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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. I got it. Thanks Rex Coach. Herman
  2. Welcome to the Forum. Your family just got larger by 77,000 and they all expect a Christmas card. 😊 Ask away we have all been there, done that and got lots of Tee shirts. Herman
  3. Randell, Welcome to the Forum. I am glad to hear everything worked out for you. Herman
  4. A bit off Topic but I had a Remco Disconnect on our last truck. I left it on the truck when we traded it. I still wonder what the person that bought it thought "wonder what this Red Knob is for and pulls it then can't move the truck'. Now back on Topic, like Carl I have M&G brake on my truck. It is an easy installation. I had the first unit installed on my Yukon by Marty ay M&G. I have installed the next three myself. The hardest thing I have each time is putting the diodes in for the tail, turn and stop lights and running the wiring to the front of the vehicle. After that all I have to do is plug in the air connection and clip on the disconnect safety cable, then the brakes are ready to travel. As easy as one, two and five. Three and four are hooking up the tow bar and putting it in four wheel neutral. Herman
  5. Whine? Brett you can spell better then that "WINE" at the pump. Herman
  6. Stay under 60 or over 70 problem solved. Herman
  7. Community is pretty prevalent down south. I see it in most stores in our area. Will have to try the "K" cups. Herman
  8. Here are the basic numbers for the forum for the month of April. This is for Information only and does not require a response. April 2018 there were 129,000 users on the Forum. That is up 6.9% over March. Herman
  9. Thanks, I will look into one. Herman
  10. Both Dish Network and Direct TV have RV service plans. Take your choice which one you would like to have. You can turn either one on and off when you travel. Check to see which one suits your needs. Herman
  11. No, to a Self Driving Prius with a really, really, really soft cushiony seat. A Friend, Herman
  12. Jim, Are they both four wheel drives? Herman
  13. Hay Pops, is there a part number? Herman
  14. Wayne, Just like your generator your A-H will stop running at 1/4 tank level. On a cold night you don't want that to happen. Each time we return from a trip I fill up the tank. Less condensation. Herman
  15. I am not trying to be flippant, but if you are in an accident without one, try and explain it to the insurance company. That would be a good lawyer pot of gold. Good luck and I hope you never have to find out. Just my humble opinion. Herman
  16. hermanmullins

    ATF in oil

    Do I remember putting a bit of ATF in the oil just to get a bit of cleaning action before an oil change? Not running it long but long enough to coat everything the drain it out. I do recall putting a bit through the carburetor to clean the top end. Man what a cloud of smoke it would make. Herman
  17. Yes, the Ladies Luncheon are like the Red Hat Luncheons. However do to the rules for a the Red Hat group they can not use the words "Red Hat". Most FMCA Areas will have such a luncheon with a nice meal and some sort of entertainment. So tell your DW to go and have fun and enjoy the adventure. Nothing ventured nothing gained, that's why you have the MH, to have new adventures. Herman
  18. Gaetan, Welcome to the Forum. A quick call to a Mercedes dealers service department would be your best bet for a speedy answer. Herman
  19. There is a great FMCA Chapter that has members in the St. Louis and Southern Ill area called the "Gateway Getaways". Great folks.I will send you a Personal Message with a contact number. Herman
  20. "Howe" has a great Penetrate that is also a very good Lubricant. I still use WD-40 for lots of things but keep a can of Howe's for many things. Herman
  21. Nick, You could put a drain in the bottom of the A/C unit. Then you could put a down tube and direct the water where you want.It could be a PVC pipe that you could glue it down in the direction you want the water to go. Herman
  22. srflorie, With the changed made to the systems a lot of info. was dropped. Just add it again. Herman
  23. I used the bathroom door to level. When I think it is level the DW will open the bathroom door and if it doesn't swing one way or the other it is level. Air only no jacks. Herman
  24. Folgers from the percolator for me, black and no sugar. The DW likes her Keurig with god only knows what brand she chooses. She love McDonald's coffee (Senior). Herman
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