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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. Chris, I am sorry I didn't have the honor of knowing your father. I am a Past President of Lone Star. This year Lone Star celebrates its 50th anniversary. We will be having a celebration rally in Durant in September. We would love for you and your parents, if they are still with us, to come to the Rally. If you would like to be put on the list, please send me a PM with your information. Herman
  2. I have loved the DeLorean since it can out, even when John got into trouble. I still do, just to old to crawl in and out of one. By the way, on the trailer how are you able to open the Gull Winged doors? I can only see the passengers side, do you have more room the driver side? Herman
  3. Here is another good reason to attend FMCA'S 96th International Convention & RV Expo. in Indianapolis and go to the FMCA Booth. There you can purchase your latest Atlas and even lots of other fine FMCA merchandise. If you cant make that there is always The South Central Area Six-State Rally in Texarkana Arkansas October 25th to the 28th. I'll be there will you???? Herman
  4. When we return to the home base, where I have a dump I will use the tank flush. I will use it several time then fill the tank and then drain it completely. Then for storage, which wont be very often this year, I will run several gallons of water into the tank and add a fufu packet to keep the odor down . Herman
  5. Closed valves=no po piles☺ Opened valves=po piles and sewer gases.?? No Brainer. Herman
  6. 02 Dynasty head lights, 1998 BMW 538 i. Monaco=$368.00 each On line=$128.00 for the pair. (No tax or fgt.) Herman
  7. Bill, when I was 11 years old we moved out in the country from Dallas Texas. First thing my parents did was to get a phone. It was one that hung on the wall and you did have to crank the number which was the long and short crank and each person had their number of longs and shorts. I thought it was neat my sister went ballistic. Herman
  8. You'll know this is a 5 year old post. ? Herman
  9. Will see. Contact Doug Ulenbrock and ask him. He will have to pass your request to Steve. I have no say till the Rally. Look forward to meeting you. Herman
  10. If the engine was running then shut off and would not start after that, I would change to Ignition Module in the distributor. Had this problem on several 454's. While at it, from the look of things I would defiantly change the Rotor and the Distributor Cap. They both look long over due. Also as mentioned before, go ahead and change the Air Filter, and defiantly the fuel filter. It is on the passengers side of the frame Back to the rear close to the Tank. Also a full tank of fresh fuel and a heavy dose of conditioner wouldn't hurt. Good luck and let us know when and how you solved your problem. Herman
  11. Blake & Joe, I found out about a good way to add a battery tender to your coach. Most all diesel coaches have a Block Heater to be used in cold weather. There is a 110 Volt receptacle in your engine compartment for the heater. When the coach is connected to shore power or the generator is running the receptacle is hot. When the Gen is off and or the coach isn't connected to shore power it is not hot. If you connect your Battery tender to the Battery and plug it into the receptacle it will come on then you and connected but will be off when you are traveling. A very simple solutions to an on going problem on coaches that do not charge the Chassis Batteries through the Inverter while on shore power or running the generator. Herman
  12. rmatteucci, In each of the 10 areas there is an AVP (Area Vice President). You are correct as to there being 15 members on the board. The AVP of each area is also the president of their areas Executive Board. And some area have more than one VP. Most have a Senior VP and Regional or State VPs. Each of these officers are elected by their area National Directors. That includes the AVP. Each National Director is their chapters representative at both the area and national level. In some chapters they take their ND very serious and elect a person that they know will attend their area and national rallies. But sadly to say some chapters could care less about who they elect or appoint as their ND. Some chapters haven't had a ND go to a National Rally in many years. Each ND receives information on a regular basis to pass on to their chapter members. In turn they need feed back from their members on how they would like them to vote on an issue. So to me the National Directors are your best connection to FMCA. Sorry to ramble on but I feel very strongly about the health of FMCA. I would be happy to visit with anyone that would like to talk. Just send me a PM and I will give you my phone number. Herman
  13. Andy I have watched a number of "Dirty Job" and have never seen him that covered in grease. ??? Herman
  14. Red, There are several areas to volunteer in, Parking, Trams, and Security. With Parking you will be asked to come in several days in advanced and you will be through the day the rally starts. In both Teams and Security you will also be aasked to come in early just not as early as parking. You will work in shifts for the whole rally. Will tell you more as the time goes by. Herman
  15. Here are the extension on my duels. You can see the flex hoses on each side. And yes that is me in the shiny cap. Herman
  16. cmarq, We also dry camp quite often (be it though in a WalMart parking lot). Most of the time we have driven for several hours and the Batteries are full. In the evening while we relax and watch some TV I will run the generator till bed time. I then turn the gen. off. With the Residential Refrigerator on the inverter and a night light (bathroom you know) I will still have better than 60% battery left and my batteries are 4 years old which I am replacing today. A birthday present to myself. Our residential refrigerator runs on the inverter 24/7/365 nary a problem. Herman
  17. Joe, There is a place to find all of the National Directors. fmca.com (home page) go to Membership to Governance Site to Documents to Roster Book. There you will find all of the National Directors listed by Areas. It is a pretty long list. Herman
  18. Red, Yes many people do park their tow vehicle close, aka next to their coach. That being said. Most of their toads are not 25 to 30' long and 8' wide.? And yes many go out for dinner and sightseeing. We can help you park your trailer and get you back to it once you are parked. You could then take you bike to your coach and park it there. Most people arrive the day before the start date. You will have an arrival date in your packet. Those dates are determined in Cincinnati and the parking crew. There are quite a few first trimmer that volunteer. It is a great way to meet new people and learn so much more about FMCA. As far as your need to or not to sign up for electric is strictly a personal decision. Anything else I can help with don't hesitate to ask. Herman
  19. Don, If it were me, I would park at a very busy Walmart. See the town then turn North on I-49 til I got to Texarkana. Then I would find a park. Herman (Sorry, I am sure there are some really nice places in N/Os, I am just not fond of the city. It's just a personal issue.)
  20. Mike, Your concern is one many are talking about. My thought on the Forum would be that although there is considerable differences between motor homes and towables there are still many similarities. It is possible they may have some insights we don't have. such as plumbing, electrical and so forth. I know it will be extremely difficult to match the knowledge found here but what the heck we may be able to teach them something. The proposed changes are only in the talking state now and will be presented to the Governing Board in July at the National Rally and be voted on by the National Director. If approved by the National Directors it will then be put up for vote by the membership. As I understand, the Ballots will be in the Magazine for three (3) months. The ballots will then be tabulated and the result announced to the membership. Sometime around December 31, 2017. I may be wrong on some of the dates but this is how it was explained to me. This is why all members need to voice their opinion to their National Director and be sure that they or their designated representative will be in Indianapolis in July Remember this is your organization and your opinion does count. Herman
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