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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. drtramdo, Your coach being 9 years old, you only have one year left for a service policy. They will not issue a policy for any coach over 10 years old. Save you money. Just think of it this way. You have a refrigerator needing to be replaced. Cost say, $3,000.00 and you have already spent $1,800.00 on insurance plus the deductible. And I will bet that they would balk on that and you would have to pay the $3,000.00 to get your coach and fight them for months or even years to collect your balance. Your choice money in the bank or pay a company to give you heart break every time you need them. Sorry, Herman
  2. Friend had the same problem with his board. He found a tech in Lewisville, Texas that rebuilt his board for just a bit over $100.00. Same as you, plugged it in and walla, everything began to function. Just wish I could find someone to do the same for my Gerard Awning board. Herman
  3. For the first time Carl is correct two times in a row. 1) He isn't even close to 45.? 2) His is definitely not short.? See you soon. Herman
  4. Understand. I just remember that OnStar offered calling in the past but the cos per minute was very high. Not sure which service, AT&A, Verizon, T Mobil or who. Now with so many vehicles equip with Bluetooth through the radios it doesn't seem needed. Good info.on the program. Herman
  5. Bill. If I am not wrong, OnStar's Cell service is very expensive. Herman
  6. JC, Welcome to the Forum. We need a bit more information. Year, length, engine mfg & hp. Transmission etc, What are the dates on the tires? Does it have the service records? and last but not least, Does the DW (Dear Wife) like the floor plan. Are you a member of FMCA? If are you a member of a chapter? I know,, I know, there are a lot of questions, but this is how we get to now you. Herman
  7. Red, Some very good friends of our have a Rexhall Rose Air and they love it. They bought it new and never plan on retiring it. Herman
  8. Bill & Kathy, As said, Welcome to FMCA and the Forum. As Tom said, one of the National Rallies is a great place to meet FMCA members. To add to that would be to Volunteer at the National Rally. One of the best positions for meeting new folks would be to Volunteer to drive a Tram. As a Tram driver you get to take folks to many destinations and while doing so you get to know them. It is amazing where "HI my name is Joe, where are you from", will get you. Let me relate a recent experience. A friend of ours introduced us to his new Lady. On her badge we learned that her home was in a town where we had a life long friend. We asked if she might know her and it turned out that they were the best of friends and were both involved in many civic activities together. Again "Small World." Herman
  9. Hair dryer good for loosening adhesive residue but have never had dental floss scratch my paint. Herman
  10. I good way to remove items secured with two sided tape is either fishing line or dental floss. Wrap each end around each hand and pull the floss or between the plate and the other surface. It my take a sawing action but it will work. Been there, done thatand got the Tee Shirt. Herman
  11. Saw 6 volts 215AH batteries at Sam's Club today for $84.94 each. Herman
  12. Investment, FMCA in RVillage. Herman
  13. I feel so relieved. All most so I don't feel loved anymore. ? Herman
  14. We may have set a record. Going from, "Our New Ride, First Class A", to hog farmer, to beer, to Margarita Machines, Wow. Herman
  15. Tim, Solenoids should have two (2) large Lugs and either one (1) or two (2) small lugs. Those with only one(1) small lug, are grounded through the solenoids case to the mounting place. Those with two (2) small lugs have have a ground (most of the time white) and a hot (most of the time black). the hot wire get it power through the ignition switch. When the key is turned on it sends power to the solenoid which then closes the open solenoid to complete the connection between the two large lugs, there by sending current to the correct power panels, starter, and many other locations. You may notice that one (1) of the large lugs is always hot while the other one is not until the key is turned on. Notice that the other large lugs goes to a fuse panel that cover an array of different areas. If when the key is turned on you should have power to both large lugs and one(1) of the small lugs. If the small lug has power but only one(1) of the large lugs has power then the solenoid is bad. However if the small wire does not have power when the key is turned on then you may have a defective ignition switch. One thing you could try would be to connect the two(2) large cables on the solenoid together and see if your engine will start and your panels light up. Hope this helps. Sometime it is difficult to explain without being there. Herman
  16. Try lcross@fmca.com . Herman
  17. Mike, Congratulations, that is one bug bite that feel so good for many years to come. Let us know where you live. Herman
  18. Strats, As said, Congrats. I to like to do as much work as I can myself. Like yourself it is always easier on the second time. Don't you just love it when after you complete a job you find a article or video showing the project and you said, "So that how it's done. Thats much easier than the way I did it." DUH! Herman
  19. Never tried the lube or filter wrench. like the idea of the lube and will check on space to use the wrench and post the results here later. Herman
  20. Tim, Two Solenoids. One solenoid for Start. One solenoid for accessories. Power to both from same source. Try checking both. With key on both large lugs on each solenoid should have 12 volts. If either doesn't one doesn't have 12 volts on both, check power to small lugs. One is ground and the other is 12 volt power to activate the solenoid. Herman
  21. There is a wrench I have for my water filters. Herman
  22. Yes I do, however it is on with the inverter, generator and shore power. The plug I was talking about is off unless the coach is on gen. or shore power. That would be when that trickle charger would be on. Herman
  23. Having been Parking coaches for many years at Chapter, Area and National Rallies I have found so many folks will not listen to their Parkers. I always tell the driver if the man in the rear has his hand point left to turn the top of the steering wheel to the left and visa versa. I have many time told them, "The Other Left", "No The Other Reverse", "Please Watch The Parker" and many other things I have said that they couldn't hear. But I still love doing it. I have had people come up to me several year later and say, "Your parked me in Perry, thank again". They remember you. Of course it may have been my Orange Cowboy Hat. Let the Adventures never end. Herman
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