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Everything posted by bm02tj

  1. You are charged the tax if you donot have a number not sure about discount and tax as that is a separate issue
  2. Alot of things are ok to leave but if it is a simple fix with dry air I would look after it also high humidity inside tire is not good for the wheels try to find a shop with proper equipment and maintains it with clean dry air for there customers
  3. It is most likely time and mileage based if it smells ok and clean go home unless it starts shifting funny
  4. A better one http://www.longacreracing.com/technical-articles.aspx?item=70794&article=Tire Pressures - Cold to Hot
  5. https://www.theweatherprediction.com/habyhints/260/ this will help you understand why pressure will rise more with moist air
  6. The tire dealer did not have an air drier You may have to air down and back up with dry air a few times as the moisture is what causes the most pressure change
  7. bm02tj

    ISX valve failures

    Not all tree hugging things are good maybe a few are ok
  8. When the temperature is low and the humidity high you get ice build up on the coil on your roof then it has to reverse to melt so after awhile it become less efficient
  9. Pull it out and use this to reinstall https://www.magvent-dryervent.com/
  10. We the super c owners are lucky as any truck shop will work on our rigs I own a Renegade 1816MG on a FL80 Freightliner chassis 3126 cat power
  11. bm02tj

    Rims width issue

    The average RV does not need traction tires unless they will be in snow or slimy mud I have three peak rated tires as I have been in the snow save travels
  12. The TCS card is cash up front so should not be a problem I am looking into the TSD card I emailed to inquire Bruce
  13. I have been looking into opening a US bank acct so I can get a TSD card being Canadian makes it harder
  14. bm02tj

    Odd Tire Wear

    If your tire shop checks and wear is the same as rear tire I would change with a rear or rears If in doubt replace with new ones steer tires are the most important
  15. Across rive from Quebec city we stayed at Camping Transit in Lévis They have a van to take you to ferry to cross to Old city of Quebec The son and husband are bilingual the wife not so much they looked after us well Safe travels Bruce
  16. bm02tj

    Odd Tire Wear

    I just looked Michelin lists three traction tires that are directional
  17. bm02tj

    Odd Tire Wear

    They will only be on traction tires not rib tires I have 3 peak Continental traction tires and they are directional
  18. bm02tj

    Odd Tire Wear

    The tread does not look directional
  19. I would have picked up a acc plug socket and wired in so you could plug unit in and still have the fuse that is normally in the power plug and not modify the factory wiring
  20. That does not show e brake system if you can find I would like to see how they work I am searching net for it as well Bruce
  21. Sorry I know nothing about that brake type but I would think it would be a spring brake released by air not applied by air so back to adjustment
  22. Yes you can manually adjust but it should have an auto adjust have repaired asap before any trips that is dangerous You should know about your air brakes and the slack adjusters
  23. Thanks now I need to find out how this works Bruce
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