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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. If I remember correctly the continuous duty 12 Volt Solenoid is a #55. They run the gamete on pricing. The last one I got was around $24.00 at O'Reillys and came with a life time warranty. Herman
  2. Don, Down here in TEXAS we call that "Almost Nearly" Almost out of the US and Nearly in Canada. Herman
  3. Joe, So if I read you right, it would be best to top off your DEF tank before storing and testing it afterwords. God I'm thankful for my 400 ISL. Herman
  4. Wouldn't it be easier to take a reading when putting the coach to sleep for the winter and when awakening in the spring. If it doesn't meet the requirements then change it. If it does meet the specs then add fresh and crank it up. What harm might be done if all the DEF is drained and there is a bit of residue left? Wouldn't the fresh dilute the small amount without any problems? Just a thought from a guy with a non DEF engine. (400 ISL) Herman
  5. Red, Not dumb questions. When you receive your packet there will be several items in it. 1) Your name badges with holders. 2) A window plaquerd with what you registered for. Plus arrival date. 3) Directions One thing to be certain to do, Come In With Empty Holding Tanks and A Full Water Tank. I can't express this enough. Now about staying hooked up to your trailer. When you are 65' long it takes two parking spaces. Many members park their trailers in a trailer area. That being said we will do our best to accommodate your needs. Come enjoy we'll take care of you. Herman
  6. Randy & Karen, Also welcome. Were your parents by some chance members of FMCA? If so you can get their same F number followed by an "S" or "D" for son or daughter. Good luck and enjoy your new toy hauler. Thanks for keeping up your family tradition. Herman
  7. Mark, Yes your 2008 Chevrolet Avalanche can be towed 4 down with the transfer case in "N". And you do not have to keep the key on while towing. You do not have a locking steering wheel. I have had 2 2008 Chevrolet Silverados. Here is my procedure to set up to tow. 1) Position the vehicle in position and hook up the tow bar. Back up to be sure the tow bar is locked. Then shut off the engine 2) Turn ignition key on, engage the parking brake and place transmission in neutral. 3) Put your foot on the brake and quickly rotate the selector know all the way to the right (clockwise). 4) Count slowly to the count of 10 and slowly move the know back to the lift (counter clockwise). If done properly the the "Rod N" should appear. Release the parking brake and start the engine and place the selector into "D" and "R" to see if the vehicle trys to move. If done properly it will only rev up. Then turn off the engine, place the transmission into "P" park close and lock your doors. I have towed many miles using this method. When you want the Transmission back into "2" just engage the parking brake, turn the key on, place the selector into "N" and rotate the know to the left "counter clockwise. You will then see the small yellow light come on under the 2. You are then back ready to drive off. Oh yes, it might help to disconnect the tow bar and cables before trying to drive off. Herman
  8. Bill, That is the same size jug Carl buys his wine in. But I am willing to bet he wont get the same mileage from it. Herman
  9. Paul, Welcome to the Forum. Glad to hear of the excellent service you received from these two business. If you haven't already done so, you need to write a letter (a letter and not an email) to each thanking them for their help. When companies receive letters of thanks they will proudly display them of people to see. I am not going to ask where your town got the name "Bucksport". Herman
  10. 4cs, Welcome to the Forum. It wouldn't be a very good idea to mix a cranking battery with deep cycle ones. A cranking battery is made for what it's called "Cranking an engine with a high Amperage draw, and then being kept charged by the charging system. While the Deep cycle battery is designed to provide power for an extended period of time before needing to be recharged. Here is an example. In a fishing boat there are, in most cases, two batteries. One is a cranking battery for starting the engine and to be recharged by the engines alternator. The second battery is for the trolling motor, where it is used for extended periods trolling without being recharged. Herman
  11. I just wanted to take a minute to say what a great job the Parking Crew Volunteers did in Chandler.They came early, worked hard and stayed late. Kudos to George and Steve for their Leadership, To Jerry, Patrick, Rodger Melvin, Keith and other crew leaders. To my crew, Carl, Chip, John, Larry and Tom, you were great to work with and made the Family members feel at ease. Sometimes when folks have spent several hours in line, in the holding area and then having to move again, they get irritated (to say the least). When they finally get to their lot, that is where the healing begins. They are greeted by a smiling parking crew bent on the task of getting their coach parked as quickly and safely as possible. GREAT JOB GENTLEMEN. I hope to see each and everyone of you in one or more of the up coming Rallies. Again, thank each and everyone of you for taking your time to come and help FMCA have a successful Rally. Keep safe on your travels. Hope to see you down the road. Herman
  12. Thanks Blake. I am looking for that outlet and when I find it I will do the same. Again, Thanks. Herman
  13. But by the time you check it several timed your egg is too hard to move. I guess you start over again. Do you eat a lot of eggs? Herman
  14. Call AT&T on you att. phone 611. Tell them that you understand there is international calling available for Mexico and Canada. We got it when we went on a cruise for use in Mexico. There was no additional cost. Just one of those unadvertised items they don't tell you about but will accommodate you with if you just ask. Herman
  15. Carl, We don't know how many trucks have cameras on the back of their trailers. Only the CIA ,FBI, and HSA know for sure. Always remember BIG Brother is watching. I remember when truckers were known The Knight of The Road. Now so much anymore. Truck Driving Schools will teach, (take the money) anyone that comes through their doors how to drive a truck but not the common courtesies that go along with the obligations needed to be a good driver. An then the companies will hire these folks with no experience to push 80,000 pound of junk down our highways. I it sound like I have issues with the present trucking industry you are correct. But what the heck, anyone with or without any knowledge what so ever of how to drive a motor home can walk into a RV dealership and purchase one and hit the road. Herman
  16. Joe, This is good information for those that have engines requiring DEF. Is this a test you need to perform when, let say you open your 5 gallon jug of DEF you got from WalMart? I can see it used there, but how about the bulk DEF you get in truck stops.Can an open jug of DEF go bad? Just some question that are sure to come up. Again thanks for the good information. Herman
  17. jumper, Welcome to the Family. It looks as if you didn't just jump in feet first, it looks as if you climbed the high board and dove in head first. Good for you. I will bet you have had some real learning experiences along the way. Tell your DW (Dear Wife) to start a journal of each day on the road. One thing it will give you is a history of RV parks you stayed in and would either return to or to stay way from. If you are back in PA in June and July FMCA has another Rally coming up in Indianapolis in July. I can't look up the date just now but I will post them later. It is in the early part of July. If you are able to come there will be our FORUM Meet and Greet time. This is where the Forum members that are at the Rally sit and put faces to the names we have met there. Would love to see you'll there. Again Welcome to the Family. Herman
  18. As we have this discussion my battery tray is sitting on my saw horses with the Rustoleun Primer drying. Cleaned the rust and other deposits off and when the primer dries, I plan on spraying the inside of the pan with Flex Seal and the outside with a plastic based paint. Just one of the many little chores needed to keep this old lady looking and working good. Herman
  19. I have only air leveling. Would like to have jacks also just to put then down for stability to take out the small bit of rocking. The first thing I do when parking and leveling the coach is to dump the air and then check to see how level we are. Most of the times I manually level. I use the "Chalk method" (an old friend of our's), Bobbie stands by the bathroom door. If the door will stay in position when opened, then we are level. If when it is opened and it still swings one way or the other we ain't level. Carl when you were in Deming (we remember those winds also) and the coach was moving could you hear your sweet mother's voice singing in Norwegian, "Rock a by baby in the tree top". I bet it would have been a beautiful memory. Herman
  20. I towed a Black Silverado and didn't notice any rock chips on the truck, I then traded it for a White Silverado and then I noticed quite a few chips. The paints undercoating was black and didn't show up on the black truck but it was a different situation on the white truck, I could then notice each and every chip. Would a rock guard help, I don't know. I have a small mud flap behind my tag and a full flap across the rear. It is tucked under the rear maybe 2 feet. Could it be re-positioned maybe, would it help I don't know. Maybe I could get NASA or GM to let me use their wind tunnel and test to air flows in the rear for turbulence. Herman
  21. Looks just like 99% of Louisiana's roads. No looking again, it is probably smoother then that. Herman
  22. Red I can't see over my toad but I can to the side. Have you considered raising the angle of your camera? That may give you a better line of sight. Herman
  23. Red, I have also driven many miles towing everything from a Jeep Wrangler, Suburban, extended to crew cab trucks. Nary a problem one. I do use my camera to see if I have cleared the vehicle I am passing. When I can no longer see the vehicle I will then put on my turn signal to return to the driving lane. In the past most truck driver would signal when I am past far enough to move back safely. Not so much any more. Herman PS: What happened to the Knight of the Highway???? The truckers of the by gone era.
  24. kmcabee1960, You may send Charlie a PM, just click on his picture and select message.or You may send it to cadcock@fmca.com. Charlie will respond to either. If you give him your phone number, I can assure you that he will call you. He is great at reading, He has his PHD in talking but failed typing. He would rather talk directly to you so there will not be any misunderstandings. Herman
  25. Joe is correct in trying to find someone to rebuild the motor. I would also try and find out where the moisture came from to cause the motor to rust. If you have it rebuilt or replaced you don't want the same thing to happen again. Herman
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