salesman switch it now makes sense. So far the batteries bounced back ok so I am happy for that. I will have to keep my eye on them.
  10. jleamont

    Michelin XRV To XZE

    We have XZA2 energy on the steer axle, no issues. Love the ride and handling performance 295/80R22.5
  11. I leave them on all the time so the chassis and house batteries stay happy. Especially since the coach is always plugged in when not in use. Now it's time to remove the one in the front and forget about it so it doesn't get bumped again.
  12. Just learned the hard way how my "battery switch" inside actually works. I must have switched the battery switch off which is located in the entrance to the interior which resulted in the house batteries draining, even while it's plugged in and displaying "float charge" on the xantrex display. One would think it was wired so it just cuts power to the interior and still allows the house batteries to charge, but not the case. What really baffles me is I have two master battery switches in the back of the unit in the electrical management bay which open the positive battery cables to each battery bank (chassis and house) Why have one in the back and one up front for the house batteries? I am considering bypassing the switch up front so when you come through the door with stuff in your hand the switch doesn't get bumped accidentally and shut down the house batteries. Any thoughts?
  13. I found a local custom decal supplier that can produce it. They also had a Mylar 3m product that will be precut to keep it protected from UV, heat and wheel cleaners. Thanks for the ideas.
  14. Carl, thanks. Reason....friend just purchased a 2005 Allegro Bus two slides, both on drivers side. All I could think was OHNO! His didn't appear to be cable operated but then again I have never seen one on cables. The only RV cable experience I have is a POP UP....and it wasn't good. Thanks, Joe
  15. Carl, what year was your Allegro Bus? Was it one slide in particular or all of them were cable operated? When I heard the slide was operated by cables my hair stood up on the back of my neck.
  16. Are the cables a Damon coach thing, who made the slide mechanism?
  17. klparker, Do you have an auto start/stop option on your generator? Make sure your auto stop is not activated. If mine is set to auto stop at a certain battery level my generator will start up with the manual switches and run for 1-2 minutes and shut off just as the A/C units were about to start up (its only looking at the battery level not the load). I thought I had a problem then it dawned on me that the Xantrex panel had no idea the A/C units were on standby. Sounds crazy but its engineering at its finest!
  18. Anyone ever stumbled across a decal that can hold up to the elements and stick to an Aluminum wheel? I need to locate or have tire pressure decals made up for wheels 22.5 (super single) wheels for 7 road tractors. We adjust tire pressures on our Semi Tractor fleet according to weight on the part of the fleet that only pulls specific trailers, these 7 units require 20 psi more than the other 900+ power units due to the weight of the trailer. I wanted to put a decal next to the valve stem on the wheel so everyone would know what PSI was needed. Since they are tractors there are no fenders and we cannot put decals on the trailers since they are not ours. Any suggestions? I tried Google, nothing. I figured someone on here would have a great idea that would work. Thank you
  19. So sad and so true Carl. Those days are gone and that is why we have the "Cardasians or Jenner's" all around us today. The world comes and goes in circles, we can only hope that era returns again someday!
  20. I like that phrase! I will use this going forward....thanks Carl!
  21. Bill, I prefer the Texas version.
  22. Judge and Carl, I am very apprehensive when it comes to truck stop washes when they are performing the labor. I have a friend that brought his truck to one and they sprayed a wheel cleaner on his wheels that was a heavy concentrate of aluminum cleaner acid designed for wheels without clear coat. His wheels were polished with clear coat and they had turned yellow by the following day and began to peel shortly after. They never asked or explained what was going to take place and he was left holding the bag in the end. The people running those places seem to be short on experience, training and knowledge. I prefer to keep people like that as far away from my coach as possible.
  23. Herman, thank you. He is still around, stops over every so often since he moved up to PA from TN. Since he spent most of his life weekend camping then FT with a motorhome for a few years, he drops in to see what I have done with the coach, sits inside and just takes it all in with a smile. Never thought of the doppelgänger....but yes that's it. I am pretty sure he was or is an FMCA member, I know he also had the lifetime GS membership, I will have to ask. Herman, just dawned on me....he also served in the Navy, the world is small!
  24. Tom, good point! Its been a while since they were on here also.
  25. aldebruijn, Also not a fan of the new interior floor plans. It seems like the tactful thought process to maximize the space is fading into the past. Every year we go to Hershey and walk around, mostly for gadgets, check out campgrounds to help plan for the following year and to say high to the folks at the FMCA booth. We will on occasion walk through new units just to see what is going on with them. Every year my wife and I have this same conversation and it seems to be getting worse, it looks like the people designing motorhomes are not people that use them. The quality also seems to be fading while the price tags are climbing.
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