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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. I don't normally recommend a gas absorption unit, but in your case that would be, IMHO, the best option. I have a Samsung RF-18 in our Dynasty. But in your case, with your heater below the refrigerator I wouldn't know which residential would fit. Herman
  2. My prefered method is to measure the height of my Base Plates and my receiver on the coach and try to get them within +/- 2" . Has worked for me. JMHO Herman
  3. I am very sorry but that is a conglomerate mess. I have never seen that much stuff on batteries before. It look like they are in series and not parallel connection but it appears that a Positive cable is connected to a negative post on the right. I'm baffled but i am sure there is an explanation in there somewhere. One 12 volt battery = 12 volts. Two batteries in Parallel are both Positive post connected and both Negative post connected equalling 12 volts. Two Batteries in Series is positive to negative equalling 24 volts. Let us know what you come up with.
  4. sun914, Welcome to the FMCA Forum, I sent you a Personal Message with a number to contact. This should get this taken care of for you. Herman
  5. Chezyrider, Welcome to the Forum. If you dash A/C cool well but wont do so good in really hot weather try putting up a curtain of some sort behind the Drivers and passengers seats. We use one all the time and it help by not trying to cool the entire coach with just the dash air. May I ask, rather then trying to put in a heavy portable A/C, why don't you just run your generator and roof A/C? Herman
  6. Any RV store will have then or go on line and google it. You might even find one at WalMart. I have found that if I know the name of an item WalMart is a good source for online buying. Good prices and short delivery or even some can be picked up at your local store. Good luck. Herman
  7. I may be different (no puns) but my coach is plugged in 24/7. It keep the house batteries charged by my inverter/charger. I keep the chassis batteries charged with a small smart 3 to 10 amp charger. It is connected to my block heater plug. When I plug the coach in or have the generator running the plug is hot and maintains the chassis battery. When disconnected from shore power the plug is dead. Since I installed this setup i haven't had the parasites run my batteries down. Works for me. Herman
  8. Yes Mike I would have them all examined. The balance of the tire are 6 years old and by most are aging out. It appears that you were fortunate and did no damage. IMHO it looks as if you may have hit or run over something that weaken the sidewall. Herman
  9. hermanmullins

    Air Filter

    Carl, Has almost always been the lowest bidder. After 2010 it went straight to the CHEAPEST BIDDER. Herman
  10. Seems like a resourceful lady. I will bet, with all the help she is getting, she will work it out. Good Luck Nan. Herman
  11. Imron, Haven't heard that names in years. If I remember is was a rage back then. Herman
  12. You may have a bad drive motor in the Ice maker. You can find a replacement in most appliance parts locations. Remove two screws lift it off, unplug, replug and reinstall the two screws. Last one I bought was $125.00 plus tax. but that was about six years ago. Herman
  13. Rusty, Welcome to the Forum. Two things come to mind. Batteries were hooked up wrong or you have a bad battery. Even new batteries can have a bad cell. Herman
  14. I like Wally World. With other camper there I feel safe. I laugh when in Perry, GA, on any given night there will be 15 to 20 Big Rigs, Motor Homes and Camper there and you should see the WW in Gillette before the Rally. Didn't know you could get that many Motor Homes in such a small area. Herman
  15. Bill, The new tank valves "OPD" Overfill Protection Device does not have a built in regulator. The way Nan is connected it is before the units regulator and there is only one. What I believe is that it could as simple as an empty tank. Some time a tank off the rack and with the plastic cap got passed and wasn't filled. I think if she got a new tank and tried it she may have gas to her unit. Herman
  16. You can find most anything you want at a Truck Chrome Shop. If your is like mine it is Stainless Steel and all one piece from the muffler out. Herman
  17. Bill, You might take another look. I don't see a regulator on the small tank or hose. I think Nan may have not turned off the Horizontal tank when she hook up the Extended Stay set up or as Brett said Regulator on the coach. IMHO. Herman
  18. Look for "Blue Beacon Truck Wash". They do a good job and are quite reasonable. They can be found at many truck stops. I have found them at lots of Pilot/Flying Js. Don't let them acid wash the wheels. Not good for them, ruins the shine. Herman
  19. Now that's Funny. We came - we saw - we went. Herman
  20. Richard, Without seeing the Panels your idea seem best. I don't know much about solar panels, do these require a controller? If so will it be in a secure place? Herman
  21. Greg, Welcome to the Forum. Sorry to hear about your dilemma. I would google RV Roof Replacement and see if you can find a company that will repair the trusess, replace any decking and replace the roof fiberglass. Don't tell them your budget, their bid may be lower. Good luck. Herman
  22. DBenoit, There will be lots of 'Oh Crap' I forgot ***. It will happen on your first trip and on many more after that. Please don't push yourself to get there in a hurry. You must take a rest (a good night's sleep). Better to arrive rested than to tired to do anything. What ever you are going to see will still be there. Be safe and enjoy the new adventure. Heramn
  23. You want to show Carl your wife taking a long shower?????😁 Hmmmm. Also silent praise is always good.
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