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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. I have the EMS PT50C by Progressive Industries. Pricey but worth every penny. Plug it in and it cycles through each leg of the pedestal power and displays voltage, then amps for each leg, then a status code of E-0 if everything is alright. Other error codes will come up if anything is wrong with the power. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
  2. Are you using an IR sender or RF? RF is much better than the IR and to my knowledge Dish receivers are capable of either one. IR needs direct line of site. RF, well I just point mine at the ceiling and the channel changes. Or point it anywhere.
  3. Why would anyone get in trouble for mentioning another forum and information that could possible help others with the same problem? Moderators, anyone?
  4. Good news for both of you. Safe travels, please.
  5. Some states leave their scales on when they are closed. I used some in Oregon while traveling on the West Coast to get my corner weights. Also look at the Escapee's as they have different areas that weigh 4 corners.
  6. When I needed tires Michelins were not available so I went with the Toyo M154. So far, so good.
  7. Google "Safe-T-Plus." I just had it installed prior to this 4-1/2 month trip and I have been glad that I purchased it.
  8. I replaced a 117 pound TV with an LCD TV fitted into a 36" space. I drove the salespeople crazy when they watched me measuring the outside areas. They would walk over and tell me that the measurement was for inside the frame and diagonal. Anyhow I put a 36" television in where a 30" television lived and had 4" boarders around the picture tube. I installed a full articulating arm and since the speakers are on the bottom I unstrap (for protection it is strapped in when we are rolling) and pull it out making the speakers audible. One thing that has happened is that the hardware technology is changing. The television I purchase does not have the typical RCA connectors (Red/White push on) so I cannot hook it up to my old (2008) combination entertainment unit for surround sound audio. One day I'll replace that with newer technology. (But then the TV will be outdated.) Good luck.
  9. Another option is to get a Hosting Service and Domain Name for less than $10 a month and have as many email addresses that you want. I have that type of service also. I use the hosting service to share volumes of pictures with family and friends. I have had this type service for approximately 10 years and not once in that time have I had spam. But with unlimited email addresses it is easy to swap them out. Here is one service Hosting24
  10. I first tried the metal flexible stem extensions. Had a problelm with one of them leaking, not at the valve but where the braid joined the holder for the valve. Got rid of them quickly There is a company called Dually Valve. Here is a link to their web site Dually Valve. The set of valves may seem to be pricey but I can state that they are worth every penny. Bill Falkenborg passed into the Lords hands back in June but Kelli will answer the phone and she is very knowledgeable. These valve stems will make any inflation accessible without reaching into the wheel. For the fronts I got a valve that is almost a 180 U-shape. For the rear I got a straight through for the inside and another 180 or so for the outside. All my monitor sensors are easily accessible. I am not associated in any way with Dually Valve.
  11. It doesn't matter what service one uses as they are all susceptible to hackers, viruses, malware and any new vulnerabilities in the wild. With that said I have been using email services since the 80's and never have I been hacked. those services were a wide variety of Internet Service Providers. My most used was by Southwest Bell and I still use that service today, although it merged with Yahoo. I also use Apple Mail, and a hosting service that contains my web site. I do run Norton's Internet Security on all my computers. Why Norton's? My former Government employer had Norton's Virus prevention on all of its Government machines. Good enough then, good enough now. One of the largest problems with hacks and viruses on email is when a person opens an email from someone they don't know or click on a link and it could be from someone they do know. I run all Apple products and when checking my security logs I can see where my preventative software has stopped an attempt to gain access or quarantined and deleted a possible virus. Works for me. p.s., I run a program in my FF Browser called Ghostery and I also run AdBlock Plus. Ghostery runs on 5 Internet Browsers. An example of Ghostery's blocking is that on this page there is one item "Google Analytics" that is blocked. There are web sites that have many more trackers on them. Google Analytics gathers information for marketing and business. I don't need marketing thrown at me.
  12. I have met some fine friends on many of the forums. Now that is going to depend on the eye in the sky and if they are reading your post. But I can get their number and give them a lead if you would like.
  13. Forums have owners and the owners make up the rules. Most forum users don't read the rules. Cheer up, I've had my hand(s) slapped on a couple different forums. I just learned to heed the advice and not make the same mistake twice. It to shall pass, or as I always say; It is what it is and then it is what you make of it.
  14. I have the mud flap and the Blue Ox KarGard II and even with both of them there is a ding or two on the toad. I don't think there is anything out there that is 100% protective. I also have a couple dings (Dings being chipped paint) on the sides where an 18 wheeler flying by has kicked up some debris.
  15. And makes me happy to be on my way.
  16. I have been a PA member for 8 years and have saved $$ by having it. Yes, there are restrictions on some parks as to days you can stay, how many nights and especially not very good in the Northeast as they are so seasonal the summer months are typically not recognized as PA CG's. However, in the Southern states restrictions are less. For $39 a year if you stay at 3 PA parks you get a 100% return on your investment. Not a bad deal at all. Yes, PA parks are just like KOA and many other private parks. Some are okay, some mediocre and some bad but even the bad one at $15 a night for a one night stay is really not that bad. Consider this example: Loretta Lynn Ranch RV park is $36.50 a night. Passport America is good Sunday through Thursday at $18.25 a night. So even if you are staying a week you pay $18.25 for 5 nights and the $36.50 for two nights. That is more than a 100% return on an investment of $39. One more example: Niagara Heartland RV Resort, Gasport, NY is about 30 miles from Niagara Falls. There standard rate is $32.00 a night. PA rate is $16.00 a night with a 2 night minimum and unlimited stay at PA Rates. A week in the Niagara Area would be $112. That savings pays for any inconveniences of being 30 miles from Niagara Falls and the ride up to Lake Erie and along the water way is worth the drive. They do charge a deposit for electricity but I got money back. Deposit was $4 a night for electric when we stay there (twice). So don't cut PA short. Look at there web site www.passportamerica.com, look at the areas you travel in and see if it is worth the $39. If you are going to join, give me a holler and I'll give you my membership number for "my" discount. p.s., the PA website lists the restrictions for each campground.
  17. The America's Independent Truckers Association (AITA) has been on-line for years. I have found it to be one of the better sites for traveling. I hope the link helps you. I'm in WA state right now so that is what comes up but just scroll up to change states. p.s., Nothing is 100% assured so pay attention to the yellow low clearance signs. The AITA site has been accurate for my travels but one never knows. Also it has been reported that resurfacing the roadway can raise the entrance and exit to the underpass by an inch or two. Typically the underpass surface is cement whereas the approaches are blacktop. If the sign says 13' 6" and you are 13' 5" - well pay attention and maybe go around. p.p.s., There are no listings for low clearances in Texas on the AITA site but if you Google search for the words 'Texas Low Clearances' you can get a district by district listing and I can tell you that there are low clearances in Texas. Any other state that is missing from the AITA site can be search the say way, just to be sure. It wouldn't hurt to search individually for each state for back up confirmation of the AITA site. What's that old saying, "Buyer Beware?" Well the internet is a good searching tool but it is not always accurate.
  18. I have also had the teeth of the watchamacallit break (not the motor teeth) - don't know how - and had to have that replaced. More than one thing can go wrong with the step(s). I stlll think I got the better of the price world at $79 for the motor. We have a 3 step and when the site is level and the jacks are just used as stabilizer the bottom step is about 4 inches off the ground. Makes for an easy access.
  19. Watch for the yellow low clearance signs. Better to have to unhook and turn around then try squeezing under the bridge I believe that all the Interstate highways have bridges that will clear an 18 wheeler and they are close to 13'6". I had a 5th wheel that was 13' 5" and most definitely watch the yellow warning signs. With that said, I have the Garman 760LMT GPS system in the MH. I put in the specifications of my MH, width, height, etc. and it will now warn me when there are low clearances. My RV Height is 12' 4" (No AC up top) so except for those old time bridges I'm pretty safe. Love the Garman. It also warns of sharp curves and other things.
  20. I had a Kwikee step motor go bad. Winnebago wanted over $200 for the motor. I found the exact same motor on-line for $79. I don't have that information with me but if anyone is interested then when we get home I'll get the information.
  21. Another problem is that we always remember the bad things but don't remember the good things. Most that post regarding CW are mad at them and post the negatives. Those that have positive things to say usually do not post. I used CW once back in 2008 and the experience was very good. I don't live close to a CW so I use other local RV repair services.
  22. Please tell me the officer did not clock you driving a motorhome.
  23. Hey two Bill's, Yep some of those C'rats had some old dates on them. Surprisingly the cans were always intact with no rust showing on the outside. I wonder why they can't make metal that way now-a-days. Spent first 200 days at C-1. Only two of us Marines there most of the time. It was a FSB (Fire Support Base for you non-knowers) and manned primarily by the Army and ARVN's. Army would have 8'inch and 175's and every once in a while the Marines would rotate in with 105's and 8'inch. I think my hearing loss is attributed to the time I was walking through the compound and was about 20 feet behind a 175 when they pulled the lanyard. I jumped so high I thought I had to tuck my feet up my rear. My last 5 months was on Hill 55.
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