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Everything posted by dickandlois

  1. OK Brett ! Think I need to clarify the part about AC power ! The fans OEM or aftermarket for the most part run on 12 volts (When the Refrigerator is running on AC) Theses fans do not run when the refrigerator is running on LP! Rich.
  2. Bruce, You should be able to pick up a repair / service kit from most Service centers. You will need the Model Number of your pump. The instructions a quit clear. I have to rebuild our pump, but the repair last for a good 4 to 5 years. Use a filter on the filler hose to keep sand and other abrasive materials out of the system. Fleetwood has used the same plumbing setup for years in the area of the freshwater tank, bypass and water pump. The rattling sound is very likely caused by the pluming lines vibrating against one or more points of the structural frame, floor or wall. The noise would come and go as the plastic lines shifted around under the floor or cabinets. I have quieted things down by using sections of plumbing open cell foam insulation and placing them where the water lines contact any hard surface. Nice thing is you can split them open(they are per cut) and slide a whole section or more over the plumbing lines . Rich.
  3. jergeod, I know that Rt. well ! It is not as traffic free as it was a few years back ! You might have driven it more then we have recently. How is the traffic after the Morning rush ? Rich.
  4. The pressure regulators that are sold at camping suppliers are set for 45 to 50 lbs in most cases and work just fine. Look and see if there is a bypass valve plumbed in that bypasses the water pump. If they get opened just a little-you will not hear the water flowing. This valve is used to fill the water tank from the city water input on the coach. Rich.
  5. I feel the same way about the Beltway and the Big Apple !!!!! Chuck, Questions, What Rt are you thinking of taking North to pick up Rt 29 ? Rt 29 to Rt 64 to the junction of Rt81 ? Rt 81 is a good road driven it may times. You can take RT 81 North to Binghamton, NY, just North of Binghamton - Take Rt 88 to Schenectady, Good Road - Then RT 90 East to Springfield area. Rt 90 is a toll road. I stay away from them as much as possible also ! NOTE ! - Make sure you fallow the directions offered from FMCA Office !!! There are a number of narrow and one way streets - and some low bridges in the area. The Rt setup for the Rally by FMCA will have Police officers to help keep you on the easiest Roads. FMCA has mentioned not to use GPS systems to get to the Sight. Many of the streets are old and narrow - some turns are not possible in motorhomes and Low bridges can cause issues an the GPS Systems have no clue in many cases. Rich.
  6. Tim, Think you will find that the fans only run when on AC power. The propane heater box uses a different setup to heat the coils. Yes they are the same, but the electric heaters are warped around the coils. Where the LP heater tube heat passes directly over the tubes in the heater stack to heat the coils. Rich. Note! with all the issues regarding fires, I have no information of one starting when the unit was running on LP. There might be some somewhere. It is had to read everything that comes through the internet. The electric heater coils short out, causing an ark. The ark can puncture the heater tube. then the cooling fluid sprays across the electrical ark and ignites. The protection circuit update, senses the slightest current spick and shuts down the system.
  7. Just sounds like there is a pressure equalization thing going on. Could you run just the hot water and if you have a meat thermometer- what is the water temperature? Also! after you run the hot water - how long is it before you hear the noise. Longer or Shorter ? Rich.
  8. Cams, Just one click or multiples? How often does it happen? Like every hr. Just enough to be annoying is a little open ended ! If the water heater is where you can get to it easily, place your hand or hold a wooded dowel against the mixing valve and see if you can feel the noise. Just have to wonder if the mixing valve has issues? They do not use the best ones when building the coach. Rich.
  9. Welcome to the FMCA Forum ! Could you post the chassis model F-53, F450 or what? What is the Maximum weight spec. for the coach? Have you weighed the coach loaded and if so what is the loaded weight. If you do not know stop at a certified set of scales and weight the front axle, the units entire weight and the read axle weight. Post the numbers for the group. Finger pointing can be frustrating! With a fuel tank that low one needs a starting point. So what is the ground clearance of the tank before the coach was built on it. Did Jayco lower the tank before the coach was built on top of the chassis? Did Jayco install a different fuel tank-Larger one? Let us know what you fine out. Rich.
  10. All Right Kay, Will add your name to the list among all the other skills !!! Just know that it is not on my skill set. I have a feeling there might be a few more on the forum with a good knowledge of the Detroit. Rich.
  11. mexicoboy, Welcome to the FMCA Forum ! There are 2 members that could offer some real good information and if they both chime in you will get good information. Detroit engines are not in my pay scale. Dave your phone is ringing ! Brett will get involved a some point. Rich.
  12. dickandlois

    Super Singles

    The real problem is that if one of them fails, it can cause a lot of damage not only to the coach, but to the rim and maybe the axle assembly. With a set of of tires on the rear if one does fail the side still has one that will allow you to move to the side of the road. Remember big trucks that are running them have more then one axle to carry the load and move to unit off to the side. Rich.
  13. dickandlois


    Thanks Tom ! Good to have the login issue resolved. Hope you got a cup of coffee early today. Rich.
  14. Worob40, Welcome to the forum ! #1 Propane issue. If the solenoid is bad. There is a manual shutoff valve between the solenoid and the tank output. It can be a little hard to see. This valve is installed so the tank doesn't need to be emptied to service the plumbing between the tank the the supply plumbing for the LP system. Replacing the level sensor is a totally different story. The valve motion is a pull to open. This is standard so if no power is supplied to the system, the valve always closes for safety reasons. Servicing LP system should be done by a qualified service tech. #2 is your Instrument Cluster made by ACTIA. An error 1 code often indicates a logic failure. You need to have it tested at a shop that services the Chassis your coach is built on because the cluster is shipped with the chassis. Rich.
  15. tricializ, Your thoughts and questions are expressed in different ways for every individual. For myself most of the chooses have been curiosity driven, and never spend a lot of time anymore in regards to driving, tires or the need for general maintenance, because they are items that are governed by time, millage and the conditions of where one is traveling. So when a choice has been made. Items like what could happen have been considered and excepted as part of the journey. I know that if one lets fear become the top concern, one never really enjoys the marvels of what is around the next corner. Rich.
  16. Ken, It is always good to get a response from owners on there experience. The feedback adds to the information available to all the members who read the threads. I agree that it would be helpful to add some Bioside to each tank and keep replacement filters on board. The algae is a black slime and will collect in the filters. You might want to consider replacing the fuel filter on the generator if it runs on Diesel also. Did you add the Cummings Power Club membership to your file folder. They do come in handy and the discount is also a plus. Good to know that you got home safe, running for 14 hrs. is a long time to be driving. Rich.
  17. Mike, with the fridge running on AC and if it is at the required temperature setting - there is a good possibility that system will transfer to LP(the click you hear) but the system will not open the gas valve and call for ignition. Has the LP portion of the refrigerator been serviced lately? They need to be cleaned carefully for time to time to remove the rust flakes and other dirt from around the bottom of the heat exchanger firebox. Rich.
  18. Klparker, What happens when you run the generator, same problem or no problem? Rich.
  19. Ken, We all started out missing things an every coach owner is still on a learning curve. Just that some have been on the curve longer an know that they have been there and done that before more often. Freightliner can give you the engine serial number, then you can contact Cummings and they will fill in how the engine was configured when it was shipped to Freightliner. Keep your engine serial number, transmission serial number and Vin numbers handy. Also you might want to join the Cummings power Club. They knock off 10% for parts and labor. That adds up fast. Most of the mechanical if not all of the replacement ones are rebuilds, so let the group know if that is what needs to be replaced. Some rebuilds are better then others. Ask if they mind installing something other then there's if that comes up. Rich.
  20. Ken, welcome to the forum! Well you have eliminated to fuel filters and lift pump. What fault code did you get ? How many miles on the coach? Has the coach set idle for an extended period of time? Look at this link and ask some questions about the setup on your engine> Rich.
  21. dickandlois

    Engine Retarder

    Think that is due to the fact that the transmissions Torque converters are not locked up in Low gear. Rich.
  22. dickandlois


    Five. The use rate will be close. Sure it will very slightly because the fuel burn can very depending on load and MPG numbers. That leaves some variables as all the gearing ratios very over chassis. So each owner will need to monitor us rate and get an average of usage. Also the DEF tank size can very. Rich.
  23. New information found-please read my previous posts and I will try provide the needed information. You my need to send me a PM with your personal email address so I can supply the proper files. Rich.
  24. Try this link, the information might help. http://www.winnebagoind.com/diagram/2010/10_j35z_70167479028.pdf Rich
  25. The mixing valve is mounted at or near the hot water tank. Depending on where your tank is located ,kind of makes to job easier or harder. You might want to visit the Winnebago pdf file web sight where you can enter the requested information and get the information. http://www.winnebagoind.com/diagram Rich.
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