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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. Lots of great suggestions. Bill did you get the windshield taken care of? Herman
  2. South would be my choice. Sorry about that. You have so many choices. Memphis and Graceland, the Natchez Trace in Mississippi. New Orleans, Mobile and the USS Mobile Battleship, Atlanta and Stone Mountain. There are so many places to choose from. FMCA has a trip planning service, you may want to check there. Happy travels. Herman
  3. bt, Give Aqua Hot a call tomorrow and they will direct you to one of their authorized service tech. 303-651-5531 Herman
  4. chl, Welcome to the Forum. It will help you to purchase a battery charger. It can help you keep your batteries up til you can determine what you have dragging down your batteries. Be sure you get a smart charger that will be able to charge your batteries and the just maintain them. I carry one all the time just as a precaution. Herman
  5. Sorry Carl. I am on my phone and also feathered to my phone and am having no problems at all. Herman
  6. John, There is a pin with a cotter pin that needs to be pulled. Once you have removed the pin the step will be released . Once the step is loose I will be willing to bet the motor will operate. I have had this happen twice. Had to replace the motor and drive both times. PPL $221.00 approximately. Herman
  7. Bill . If you aren't familiar with clear Gorilla Tape it is really good stuff. You might get some to protect the DW on the trip. Hope you get help. Good luck. Herman
  8. Bill, Sorry for your problem it must have been some bird. If you are having any problems findings a windshield give RV Glass Solutions. They will work with your insurance company, have windshield sent to a installer close to you. You may get their number out of the magazine. Good luck, Herman
  9. Pj, Both heat stripes and heat pumps take some time to produce warm to hot air. It can take up to 5 minutes to begin to work. Are you waiting long enough time? Herman
  10. Keon, Great looking family. Nyere has that look that says "I can be what ever I set my mind to." While Kyle is going to love the fact that you'll will be there tailgating, out in the MH before all of his football games. Keep on making those memories. Herman
  11. Welcome Richard, There is an ole door support that has been around for many years, it is called a "Stick". They are very versatile and come in many adjustable lengths with a Saw. Sorry I couldn't help myself. Most lift struts come in different length and weight limits. You may find struts in the length and with a heavier lift weight. As an example, the struts on my doors are 20" 80 pound struts. Question, did you replace both struts at the same time? Herman
  12. Brocki, If you have the Dish 722 DVR receiver you can reset the unit without unplugging the receiver. Open the small door on the Front right side of the unit. You press the Power Button and hold it. The unit will go into the reset mode. This does the same as unplugging the power cord. Herman
  13. 855-318-0572, and when the automation goes into "If you want to --- press one", I press "Zero". I get a voice that says something like "Invalid Number" and then " If you want---" I will again press zero. After the third time pressing zero, I get, "Please wait til we can connect you to an operator". Those may not be the exact words, but you get the picture. I get an operator in the states the majority of the time that I can understand. Herman
  14. OK gang, this post started in July of 2011. So many things have happened since then. Don't you think it is time to put it the rest? Herman
  15. Jr. Most owners and dealers price HIGH. Most buyers offer LOW. Then they both work towards each other. Good Luck Herman
  16. Jerry, might the bulb, if there is a bulb, mount through the rear of the lens? If the light is a sealed bulb it may be held in from the inside. However it they both are out check to see if there is power to the bulb when you have the coach in reverse with the key on. If not you may have a switch bad. Herman
  17. Neil, Try I-44 to Oklahoma City. Then I-35 south to Ft. Worth, Texas Then I-30 west. Just West of Ft. Worth I-30 turns into I-20. (no road change they just merge together into I-20. Take I-20 West till it merges into I-10. (just West of Pecos, Texas) This will take you to Phoenix (Mesa) through El Paso. Quite a few more miles than going through Albuquerque. Happy travels Herman
  18. Major, Is there by some chance you may have driven the vehicles with the parking brake on? If so you may have worn down the rear shoes. Please don't ask how I know this. Herman
  19. Have you tried to contact Power Gear? Power Gear http://www.lci1.com/ 574-254-5265 You may have to go to the factory for help. Either Winnebago or Power Gear or maybe both. You may have already done the following. Fuse. Do you have power on both sides of the fuse? If not you need to go back wards to the source to the fuse. If you have power on both sides of the fuse check for continuity from the fuse to the switch and from the switch to the motor/s. Herman
  20. Nice video. I learns quite a bit. Just hope I can remember what I saw and heard. Herman
  21. jr, Folks here can give you advise and commits but the decision is ultimately you and your wife's choice. If you both agree I say go with it. Good luck Herman
  22. Smokey, you seem to have WiFi so try to email the mfg. Herman
  23. Does anyone remember the company that did the original art work on the Safari coaches? That may be the place to start. 775 does your art work have a hidden mouse or rabbit in it? Herman
  24. My vote is for Blue OX, 2017 Chevrolet Malibu and an M&G auxiliary brake system. Too many issues on the Jeep Grand Cherokee for towing. Herman
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