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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. Sorry but that is an oxymoron, Cheap & AGM's. They are great batteries and are worth the price. Did you check the voltage with the charger connected? Check the connections. If they are corroded they may be only making partial contact and can not take the charge. Herman
  2. Good to hear that you found the problem and got it fixed. However don't trash your old power cord. If just the end of the cord has burnt wires, just cut off the burnt wires and put on a new plug or receptacle and you will have a extension cable if you need one. Herman
  3. If your red light on small circuit board is red then your board has failed. This is not uncommon. There is a way to by pass the board but for many reasons I can not tell you. Liability and all that. Herman
  4. Sounds to me to be dirty or loose connections on the shore power cable. Also check the receptical where the shore power connects. Check the connections to the inverter. I thought my inverter was bad and all it was, was a loose ground connection. Herman
  5. I understand. But could you just run the sewer hose, water and electric under your coach? Herman
  6. From my point of view I would drive the coach in rather then backing it in. Herman
  7. Keep the excitement. There many things that you can do. 1. Go rent a coach for a week. If you like it then you will have an idea of what you would like in your coach. But you may find out that an RV is not to your likeing and you are only out the cost of the rental and not the cost of an RV. 2. There are groups out there such as Thousand Trails and several others, that as members you may stay at one of their camp grounds for little or no cost for certain amounts of time. So take the next 4 to 5 years and check every thing out. Hope you decide to join this wonderful family of RV'ers/ Herman
  8. Caster and camber in your alignment will affect pulling in one idrection or the other. Toe-in will have a great deal to do with wandering. When your toe-in is out your tires will try to center themselve. If your right front wheel is going streight the left will be pulling to the left. When you strighten the left then the right will pull to the right. Resulting in wandering. Have your coach aligned. Then have the tech. go for a test drive. If the wandering is gone wonderful. If not have him go over it again and test again. Hope this helps and happy wandering. Herman
  9. gwdoug2002, Even though you have a 2,000 watt Inverter you need to check and see if it is a modified or pure sine (?) wave. Most residential refrigerators don't like the modified sine wave. A number of folks add a 1,000 watt pure sine wave inverter just for the refrigerator. Herman
  10. MikeyO, Welcome to the Forum. Take pictures of the Compressor and Dryer. Go find a auto a/c wholesaler and show them the pictures. Take as many of the numbers you can find. They should be able to find the items you need. These are auto a/c parts and should be able to be matched. Good luck and tell the wife is will get better. Herman
  11. To all on the Forum, Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July. If you see a vet. or active duty service member, shake his or her hand and thank them for our being able to celebrate the 4th. Herman
  12. Lloyd, Check with sone of your local RV Parks. Ask them if you can park for 2 weeks with out hook ups. You may be suprised how little they may charge. Herman
  13. John, I just had the same problem on June 10 while in Cheyenne, WY. Got the solenoid at NAPA. P/N ST85, $44.93. My suggestion is to get one to carry with you just in case. My ignition switch did the same thing. One time power then no power. Hope you get your problem solved. Herman
  14. Steer clear of the Black Hills in August. That is when they hold the Motor Cycle Rally in Sturgis and there can be as may as 600,000 motor cyles in the area during the Rally time. Late September is not a bad time to visit. Mt Rushmore is a wonderful place to visit. After you see it in tha daylight please go back at night. It is awesome at night. Have a great trip. Herman
  15. discus277, Sorry for your dissatisfaction with your membership. With the number, since 1963, approaching one half million there must be something being offered that is keeping them members. Yes, age, deaths and the economy has reduced the active numbers to close to 90,000. Once a number has been issued it can only be reactivated by a family member, such as a daughter, son, grand daughter or grand son. May I ask-- have you visited or joined a Chapter? Have you been to one of the National Family Reunions (Rally)? There is so much more then just Trip Planning, There is the Michelin Tire Program saving members thousands of dollars. There are members out there that if you have a problem will drive your coach back to your home. They will invite you to drop by when in their area. But last but not least you have the opportunity to make life long friends. I hope you reconsider and renew your membership in the future. Herman
  16. fad847, If it hasn't been said before, Welcome to the Forum. Check with ESSEX CREDIT, 800-377-3948, essexcredit.com/fmca. tell them what you would like to do and they will find you a good interst rate and a lender that will be best for your requirements. Herman
  17. calbrationtech, Welcome to the Forum. Your battery cut off may be in the off position. If you have a manual check it and see if you can find its location. Herman
  18. Sorry but what you need is not a auto wheel but a trailer wheel. I will be willing to bet that they will have the wheel you need. I know that they have 13" wheels and tires. Just check your load range and match it up with what they have. Herman
  19. Welcome to the Forum. Check with Northern Tool or Harbor freight. Herman
  20. BD, you should have an HWH leveling system. If so the dump button is in the middle on the left side of the panel. Mine has 3 or 4 arrows pointing down. Hope this helps. Herman
  21. Wayne, don't try to adjust the wheel using the steering box. There is an connecting rod from the drag link and the connecting rod. There is where you can adjust the wheel. However I stand by my commit of returning to the dealer that did the alignment. Sorry but they didn't complete the work and should correct their mistake. Herman
  22. cadiwa, Welcome to the Forum, Have you had your coach alignment done recently? If so they may have not aligned the steering wheel after the alignment. Any Truck shop that has the ability the align front ends should be able to center your wheel. Herman
  23. What Brett said plus: What is the alloy of your chassis? What is the alloy of the hinge? As far as the process I would use a TIG machine. You can control the heat and heat effected area. Also remove every thing from the compartment and have a fire extinguisher ready. And last but not least, use a professional welder. Herman
  24. Your system has a reserve tank that will pressure up when you first hit your brakes after hooking up. SMI amd M&G will instruct you to hit your brakes several time after hooking up. In the case of a separation of the coach and toad the brake away switch will close a solenoid that closes off the air from the coach and open the air to your toads brakes. This will stop your toad . I hope this helps and that you never have to find out whether it works or not.
  25. Aychihuahua (wow) All of our hearts have fluttered a time or two, don't worry. One of the thing I do is copy the manual to keep on file. My stack is getting very high, but it help for reference. Good Luck. Herman
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