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Everything posted by elkhartjim

  1. My local Shell has accepted my multi color capital one visa for up to 80 gallons within the last week or so. I had to re-swipe the card 3 times however.
  2. I can honestly say, I don't think I've ever been in a campground where there wasn't someone available to be a spotter. Now if you come in late, that can be an issue. Two things I will never do is back up without a spotter or backup when I can't see the spotter in my outside mirror(s). With all that being said, a 26ft motorhome is almost like backing a Suburban. I suggest finding an empty parking lot, (church, school, shopping center,etc) and practice your backing. Use your cones or whatever you have available to simulate a parking space and practice backing in to it. Practice, practice, practice. Good luck.
  3. The extension on the left appears to be held in place by a holder that is screwed into the plastic hub; I don't think many of us want to be drilling in to our aluminum wheels, at least I sure don't. A simple Google search on braided valve extension reviews indicates less than satisfactory results compared to solid extensions. Maybe by not using TPMS on the braided extension, as pictured, that would help with vibration, etc, but then you're giving up a very important safety item just to make it easier to check the air in your tires. Since I'm not going to drill and tap a hole in my aluminum wheels, I think I'll stick with my solid extensions.
  4. Welcome to the forum. Seems I've read on most GM products either the battery needs to be disconnected and /or some fuses pulled. Let us know what you find out. On edit. I assume you read this entire thread before posting as it seems to be a known problem.
  5. You've been blessed. My 2nd motorhome came with the braided hoses and were a constant leak problem.
  6. Dang... I got out of the paint and body business too soon. I've always heard numbers closer to the $20,000 range from the shops in Indiana.
  7. I also have a Capital One card, Joe. They are excellent at keeping a watch on my credit card. I have it set up that I am notified by text of every charge of $1.00 or more. This is also useful in the restaurant where a sever disappears with your card. I'm notified of the transaction before they return to the table.
  8. My experience fueling at truck stops and in the truck lanes is the only pay at the pump program that works for me is the Pilot/Flying J charge card. All others my wife will go in and authorize x dollars on the cc. When I finish fueling I text her the dollar amount and she verifies with a receipt the amount charged. She hates to go inside where some of the truckers are less than courteous and I don't like that she has to do it. Looking at the info Wayne published on the Loves card, I'm not sure I would want it if I even qualified. My credit card processor verified years ago the merchant sets the credit limit on each sale.
  9. As Bill said, make darn sure your wheels don't have a coating on them or you will have a real mess on your hands.
  10. I wonder why this is not on the Good Sams website. The only mention of a fuel discount is with Pilot/Flying J. I can't find anything on Loves site either about a Good Sams discount. Where did you see this?
  11. Sorry, Richard. I was going by your comment you had to take the card in for pump start was the only reason for my statement. If you have the charge card and a PIN number you should be able to start the pump without going inside.
  12. We'll be in the RGV mid to late April. Tom is there now.
  13. I think you have the loyalty card, Richard. I and what Wayne and Joe have is actually a charge card not a credit card. I pay the balance at the end of the month. I swipe the card, enter my PIN number, fuel up, obtain receipt at the pump and drive off. If any of the FMCA honchos are reading this, it would be a nice benefit except I'm not sure who you could get it with - TA, Petro, Loves?
  14. While you two were bickering I checked the op, he posted one time in early Nov looking for a place in early Feb. He has not signed back back on the forum since the middle of Nov. I think it's safe to say he found someplace to his liking. You two better start playing nice or else.....
  15. While traveling we only turn ours on when needed and for the same reason Joe gave. I had a friend empty his fresh water tank when a hose to his ice maker ruptured. Unfortunately he had carpet and didn't realize it until they stopped for fuel. He was outside when his wife yelled, John we have water on the floor! Similar problem but different that Herman has.
  16. I use the Geo Method for my black tank and sanitize my fresh water tank using bleach once or twice a season. You can do a forum or Google search for specifics.
  17. Our Newmar has a headboard for the king size bed and it's in the slide out. If I remember,and that's a big if, I'll look at mine today and see how it's attached. Like Bill suggested, call Newmar customer support.
  18. Sounds like all the others, Ross. Low rates and longevity don't really mean much in today's world when it comes to customer service and satisfaction. Camping World is a good example. Walmart is another.
  19. Yesterday I had my pickup and my wife's car inspected in Blanco, Tx. As always, they checked if all lights worked the operation of the brakes and turn signals. I paid my $14 for both. When I got home, my wife noticed I had a brake light out on my truck. Was it out when it was inspected or did it go out when I pulled in the driveway? For this reason I think the so called safety inspection is a waste of time. From the information I got from my state representative, the bill to do away with the inspection never passed because of the revenue loss. So basically we are required to get a safety inspection for financial reasons rather than a safety reason.
  20. That sure is a big area you're asking about. Have you thought about narrowing it down some or about doing a Google search?
  21. At the rate Kallyfornions are fleeing their state and moving to Texas with our low taxation, there may not be that much traffic by 2019.
  22. I use the Garmin RV660LMT and I always check using the Truckers Atlas. Any or I should say all GPS units will get you in trouble if your not careful.
  23. You guys are making my head hurt with all the this balancing stuff. Simple problem to solve, Joe, let your wife drive and you sit in the dining area holding her clothes.
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