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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. Tracey, Sorry if it seems that we can't get the whole picture. Let me ask you a few questions. You said you were dry camping, had water pressure when you went to bed but had none when you got up. Then you said your husband got the hose back in. I am a bit confused here, Dry camping means you are not connected to any outside water, electric nor sewer. In our 2002 Monaco Dynasty there is a bay door (without a handle just clips on the under side). Inside you can see the water tank, made of white plastic and both holding tanks. When looking at the white water tank, on the lower right hand side there is an outlet with Blue Pec tubing coming from the tank through the bulk head. This blue line goes straight into the water pump. At this point the outlet side of the pump should proceed to the double set of filters and then into the system. Now if you can hear the pump running then the Water tank isn't frozen because if it were so would the pump be frozen and you could not hear it run. Now we are at the filters. Do you know when was the last time the filters were changed? If the filters are clear and the pump is running everything Should be good to go. Lets go back to the hose. Did you husband fill the tanks just before going to bed? If so he had to move the valve to the fill position. Did he by some chance leave the valve in the fill position? If so then you would not have any water pressure, however you might hear a bit of girdling come from the faucet. One other question. You said you had a 3/4 full water tank. Was this by looking at the information panel or visual by opening the bay door and looking at the tank? If you were looking at the information panel then your sensors may be way off and your tank is just empty. I hope I have given you some insight of your water system and it may help solve your dilemma. Herman
  2. Nice calculation Bill. Keeping warm in a motor home in extremely cold weather can be both difficult and costly. That why we will run the heat pumps during the day on the park a nickel. Herman
  3. POPS, Congratulation on the Twins. Hope every body is doing well. Sorry for your problem with the Aqua Hot. That does seem to be quite a lot of fuel. Until you have a chance to have the unit service might I make a few suggestions. Turn on your electric to the unit to heat hot water. Turn the AH off during the days when the temp get above 40 degrees and use the heat pumps. Only run it at nights for heat. Set the heat pump at a comfortable temp during the day. Give Lloyd De Gerald a call. He is one of the finest AH techs I know. Your unit may still be under warranty. Lloyd De Gerald 501-258-8426 lloyd.degerald@gmail.com Good Luck, Herman
  4. Mike, If you are planning on having your coach alignment checked contact Winnebago and see if they can send you the Alignment Specifications. This way your technician will have correct data and not be guessing. Herman
  5. Joe, If you get to a national rally go to the M&G booth and visit with The Owner, and designer of the system, Leon Meadows. He is in his 90's and is still very active. They will not be in Chandler but Monty said they will be in Indianapolis. His story about the design is so simple but interesting. Herman
  6. On an inverter/charger that doesn't charge the chassis batteries, would it be possible to make a removable small gauge jumper from the House Batteries to the Chassis Batteries to be used while camping for an extended time, say 10 to 15 days? Herman
  7. Debbie, I am most likely M&G's most avid spokesperson. To me it is the best braking on the market today, bar none. That being said there is one draw back, it will not work on all vehicles. If the Master Cylinder can not be moved 4 inches from the Power Brake Booster it can't be used. Moving just that short of a distance may cause the Master Cylinder to hit the hood of some vehicles. Still, to me, it is still the finest braking system on the market. Herman
  8. Joe, Any time you remove a mirror that is stuck/glued to a surface there can be broken glass. Try applying Gorilla clear tape, or even duct tape to the entire mirror. It will still break but the tape should hold the shards to a minimum. Let us know how it turns out. Herman
  9. You might try a local public storage unit. They might make you a deal on a 10 day stay. Have your brother-in-Law check. Herman
  10. This time of the year any vehicle where Joe and Obed live have axle (aka wheel bearings) with lube that has the viscosity of the LaBreaTar Pit in L.A. Sorry couldn't resist. Herman
  11. Thanks Jim, Thermister was the name I was trying to think of. Herman
  12. Andera1131, Welcome to the Forum. 100,000 miles on a well maintained diesel is OK. Check the dates on the tires if they are fairly current say only 2 to 4 years old and you can look at any service records you should be alright. As for Chicago I would find another route around it. Good luck, Herman
  13. Sedlers Since I don't have a Norcold I am going by memory. I think there is a thermal coupler in the unit. i think it was attached to the fins in back of the unit. It may have come loose or may even be bad. That is where I would begin. Like Bill said it may just need to be thawed out. Can you empty it and let thaw completely? Herman
  14. rcoon2, Welcome to the Forum. Is there a manufacturers name or number on the other side? I have had luck putting in the Mgf. number an search. Several places always come up even ebay and Amazon. Good luck, Herman
  15. CW send me a card, letter and yes a heavy envelope almost every week offering me their Good Sam extended warranty. "The Lord almighty couldn't give better coverage than Good Sam." or so they say. So I gave them a call and man were they happy that I responded to their ad campaign. Then came the questions, name, address, contact number, email and then Make of Coach-"Monaco", Model-"Dynasty", Length-40 foot, mileage-109,235, year-2002, "WHAT! we can't write a policy on a coach that old, you just wasted our time by even calling." It was like HOW DARE YOU!. I was still laughing when they hung up. But never fear I still get the offers to purchase their extended warranty. I plan on next to collect at least several months of offers, put them in their return envelope with per-paid postage on it. They have to pay the postage based on weight of the envelope. Now that is fun. Herman
  16. sf49erfan, I have found from experience that a water hose connected to a faucet, even with the water turned off will freeze the faucet and farther in line. If in very cold climate it is always a good thing to have a full tank of potable water, empty holding tanks and everything but the power cord drained and stored. If you have or can get a couple of drop lights with 60 to 75 watt incandescent bulbs. I would put one in the bay with the water pump and one in the dump bay. Drop lights have a hanger on them and can be hung so as to not come in contact with anything. Our Aqua Hot worked last week in Beaumont, Texas where the temperature was in the teens a couple of nights. We stayed as comfy and cozy as two old bugs could get. Herman PS: A Cowboy Fan
  17. Now we know how you lost those inches in height. You sweated it off. Herman
  18. Been there, done that and have the tee shirt. Most of the time though the shower pan will show standing water first. And will always be when showering. But good thought. Herman
  19. Just think of all the trees that were saved by Maryland aka "MD" by using acronyms. Herman
  20. It is truly amazing to me that they can't perfect an adhesive to hold the tiles on the Space Shuttle but can make plastic packaging that can't be opened short of using a chain saw and red dye in diesel the will stain steel for a lifetime. ? Herman
  21. And she had a better handicap than you I would guess. ☺ Herman
  22. Shalom, one of the two sinks has a "P" trap. You can use a plunger to try and break the blockage. Put the stopper in one and use the plunger on the other. You might have someone hold the stopper down while you use the plunger. Be careful of the Drano in the waste water. It can be caustic and burn the skin. I have seen a gadget on tv that looks like a piece of plastic strip with knobs on it to pull out the blockage. You may find it at Bed Bath & Bubble. Herman
  23. I have to apologize for my above remarks. I went to RV Park Reviews and it now must be under new ownership. All of the reviews in 2016 were for the most part, good. However if you keep going in the reviews to 2012 you will find what I was talking about. As Bill said it is close to Sea World and one of the largest H.E.B. I have been in. Again, I hope that it has improved. Herman
  24. Bill, Check out Admiralty RV Resort on RV Park Reviews. Unless they have been purchased in the last few years, they are one of the worst parks we have ever stayed in. We held a Rally there and the manager came into our meeting room, verbally attacked one of our members and banned him from the park for going the wrong way on an interior road in his car. The condition of the grounds were poor. It was evident that the park may have been a nice park in the past but it had really gone to pot. See you in Chandler. Herman
  25. Come on now, I wasn't talking about pouring a bottle of Dawn in the channel. ? I ment to put just enough to act as a lubricant. Most sprays will leave build up to a certain degree. Try rubbing a bar of soap on a stubborn zipper. Herman
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